Part 37: Day 150: Fear
Pretty much the same flashback as before. Still the cut version, though.
Now we get to see clearly who the impostor is. I'm pretty sure no one who played this game first would know who Riku is.
Music: Sacred Moon
Saix is being an asshole. In another words: Tuesday.
*Xion runs off*
I only realized that I wasn't equipping the ring now, since my level is higher so the damage from combos are basically the same as before. And I'm equipping Chrono Gear + because chaining will be useless next mission.
Spoiler: We won't be getting any more vacation. Organization rules are harsh.
Take a guess at where we're going.
Yep. It's Xaldin's favorite place.
Music: Waltz of the Diamond
Music: Dance of the Darling
Like the briefing said, this mission is full with Pureblood Heartless. Massive Possessors aren't as much of a dick. They might be immune to normal hits (not finishers), but at least they don't teleport all over the place. And you can actually get out of possession very quickly.
The chests has a Aero Recipe and Bronze. The latter 2 chests in the picture are actually the same one.
The door to the Entrance Hall is blocked, so we have to go through the upper level. The chest has an Elixir Recipe, so now we can make 3 elixirs!
The drop to the lower level is blocked, so we have to go through the Ballroom.
Music: Tension Rising
And now normal Possessors and Gigas Shadow have joined to fray.
Gigas Shadow is just a stronger and bigger version of Shadow. In fact, I think we've seen most of the enemy types. The rest is just recolor of previous ones. Yeah, this game reeks of
It gets Xaldin to do his limit again, so that's something, I guess.
Xaldin's whole limit take a bar of its health. One of Roxas' Aero does a full bar
Music: Waltz of the Diamond
Music: Dance of the Darling
You're just mad because Roxas outdamage you severely
Now we can finally go to the Entrance Hall.
Taking a short detour to The East Wing for a Cure Recipe. After that we go to The West Hall.
Music: Destiny's Force
See what I mean about
This is just Darkside. Exactly same attack, more health.
Its attacks are dangerous, though. This shockwave hits for half of Roxas' health and will continue to hit if Roxas didn't get out of the way. 3 hits with Auto-Life (2 without) and you're dead.
Deflecting this attack to its head is how you'll deal most of your damage since it has high defense. Remember, Darksides take more damage to their head. Also, RIP Xaldin
It also has the basketball attack.
Hobgoblin2099 posted:
With height like that, I'd play basketball, too.
And that's why basketball is popular among Darksides.
The orb rain isn't nearly as frequent as the one from BBS 0.2 AFP, so that's nice. Especially since the orbs can cause Shoe-glue. You can automatically jump when attacking the hands, but it's still a nuisance.
Another nice thing: The Shadows summoned are actually recolored to mix Dark Follower's color scheme. It won't be seen anywhere else (except Shadow's Unversed counterpart).
It's a slog due to its high HP, but otherwise it's not hard. If you want to see how the fight goes, just watch the Darkside video.
Music: Waltz of the Diamond
What, no
I spoke too soon...
Music: At Dusk, I Will Think of You...
KH 358/2=179 Days of Falling Salty Diabetes
Twilight Station Tower: 29
Sea-Salt Ice Cream: 59
Hey, you leave Demyx alone! ;argh:
Hold up. First, Axel ask Roxas what he's scared to lose. Then he says that Nobody can't feel scared. So what are you trying to say here?
I guess you can be courteous by saying that Axel got a heart but doesn't realize it and Nomura is secretly foreshadowing here, but it's more likely that it's just bad writing.
Not really seeing what the difference is.
Ah, the result of Xemnas' propaganda.
We got Fira!
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