Part 4: Trolls, Goats, and Bad Puzzles

Hello everyone and welcome back to King's Quest I. Last time we pushed a cannibal witch into her boiling pot and watched her die in shrieking agony. Graham is not a nice dude.
Anyway, now that she's dead, let's loot the place.

New items means new item descriptions!

Now let's jump a few minutes back in time, back to before the witch died. We got lucky in the last update in that she wasn't home on our first attempt at entering. Let's see what happens if she is home...

From there, if you're dumb enough to enter, things play out much the same as they did when the witch stole Graham from the forest. You get the same "Graham cracker" game over pun and everything. Hardly exciting, but chances are pretty good she'll be home when you go to boil her alive. So it pays to know what happens if she is.
Also, while we're here let's take a look at the house.

This is something you can only do if the witch is not home. Otherwise she calls you on it and invites you inside.

Let's move on. This little bridge is on screen C-3. If we'd gone right instead of left at the start of the adventure, and then gone down, this would be the screen we'd have arrived on.

Let's try reasoning with him.

Now, we've picked up a lot of treasure in our journey. We could easily pay his toll. But it's the principle of the matter. You see, you have to pay him for each crossing and fuck that noise. At minimum we need to cross twice. Plus, the single most infamous puzzle in the entire damn game, if not the series, is on the other side.
So we're not paying. Maybe we can shove our way past him. We are a knight of King Edward, after all.

So here's another one of those "fuck you" puzzles. The goat randomly wanders around in its pen, going back and forth between D-1 and E-1. If you're playing with dead ends enabled, it is absolutely critical that you Close The Goddamned Gate.

Like so. You see, if the goat leaves the screen that Graham is on, and the pen is open, then he's gone, and you're locked out of maximum points. You not only don't get the points you would have gotten for doing the puzzle this way, you also lose points for paying the Troll Toll.

Goats like vegetables, right? Well just use the carrot on him!

So here's another difference from the SCI version to the VGA version. In the SCI version, because you had a text parser, you had a little more fine control over exactly what Graham did. So you had to actually type "show carrot to goat" to get it to follow you. If you gave the goat the carrot, it would take it and you'd have to go get another one to try again.

The game is nice enough to give you a warning. The goat is following you, but kind of lazily. So just wait for it to be vaguely nearby before you leave the screen and it'll follow. If you get too far ahead, the goat pulls a Houdini and is gone from the game.

You really have to be trying to get that to happen, though. Here the goat is heading back into the pen, and Graham is leaving the screen.

Despite that, it still counted as close enough. You'd have to purposely get the goat stuck on terrain clear across the screen before you lose it.

Anyway, while leading the goat around, a random event happens. This is on C-1, just one screen west of the goat pen.

Now, there have been some bad portraits in this game. The witch was one, and the troll was another. But this lady here takes the cake. She's easily the most DeviantArt of all of the portraits.
Here's all three next to each other. I want you all to take in the awfulness.

What's sad is the art got a million times better in KQ2 VGA, but the game itself is awful. So, no, I'm not going to be doing King's Quest 2 VGA edition. Anyway, this... abomination... has something she wants to say.

The protective spell the Fairy Godmother gives us lasts 60 seconds and will prevent Graham from dying due to random encounters and "bosses." He can still die from his own stupidity or clumsiness.
For what it's worth, that 60 seconds only ticks down if you're not in a conversation or a menu. So for us it'll last for the next 7 and a half minutes real-time. We'll see next update just where "60 seconds" of protection took us.

Okay that doesn't actually happen. In reality the goat gets tempted by the carrot and then wanders off after defeating the troll.

Down on screen C-4, we come across yet another fairy tale. Let's just start from the left and go to the right...

Welcome, folks, to the puzzle. If you know only one thing about King's Quest I, there's almost a 100% chance it will be this fucking puzzle. So without further ado...

Let's get the obvious out of the way...

So, remember that note from the witch's house? "Sometimes it is wise to think backwards." That's your only hint for this puzzle. So...

Before I continue, allow me to quote Ben Croshaw.
"Zero Punctuation, the Walking Dead posted:
First, think of a problem that the player has to get around... like, say, helping a cat down from a tree. Then, think of how a normal, sensible person would solve the issue with the objects that would be close at hand. Then seal your head inside of a half-full vat of boiling chlorine for about twenty minutes, and write down another way you'd solve the problem that at that moment makes perfect sense to your probably fatally poisoned mind. Repeat this process until you have discovered the most circuitous possible solution.
In the original EGA version of the game, the one that came out in 1984, this was the solution to the puzzle. You see, to a normal human brain the hint "Sometimes it's wise to think backwards." means to spell Rumplestiltskin backwards, thus "Nikstlitselpmur". Roberta Williams took "thinking backwards" to mean something entirely different.
She, instead, intended for you to sit down and create an atbash cipher, where you replace all the letters with their reverse. So A=Z, B=Y, C=X, and so on. Spelling Rumplestiltskin through that cipher would get you to the eventual letter jumble "Ifnkovhgroghprm".
Even in 1984, people rightly called bullshit on that. So in the 1990 SCI remake, the game no longer accepted Ifnkovhgroghprm as a valid answer, and only took Nikstlitselpmur or Nikstlitslepmur. Sierra was nice enough, you see, to allow for the E and L to be transposed.
So that's my long-winded explanation for this single dumbest fucking puzzle in this game. For what it's worth, the VGA version accepts either response as the correct one.
In any of the three versions, if you fail this puzzle, you're not locked out of beating the game. You instead have to do things the hard way. I don't have failure dialogue on hand for that, as I've never actually failed this puzzle. Thanks to cultural osmosis, I've known the answer for longer than I've been playing this game.
Now back to the LP update already in progress...

Two screens south of the gnome, on C-6 we find a patch of clover surrounded by fruit trees.

Anyway, this is one of two locations we can do this puzzle at. The other is a flowery meadow at E-4, which is two screens to the east from the gnome. The flowery meadow has a lot of wildflowers growing there, and this little clover patch is full of greenery.

Those are pretty much your only hints for the puzzle. You just have to find fertile soil and plant the beans there. You all know what's coming...

I tried to create a gif, but it was 14 MB because the screen was shaking. Anyway, that's enough of this for now.
NEXT TIME: We climb the beanstalk.
List of Points:
+2 - Opening the Cabinet
+2 - Taking the Cheese
+1 - Taking the Note
+2 - Reading the Note
+2 - Eating the witch out of house and home
+5 - The taming of the goat
+4 - Goats hate trolls
+9 - Ifnkovhgroghprm
+2 - Four-leaf clover
+2 - Graham and the beanstalk
Total: 102/158
Register of Deaths
None this time, despite trying to provoke the troll.