Part 19: Episode XIX: Say a Prayer
Episode XIX: Say a Prayer
Thats another eldritch abomination down and with it a newly restored holy water font. At least they didnt make Koudelka go too long without a proper save point. Now where to next...?
Looking at our map and confirming it by clicking on the door, the upper right path leads nowhere and cannot be entered. Our only option is heading to the upper left and hoping that staircase at the end of the long corridor leads somewhere near the Library.
Heading into the room, we find a corridor with a creepy statue embedded into the wall. That doesnt seem suspicious in the least. Especially when the map clearly showed there was a room in that direction. Lets take a closer look...
Naturally, upon reading this inscription Koudelkas first instinct is to shatter that Mason jar full of murder victim blood onto the statue. What else? When this is done, we receive the message:
As the scent of blood from the bottle enshrouds the statue, it begins to shake!
The statue then slides back into the wall and apparently evaporates, giving way to a new passage. May as well take a gander in here. Surely it cannot be any more horrific than Ogdens murder chamber.
CHRIST! Welp... I was clearly wrong with that previous statement. Welcome to what the game internally refers to as the Altar of Darkness. Koudelka and the rest of the gang have zero comment on this nightmare room full of organs in jars and bloody intestine vines all connected to a sullen inverted head. Though clicking on the face will allow us to talk to it. Or more correctly, itll speak to us...
Meet The Creature -- Koudelkas vague hint system. Speaking to this head will provide a cryptic hint to progressing in the game or finding some of the more hidden bits of side content. The Creature will only provide one hint at a time. But exit and reentering the room will refresh The Creature with another piece of advice. Again, beyond that nobody comments on this thing and it has no connection to anything else. It just exists and is extremely creepy.
Anyway, about those hints...
Its a creature of some kind. It says...

If you want acid... get empty bottle... Patrick's laboratory...

Soon... you will meet them soon...

I just worked here... Patrick... hired... me...

They can be seen only in the dark... hidden doors... hidden books...

Vigna and Valna... just want their dolls...

The pair of dolls... The woman turns her back to them...

If you have the research diary... The Émigré File... Roger...

Where is the pendant you dropped?

If you sound the disk... The last of Patricks experiments...

Must stop... The star that Charlotte leaves behind... Or the flare...

That woman... Wrote many letters for children... But never delivered...

The graveyard... St. Daniels grave... And the grave of the girl...

Pipe organ... move... go below...

Daniels arm... Holy strength...

If you go...fourth, floor...hidden...sacred...

