The Let's Play Archive

La Pucelle: Tactics

by Feinne

Part 40: La Pucelle

Chapter 39: La Pucelle

Welcome back, children. Err, I guess it's just you, Flonne.
I told the others they should be here. I don't know what could be keeping them.
I'm sure they'll show.
I'm sorry, are we late?
Gordon! You made it!
Of course we did! When we heard what happened with Laharl and Etna we figured you could use the company.
Knowing the future's overrated. It helps keep Lujei crazy.
Wait, you know the future?
I do what?
It's no use trying to get anything out of her I'm afraid.
Ah, but that is where you are wrong. As long as the flower of beauty blossoms in this world the Dark Adonis cannot die!
Never mind...
This is a great party and all, but can we get on with this?


The interior of the Angel Gate was filled with twists and turns to confuse intruders. There was a never ending tide of demons trying to drag us down, forcing us to constantly push forward to make any progress at all. But, after what seemed like an eternity, we reached the heart of the facility.


...Demon Scum.
How could you kill your own friend?!
Hmph. I have never had any friends.
He and the others were merely necessary evils...
I was born an outcast, neither human nor demon.
Humans said my mother was a witch and killed her for giving birth to
a demon's child.
I still remember that day as if it were yesterday...!
And the demons rejected me for the human blood that runs in my veins.
I grew to hate all humans and demons, as well as the gods who cursed me
with this fate...!
And so I decided to use Calamity's power to create a world for myself
That is my utopia!!

Don't make me laugh!!
You may have had a hard life, but don't think for a minute that you're the only one!
This world is filled with suffering people!!
But you know what? They keep on living the best they can!! Can't you
understand that?!
I have only been fighting for what I believe in.
Why should I care about other people's suffering?
I have no guilt or regrets for anything I have done.
What you believe in...?
Yes. I'm sure you have things that you believe in as well.
Your beliefs define what you see as right and wrong.
But in reality, there are as many systems of right and wrong as there
are people.
That's the source of all of the fighting and suffering in the world.
The only way for me to live in peace is to make sure that I am the only
person left alive!

Look, I'm not going to argue with you. I've never cared about
philosophy anyway.
But there is one thing I can say!
You really piss me off!!
So I'm going to kick your butt and rescue Croix!!
That's what I think is right!!
That's very cute, Prier.
A very straightforward answer indeed...
But, I'm afraid we were incompatible from the start.
We were fated to come together this way, to fight for what we believe in.
You have your beliefs and I have mine...
We will decide which is correct on the field of battle...

It was time for our final showdown with Master Noir. He was by far the strongest demon we'd ever faced, but he was no match for the combined power of La Pucelle. But defeating him made us realize we'd only just begun to count our problems...


Why didn't you summon Calamity then?
You might have won...
Don't misunderstand.
I didn't have any doubts or regrets about what I was going to do.
And don't think for a moment that I did it out of compassion for you,
It's just that after seeing you fight, I wanted to try facing you on
my own...
That's all...
Who would have thought that I would have so much human weakness inside
of me...

It's true that there are many bad people in the world, just as you said.
But there are also many good people!
Don't you remember? Don't you remember your mother's kindness and love?
Don't you remember what it was like to love someone?
Your hatred for humanity has made you forget all these things...
That was where you went wrong.
You sound... just like... my mother...

Look at the way Prier is praying for her mortal enemy...
Prier may not have been chosen as the Maiden of Light.
But her compassion and strong will are the equal of any Maiden's.
She reminds me of a divine mother, enveloping everyone in the warmth of her kindness.
My sister? She sure doesn't look that way to me...
You've just been with her so long that you just don't notice it.
But the truth is that her kindness has saved you without your even
realizing it.
You, Eclair, Croix, and me, too.
Wait, Prier! What are you planning to do?!
What do you mean?! I'm going to save Croix!
What? Is something wrong?!
We may have beaten Noir, but that doesn't change the fact that
Croix is the Dark Prince.
If we were to turn him loose now...
I think you know what would happen.
But... We've come so far!
Isn't there some other way?!
There is one way.

It's only a matter of time before he completely returns to being the Dark Prince.
But if we can take the darkness from his heart now, we might be able to
save him.
Of course!
We just have to go into his heart and purify it!
Yes! That's just like what we did for Eclair. That should be a piece of
J-just a minute!
What will happen to you if you use a powerful miracle like that, Sister

You're just saying it so we won't worry!
I won't let you do it! No matter what!!
I'm not going to let you die!!
If you died, I... I...
I'm sorry, Culotte...
But this is the only way.
Remember, if the Dark Prince awakens, I am fated to die anyway...
It's hard for me too, but...
No! NO!! I won't let you do it!!!
I don't like it either!
We can't save Croix unless we sacrifice Alouette?!
That's just not right!!
Prier is right!
If we all work together, we must be able to find some other way!!
That's right. My body has always belonged to the Maiden of Light.
If an old man like me can be of any help, I'd be glad to do anything I can.

