Part 53: Telos - Punch the Sith Lord
Last we left off, Jedi Jesus was single-handedly saving Citadel station from Darth Nilihus's Sith forces. But that's about to change, because some friends are about to come along for the ride.
Here comes the cavalry!

Aw, it's just Carth.

You can tell he's still single by the way he dresses.
Honestly, he's an Admiral now, there's no excuse for looking like that. Revan needs to come back and buy him some proper clothes or something.

I don't know if it's visible on your screen, but they messed up the skybox outside the window. The stars only extend like halfway across, and then it's just a flat black texture.

So Carth was at Malachor V too. For a battle that supposedly left so few survivors, we seem to trip across them at every stage.
The Republic ships pull up beside the Ravager, and you can see how tiny they are compared to Nihilus's ship.
Here comes our intrepid heroes in a wee little transport.
I'd like to note at this point that Canderous's entire Mandalorian 'army' was able to fit on board this shuttle.
The Sith prepare their defenses for the boarding party.
The situation and camera angles used here were suppose to be reminiscent of the very beginning of A New Hope, when Vader's troops board Leia's ship and the Rebel troops all line up outside the corridor.
But they end up blowing through the wall instead. Typical hilarious Mandalorian entrance.
God these guys are awesome.
I'm 99% sure the whole scene was scripted for no other reason than to have Mandalore do the superhero walk through the flames. But it's worth it.

This is one part I don't really get; why would the Republic care if the Mandalorians brought some bombs aboard? Wouldn't they be happy that someone was trying to blow up the Ravager?
I suspect Mandalore was planning something bigger, something that might have threatened the Citadel station, and there would have been a missing scene that explained it.

All right, let's rock.
The Ravager is mostly a slog through like a hundred Sith troops. They're just really easy fodder and it's a little boring. I'd like to think there's a balanced middle ground between something like this and Oblivion, where even the easiest enemies scale to your level.
This game is still on difficult, right?


There's a beat between Visas and Mandalore as they fight.

Well, we meet Colonel Tobin again.
And he doesn't look well at all.
Has he heard of exfoliating? I hear it's all the rage these days.
One thing I should note before we start on him - there's a very specific reason why he's on board. It's purely a design choice, and it's to compensate for the fact that Darth Nihilus can't speak.
So you have the problem of a) having to get across the necessary exposition for the villain, but b) the villain can't talk to communicate it. The solution ends up being a secondary character who serves as the mouthpiece for explaining who and what Nihilus is.
I guess the problem is that a lot of players don't realize it, and they either don't pay enough attention to him, kill him right away, or maybe they just miss him entirely (he's in one of these side rooms that you can skip easily).

Well, he's about to care really soon.

Nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky...
It slips away...
And all your money won't another minute buy...
Dust in the wind...
All we are is dust in the wind...

If he sees the forest and not the trees, then maybe that's his weakness?

Well, a patriot to the end, I'll give him that.

There's a missing scene here where Mandalore gets injured and Visas helps him.

Meanwhile, Jesus and Mandalore take a snack break.
As we get closer to the end, most of your party members were suppose to be get their 'spotlight' sequence - their moment in the sun, if you will.
We already saw the Handmaiden's solo fight with her sisters and Atris, which wrapped up her storyline. HK-47 had that giant HK droid factory mission, which would have (mostly) finished his story in this game; but that tragically got cut. The special sequences for Mira, Kreia, and Atton and a few others are still coming up.
But here on the Ravager? This is the conclusion of Visas' and Mandalore's stories. Visas in particular has come full circle.
As we get closer to the bridge, we meet slightly tougher enemies, such as these Dark Jedi. But go down just as fast as anybody else.

Welcome to the bridge of the Ravager. Half the surrounding panels of the ship seem to be open to the vacuum of space, but we're still breathing. How about that.

The concept art for this looks almost exactly the same, minus the bits of debris.
Down in the pits, Nihilus keeps his zombies just alive enough to run the ship.
Say hello to Darth Nihilus, Lord of Hunger.
What's interesting is they wrote the other Sith Lords as individuals; particularly virulent ones, but they're still just people. Nihilus was not a person; he was written as an elemental, a force of nature. He was a god waiting to be torn down.
But that's a lot of telling and not a lot of showing; I think one mistake they may have made was revealing him too late. He would have benefited from an initial encounter showing just how powerful he really was, much like what happened with Sion at Korriban.
While Nihilus is not a particularly engaging character by himself - you can't even understand anything he says - he's not meant to be interesting by alone. He's all about the myth, the build-up.
What he is though, is a mirror.
I've said it before, but this game is not at all about the Sith Lords, despite the subtitle. It's not about Kreia, not about the Force, it's not even about Star Wars. Everything in this game is about the Exile; it's suppose to be an inward journey, and though it's much more veiled than Planescape: Torment, it's still a very real theme. The villains are not truly separate entities or characters; rather, they each represent some aspect of the Exile's character. It fits in with one of the main theme in this game: learning through conflict.
Nihilus is meant to be a reflection of the Exile. The parallels have been hinted at throughout the game: he was a Force user, he was there during the battle at the Malachor V, and he found a way to survive like the Exile did. It's very likely that Nihilus was one of the Jedi who followed Revan to war. Up until Malachor, Nihilus was the Exile.
The purpose of Nihilus was to show what might have happened to the Exile had he not cut himself from the Force. When all those troops at Malachor died, it basically left a huge vacuum in the Force; the Exile chose to cut himself off, but Nihilus didn't, and he needed to find a way to fill that vacuum. To sate that, he began to feed on others who had the Force. While the Exile became a black hole in the Force, but Nihilus went the opposite route and became a Force vampire.
You can see where this is going.

What happens when an unstoppable force collides with an immovable object?
Oh wait, that's the wrong question. The question is, what happens when a Force vampire feeds on a Force black hole?
Kreia definitely knew the answer to that, so she manipulated Nihilus into coming here to Telos. Then she arranged for the Exile to come and take him out.
In fact, he's now so weak that...
...we can fight him barehanded!

Uh yeah, sure.
Well this moment's been foreshadowed ever since Visas stepped on board the Ebon Hawk. All this "My life for yours" stuff? It's come down to this.
1) We can either try and fight Nihilus straight up, and probably lose since he's so all-powerful...
2) Or we can do it the little-known way, and have Visas try to disable him through their Force bond by sacrificing herself...
Which do you want to see?
And don't say both or I'll murder a puppy. Multiple puppies.