Part 32: Onderon - CSI Iziz
Well, we've started a riot and took out 3 Onderon guard captains, but we're no closer to finding a way into the palace. Fortunately, Mandalore has a friend in Iziz who may be able to help.
Except it doesn't look like he's here.

Oops. This is the token black captain we got into trouble.

Sounds like we have our mission.
On the left is Colonel Tobin, the dick who shot at us in space. And on the right, we finally meet General Vaklu.

He's talking about Master Kavar, who's hiding out with the Queen. Probably of more concern is that they're yet another group that seem to know exactly who Jedi Jesus is.
On our way back, more bounty hunters jump us. For a city supposedly on lockdown, there seems to be a lot of this riffraff wandering around.
Bah, wasn't the bounty on Jesus suppose to be lifted?

Goto finally speaks up. Which is nice since he was the one who posted the bounty in the first place.

So, some good news and bad news. Good news, Goto talked him down and he's not going to attack us any more. Bad news? This bounty hunter has one of the starport visas we need. What to do...
Everyone keeps telling us Starport Visas are valuable, after all.
The other problem with Goto is that he's a huge fatass and it's hard to see around him when you're controlling. There's also a couple of size jokes in the game as well. HK-47 calls him 'fat one' all the time, and - I don't know why I'm mentioning this - you know those interactions Goto has with Bao-Dur's Remote? According to the voice directions for Remote, he's making fun of Goto for being so big and fat; that's what all the beeping is about.
Now the next question is: why does the Remote have voice directions in the game files?
Well, this is one of those rare visas. To make up for all this we'll go find a hungry orphan to give it to or something.
This is the Onderon cantina. If it looks familiar... that's probably because it looks like most of the art assets were reused from Taris in the first game.
We're here to look for evidence to clear Dhagon from the murder.
This is just one of those off-the-cuff mentions, but I looked at Wookieepedia, and sure enough there's an entry for Dagary Minor. I salute you for your diligence, Star Wars geeks.

So... he's a Republic spy. You know what? Who cares. We just need to clear Dhagon of the murder.

Oh great, he's got a rock solid alibi but this guy won't come forward.
I thought Mandalorians don't hold grudges

In the first KOTOR, there was a whole sidequest in Manaan where you acted as the defense lawyer for a Republic soldier accused of murdering a Sith agent. This quest is its equivalent in this game; lots of talking to people and investigating a murder, gathering evidence, etc. It's also got an... interesting ending.
This is Kiph, a local hacking expert. He probably saw something important the night of the murder.

So the two of them were having a violent argument and then she ends up dead on the street. This is starting to look bad for our guy.

Uargh - what's wrong with this guy's head?
I'd like to concentrate on what he's saying, but I can't look away from his giant melon.
You know those new fangled sports games they come out with these days that let you scan your head in and map it onto a player's face? And then you'd be all, haha, that's me in the game! But it never actually works out because your face looks like a nightmarish, hideously deformed mess when you actually load it into the game, like some Picasso painting brought to life and mapped to a polygon. It's kind of like that.

A broken robot, some debris, and blood. Hmm.

Unfortunately we need the droid's head to get anywhere.

One thing I just noticed now is the TV on the wall behind him changes, actually has a full shot of the Onderon swoop track. They remember to put in little details like that, and yet the game has no ending.

Let me take a moment to point out the bar patrons here have some really weird shit to say.

This bar sucks so much, they can't afford to hire real Twi'lek dancers.
You know, this guy looks kinda familiar. Oh right:
And this guy too:
Because they keep reusing the same damn head model over and over.
This is the droid merchant the beast-rider was talking about.
Leaving a droid alone to sell your stuff is a bad idea. People might come along and do something like...
Well, we finally have the droid's head; no doubt it contains the clear and conclusive evidence we need.
So far so good, that's the victim's body.
Although, if this was a recording from the droid's eyes, why is the camera above his head?
Droid gets shot here and...
... there's the shooter.
Looks like all we have to go on are his or her legs.