Part 11: Mooning the Princess

Hello everyone and welcome to the final update of King's Quest III.

That first step is kind of a mean trick. Sure falling doesn't hurt you, but you still fall a single frame after entering the screen. Not cool, game.

So let's go to the left for no particular reason.

While I never showed off the AGI version of King's Quest I, there's no mistaking this screen. Looks like Graham had the well filled in sometime in the past 17 years.

Pictured, Graham's Daventry.


We'll talk to the gnome momentarily. First...

The castle.
>knock on door

>open door

So no tearful reunion while Rosella is in danger.

A neat touch I like is that the castle garden has some plants from Kolyma in it.

>talk to gnome

So looks like we have our work cut out for us. It also looks like Graham is the worst king imaginable. Wouldn't it have been prudent to, y'know, call up the kingdom's levies and march a whole army up to deal with the dragon? Surely hiding in the castle and acquiescing to every stupid demand the beast makes is the worst possible thing to do. This is why armies exist in the first place.

Me, during King's Quest I posted:
In the 1984 release, the caves weren't a stupid platforming segment. They were, instead, just a couple screens where Graham had to walk up a staircase in the mountain. The Dwarf could still ambush you, but it was a lot harder to fall down.
Welcome, then, to the AGI staircase.

To be fair I didn't say it was impossible to fall off, just harder.

If you die on the first step... which I totally didn't do. Definitely not me, no. Anyway if you die on the first step, there's a different message.

It's fully possible to come up here before you see the well, or meet Ifnkovhgroghprm. So the first hint you were actually in Daventry very well could be seeing Cloudland.

Okay that's legitimately funny.

Alright so, a frontal assault won't work, and random teleportation doesn't sound useful in this circumstance. Our transformation essence is gone, our sleeping powder is gone, and the language dough isn't useful here either. The transfiguration cookie has been gone for more than half an hour at this point, so all we're left with is...

Looking around, there's plenty of fire and embers. And if clouds don't count for mist, then nothing ever will. So stealth mode engage!
>rub ointment on self

Alright, so the now-invisible Alexander can at least move around on the same screen without incident.

I wonder if we can sneak Rosella away...
>talk to girl

Fair enough.
>untie girl

Let's do it right this time. The invisibility ointment only works for a very short period of time. You've got maybe a minute at best? But... we do have another spell at our disposal. I briefly showed it off on the ship, but it's otherwise been unused up to this point.
>stir brew with finger
>brew of storms churn it up

>look dragon

>look girl

>talk to girl

>untie girl

I did not make that up. Well, not all of it. Naturally, the Lotus didn't have a conversation with Rosella's narrator, but...

Moving on. Time for the last death of the game!

Rosella can get lost on the way down the stairs. Don't worry too much about her.

I don't know why, but on this screen, the Smurfs theme starts playing.

Good to know. The one magical treasure that could have helped Graham find Alexander 17 years ago fucking broke when it was needed the most. What a useful mirror.

So I'll see you guys next time for King's Quest IV!
Total List of Points
+1 - Clearing the Table
+1 - Mixing bowl
+1 - Trusty knife
+1 - Serving spoon
+1 - I am Bread
+1 - Do you want a banana?
+1 - Mutton chops!
+1 - Fistful of cat fur
+4 - >drop all
+1 - Fly wings
+1 - Gwydion the vain
+1 - Rose petal perfume
+7 - The faded map
+3 - The small brass key
+4 - Stealing the wand
+5 - Finding the hidden lever
+1 - Raiding Manannan's spice rack
+10 - Yer a wizard, Gwydion
+2 - Dried acorns
+5 - Doing Perseus' job
+1 - Harvesting peyote
+1 - Gwydion the skin collector
+2 - This porridge is juuuust right
+1 - Stealing a thimble
+1 - Getting dew
+3 - Hidden ladder
+2 - A treefort!
+4 - Stealing from bandits
+1 - Mistletoe
+1 - Streamside mud
+1 - Salt water
+1 - Pet the dog!
+1 - Bought salt
+1 - Bought fish oil
+1 - Bought lard
+1 - Bought pouch
+2 - Tail Feather
+1 - Mandrake root essence
+10 - The world's most disgusting cookie
+1 - Powdered fish bone
+1 - Deadly nightshade
+10 - Patented sleep powder
+12 - We beat the wizard!
+3 - Spied on the bandits
+5 - Found the rope we used already
+4 - Taking the spider for a swim
+3 - Prince Gwydion
+1 - Powdered toadstools
+1 - Toad drool
+10 - Kissed a rock
+10 - Boiled seawater and put mud in it
+10 - Lard makes you invisible
+3 - Bought passage from Llewdor
+2 - Got on the ship
+2 - Climbed up to midlevel
+3 - Robbed the pirates
+1 - Petty shovel theft
+5 - Escaped the pirates
+7 - Money in the ground
+4 - Confused a yeti
+7 - Dragon slaying
+3 - Princess rescuing
+4 - Homecoming
Final Total: 210/210
Total Register of Deaths
Pissing off Manannan
Tripping over the fucking cat x2
Getting stoned in the desert
Getting lost in the endless desert
Falling from the Tree Fort
Being thrown from the tree fort
Falling off the mountain path
That was a-mew-sing
Gwydion sees all
The better to hear you with, my dear
Eternal slumber
Amusing the cat
Meow meow meow meow
Pissing off the wizard. Again.
Falling off the mountain path x2
Teleport accident
Storms are brewing on your head x3
Where did you go, Gwydion? x2
Falling out of the crow's nest
Shark bait ooh haa haa
Falling off the dick cliffs
Falling off the Cloudland steps x2
Falling off Cloudland
Dragon barbeque
Taking a shortcut
Final Total: 33 Deaths