Patrick... How could you do this to me?
And thats all the hints The Creature can offer Koudelka. Im kind of getting the feeling Jamess friend Patrick might be kind of a dick. Just a weird hunch. In any case, now that were done chatting up a part timer worker who got turned into an unholy abomination by alchemy experimentation by his boss, lets continue on our way.
The series of corridors eventually leads to an exit on the far side. Im sure between the piles of gore in Ogdens murder den and The Creatures whole... thing... the air down here must be a touch on the
like walking through a rotting rectum left out in the sun musty side. Lets head to the surface for some fresh air.
Crud... Its still a crappy night in Wales. You should know that Welsh hours last approximately 2.5x a regular hour. It's an anomaly of the region that isnt present in the rest of the British Isles.
It seems weve ended up in a cliffside graveyard. Fittingly, if we hit any random battles around here its all upgraded versions (read barely distinguishable palette swaps) of undead enemies from earlier in the game mixed with the occasional angry raven. Thankfully there are no extremely powerful skeletons skulking about.
At the far end of the graveyard we can locate the final resting place of Charlotte DLota, the ghost girl that got a beheading for her ninth birthday. Were given the option to pray in front of the grave. The Creature did say something about graves, didnt it?
Praying to Charlottes grave has no noticeable effect. Koudelka just kneels and prays for a few seconds before standing back up. But performing this action and obtaining the letters from Charlottes mother completes the requirements for a sidequest well be encountering in the near future. So lets just keep those actions in mind.
Doubling back and continuing along the path, we come upon another grave by the cliffs edge. More importantly, we find another doll to complete our set.
Thats both the dolls belonging to those ghost girls guarding the Green Key and its door. Seems weve got another a destination to backtrack to once Koudelka links up with the others.
A cross used by St. Daniel, founder of the monastery, when he was alive.
Its worth noting there is a removed weapon in the North American version of Koudelka Daniels Cross. This was a special Club type weapon (same category as the Hammer, Mace and Pipe earlier) that was located behind this headstone. I couldnt tell you why it was removed other companies still being a bit skittish with censoring certain things like fighting with religious imagery even into the early aughts. The cross is still present in the PAL (and Japanese obviously) versions of the game.
Daniels Cross gave +6 Vitality, +8 Intelligence, +13 PIE and +6 Mind. It also had 100+ hits of durability if someone were to use it as a melee weapon for some reason. Which would have made it a decent and probably thematically appropriate weapon to equip on James. Alas...
In any case, this is St. Daniel Scotus Eriugenas grave, the (as far as I can find fictional) brother of
John Scotus Eriugena a 800s Irish theologian, poet and philosopher from the 800s. While Koudelka has no real reason to pray to his grave, beyond the Sainthood and all, doing so is required to progress the game. So...
Before Koudelka can even begin praying, we receive this message. This presence might be familiar if youve played the marginally more well-known Shadow Hearts series. It may be the only character to appear in every single entry in the series.

<Crip Walks onto scene and starts chewing scenery> Oooh... Ugh! Woo... Repent now! Judgment day is near! The cacophonous sound of the seven bugles will consume the heavens and all sinners will burn in the fiery wrath of the Lord.
(Oh what the fresh hell is this? Just keep praying, Koudelka... Maybe itll go away...)

Err... But I... no... *I* do not die... Hmmhmmhm...

<stops praying and looks over shoulder> ......

Death knows no boundaries! It is an integral part of each and every life. Death is ultimately an act of graaaace and looooove from the Lord! Aha...

(OK... Its a zombie. So Flare should probably take care of this thing if it doesnt go away.)

<notices Koudelka and the grave> Ohhh... A blessing, is it not? Daniel Scotus Eriugena... blameless soul. That man has not a heart to be found in his body! Though I do thank him for building the monastery here...
I cannot say I am a big fan of his work...
Oh? What soured you, my dear? Was it the acid pits in the basement? It was probably the acid pits in the basement. I never understood the appeal, personally. Who wants to walk down all those stairs for some acid? Downright inconsiderate, really.

<rises to her feet and approaches the weird old man>

And you are...?

Hmm... Where are my manners? Helloooooo! My name is Roger Bacon. <shakes Koudelkas hand>

I am a monk from the Franciscaaaan Order!

<crosses arms> A monk? And I thought you were a mummy.

<looks self over> Heh. Yes, you are quite right in your assessment of me. Sun-dried kippers may be more pleasant to look at than ohh... my shriveled up appearance.
For what its worth, Ive seen people in much worse shape this evening...
Ohh! Flattery will get you everywhere!

There was a time when I was hailed as the foremost warlock. Ergh... But my profession seems to go in and out of fashion with the passage of time. Can't do much about that, can I?
Its always either kings and queens wanting nothing more than your service at all hours of the night or its a mob screaming about heretics this and blasphemy that. Its quite a tiring occupation, really. I wouldnt recommend it. Heh.

Hehe. You are a
strange man. Err... Thats if you can be called a man...

<starts trotting around> I have given up being a man many hundreds of years ago! I am no longer a person. Heh... Though I hesitate to answer questions regarding my existence because... I have yet to figure out exactly what I am...
Immortal but you still age. I dont think theyve come up with a decent term for that... Mostly for lack of need. But I havent cracked a dictionary in recent years. Perhaps thats been remedied? Hehe.

That's fine. It's not that I need to know anyway. But tell me. Why were you sleeping in such a strange place?

I have never been able to awake in a good mood.
Plus the rental rates were reasonable. Heh.

Hehehe... And I just planned to rest for a while. What year is it, anyway? Are we still on the Gregorian calendar?

Are you trying to fool me or are you being serious!?

Of course I am being serious! The clock I own was too big for the coffin...

It's 1898.
They make clocks you can stick in your pocket now.


Lord have mercy... I've been asleep for... close to a hundred years...
I guess that would explain the stiff neck. And back... And limbs... And... well... the last part isnt appropriate for mixed company. Heh...

Well, I guess there are some things that can still surprise you.

Watch out! When life begins to lack the element of surprise... thats when you are... walking... down the path to the Looooord! Heh.
I dont think I have to worry about that lately.

<looks Koudelka over and smacks lips> Anywaaaay...

<gestures to the steps ahead> As a token of my appreciation, I'm going to keep the metal gate unlocked for yoooou. Go through the gate... Heheh...
You make that sound really sinister.
I apologize. You get as old as me, you just sort of start sounding like this allll the time... Hehe... I assure you its safe. Well... heh other than the randomized battles.
You mean those monsters that keep ambushing us?
Hmph... The random battle term hasnt caught on after all this time...? A pity! Hehe Maaaaaaybe another hundred years or so?

<begins walking to the gate but stops> Why would you do this for me?

Well... It seems to me that your friends are running amok inside the monastery grounds. They are making so much noise!
One of them just keeps punching everything. Its quite obnoxious. Who punches a table? Even if it is possessed by a poltergeist. There are better ways to perform an exorcism! Heheee... And the other one keeps harping about blasphemy this and thieves that... I know its been a 100 years of sleep... but Im still groggy. So...

Would you kindly tell them to... keep it quiet? Hmm...? Hehehe. Heh...
I cant promise anything with those two... But Ill give it a try. Or at least try to get us out of this place...
You do that... Ta-ta!
And with that, Roger Bacon departs. Unlike Saint Daniel of Nemeton Monastery, Roger Bacon was very much a real person.
Wikipedia on Roger Bacon posted:

Roger Bacon
Roger Bacon also known by the scholastic accolade Doctor Mirabilis, was an English philosopher and Franciscan friar who placed considerable emphasis on the study of nature through empiricism. In the early modern era, he was regarded as a wizard and particularly famed for the story of his mechanical or necromantic brazen head. He is sometimes credited (mainly since the 19th century) as one of the earliest European advocates of the modern scientific method inspired by Aristotle and by Arab scientist Alhazen.
His linguistic work has been heralded for its early exposition of a universal grammar. However, more recent re-evaluations emphasize that Bacon was essentially a medieval thinker, with much of his "experimental" knowledge obtained from books in the scholastic tradition. He was, however, partially responsible for a revision of the medieval university curriculum, which saw the addition of optics to the traditional quadrivium. A survey of how Bacon's work was received over the centuries found that it often reflected the concerns and controversies that were central to his readers.
Bacon's major work, the Opus Majus, was sent to Pope Clement IV in Rome in 1267 upon the pope's request. Although gunpowder was first invented and described in China, Bacon was the first in Europe to record its formula.
Getting back on task, the stairway from the entrance to the graveyard leads to an area weve already encountered back at the end of Disc 2. The gate Roger unlocked connects the Monastery Church to the Library building.
Assuming the two chucklefucks went to the Library as the text narration implied, we should run into them any min
Oh... There they are... Sup, boys? Did you all play nice while Koudelka was gone?



Oh, thank goodness youre OK.

<lowers head> Thats not completely the case... I have some bad news for you. I saw the caretakers. Both the husband and wife...

Really, where were th?

Theyre dead.
Oh... Huh... So did you, like...? Do them in?
What? No. Who do I look like? You?
But fair.

Apparently, they were the ones responsible for killing all the thieves and desperadoes that were sneaking into the monastery. And with good reason...
Or at least a motive that was clear enough. Good might be stretching it...

I dont... No... I don't believe it...
The husband tied me to a table and was going to kill me with an axe. If youd like, I can lead you back to his murder dungeon. The wife confessed to their crimes. I *think* they were actually the culprits...
Yes, well... You could still be mistaken...

You should know very well what has been going on! Ogden was trying to avenge the death... of Elaine...

The death... of Elaine?


<turns away upset> I dont believe it. This is preposterous!

Who is Elaine!?

I have no idea...

<steps forward> All I know is that Elaine's spirit called me to this place. Tell me, who is Elaine? And Patrick?

...... <turns away and starts pacing>

The caretakers told me that robbers broke into Elaine's home while Patrick was away and murdered her... Elaine was a benefactor for the caretakers.
Hold it... I thought you didnt know who Elaine was?
Just that... And she was this Patrick guys wife.
Thats enough background to fill out an obituary. I wouldnt call that having no idea who she was... Thats probably more info than I know about you yourself.
Are we really doing this right now?
Im just saying...
<sighs> As I was saying, the caretakers...

They took it upon themselves to murder every single robber and desperado that entered the grounds. It... was a form of revenge for them...


...... <puts hands on hips and waits for James to respond>

I am originally from Ireland, you see.
Figured that... James O' Flaherty. I dont think it can get more Ir
Could you stop it and let him speak?

Although small, my family had a successful business and were soon able to send me to school, which I loved from a very early age. I was soon accepted to a prestigious university in England. With my parents' assistance I made my way across the ocean. I met Patrick at university. We were both studying chemistry and embarking upon similar paths.


About that same time... we began competing for the love of a beautiful woman -- Elaine. And we had a falling out... I loved Elaine with all my heart. Omnia Vincit Amor.

But love does not conquer all! I soon discovered that I lacked the social status and inheritance money necessary to properly care for someone so well bred and sheltered as Elaine.

Oh... One of those *THOSE* kind of girls, huh? No tha
<punches in arm> Enough!
OW! Tch... fine...

<paces> I gave up my suit and made way for Patrick. To ease my pain I joined the church and left the secular world behind. And being the perfectionist I am, the Vatican made me a bishop and in charge of some very important matters. But it's been so hard to distance myself from one's emotional attachments...
Is that why you blame everything on sinners and immigrants?
No, my judgment upon them is sound.
Can I start mocking this sob story now?
No, Edward... Save it.

Although I have not seen them for twenty years, I wished them all the best in their life together. And if it hadn't been for this, I wouldn't have thought twice about seeing Patrick again.


Thats right... Patrick! H-How can this be? He promised me he was going to take care of Elaine and make her happy. What could have happened...?
A random burglary gone wrong?
Thats far too simple an explanation! There must be more to it...
Must there really...?

Being a witness... to the gory aftermath, I have a hard time believing that the caretakers were acting on revenge alone. Believe me... It was an unimaginably heinous sight.
Maybe they just got carried away with their dark deeds...?

And what about these monsters that keep appearing?
Thats just Wales for you.
Thats not entirely inaccurate...

No... There's a bigger secret we have yet to uncover. <pulls something out of her pocket>

This is the key to Patrick's mansion... Shall we go?
A mysterious mansion owned by a recluse dabbling in misguided mad science? I think Ive heard that one before somewhere... In any case, the gang is back together again. Tune in next time as the trek to Patricks manor hits a speed-bump in the form of a pissed ghost of a little girl as Koudelka continues.

Video: Episode 19 Highlight Reel (You should watch this.)
Koudelka Iasant Concept Art I feel like if the technology were there, Koudelka would be wearing the expression on the left in half the games cutscenes.