50 years ago, I fought alone. But now I am surrounded by wonderful friends.
...I will never forget the time that I have spent with you.
Thank you.
I only have enough strength to send one of you into Croix's heart.
You must go, Prier.
You're the only one who can save Croix.
Believe in yourself.
If you can make your true feelings known to Croix. I'm sure he will come back to you.
Keep your chin up, Prier. Tears never solved anything.
In the name of the Maiden of Light, I forbid you to cry for me.
You always looked prettiest when you were smiling.

That's right...
In the name of the Maiden of Light I ask you...
Oh Goddess Poitreene... Guide Prier into the heart of the Dark Prince Croix.
Farewell everyone...
I thank the Goddess that I was able to meet you...

I have got to find the darkness in Croix's heart! I can't let her sacrifice go to waste!
What is this?
So this is what the inside of Croix's heart looks like.
His heart is still trapped back in the past, in the village where he and Angelique lived...
That would mean...

What's wrong, Croix?! It's me! Prier!
...Have you forgotten me?
Hey! Come on! You know me, right! Remember when we first met?
You saved my little brother Culotte!
Ok, w-what about the time that huge creature appeared in Mayonnaise Harbor?!
That was something, huh?
Look, Croix... I know how you feel.
I can understand your sorrow at losing Angelique...
And your hatred of the people who killed her...
I understand all that.
But getting revenge against humanity isn't going to bring Angelique back!
Do you think she would want you to do that?
(I don't know what to do...)
(His sorrow over Angelique's death and his hatred for humanity have closed off his heart...)
(Alouette... Angelique...)
(Please tell me... How can I save Croix...?)

My honest feelings...?
I feel...
Listen, Croix!
I love you!!
So... So please...
Please come back with me!!!

Thank Goodness! You're back to your old self!
...Please kill me.
My heart is already overcome by darkness...
Even if I go back with you, there's no telling when I might fall under
its control again.
It's better if you finish me off now.
You idiot!!
Do you think that will make up for your sins?!
That's just giving in to the darkness!!
If you want to make up for what you did, you have to come back with me!!
Everyone is waiting for you!!
Culotte and Eclair and Father Salade and Homard!!
And Alouette!
I'll always stick by you...
I may not be Angelique, but I'll stay by you and help you control the
darkness inside of you.
I'll watch over you for the rest of your life!

You plan to boss me around for the rest of my life?
You got it!
...Thank you, Prier.
You can thank me later! Everyone is waiting.
Come on! Let's go home!

It can't be...!
The fallen angel Calamity?!
...No, it's not.
She is none other than...
The darkness that's occupying my heart!!
She's is showing her true form, now that I'm no longer her host!
So she's the real Dark Prince?!
(...Of course! Alouette's death broke the spell that she placed on Croix!)

Now that you've returned to your true self, her power is weakening!!
Now's our chance!!
If we can defeat her, your heart will regain its balance!
...You heard her.
We've been together a long time, but I think it's time we went out
separate ways!

You mean...?!
Yes, you Prier!!
Let's purify this old bat and then get out of here!!


After all that, there was no way I was going to let some ugly bat bitch stand in my way. It was just me and Croix against her, but that was all we needed.


You should have told us that you were going to leave today.
Turning the cold shoulder on your old friends?
Are we interrupting anything? Maybe they'd rather be alone...
D-don't be ridiculous! It's nothing like that!
Right, Croix?
Uh, sure.

And of course the relationship between the church of the divine mother and the demons was never revealed.
The church of the divine mother is now run by people who know nothing of its past.
Prier and I are still working as demon hunters for the Church of the
Holy Maiden.
There are still many lost souls the in the world.
And as members of La Pucelle saving people is what we do.
Father Salade retired from the church and is helping the orphanage.
He says he's going to pass on his special 'holy punch' to the children.
Eclair returned from the trip and is now training to be the Queen.
I'm sure it'll be difficult but I'm sure she'll be great.
Oh yea I almost forgot Eclair and Homard have gotten engaged.
Thanks to Eclair's devoted care and his own amazing recuperative abilities Homard is much better now.
Your probably thinking its strange for a Princess to marry a Pirate,
But it turns out Homard is a prince... I guess you can't judge a book by its cover.
Anyways I hope they will be happy.

He says the wants to continue working as a freelance demon hunter helping people.
I guess it's a kind of penance.
Prier is sad to see him go, but she said it was his own decision, so she must accept it.
I'm not sure how I feel,
After all he's the reason that I'm never going to see Sister Alouette
But I cannot go on thinking that way forever, I'm sure it'll get better.
It'll take time but little by little I'm coming to accept it.
... Well, I'll see you all later.
We hope to see you again, when you've made peace with yourself.
I'm sorry, Prier. Maybe I'm being selfish...
What's with the grim face? It's not like this is the last time we'll see each other.

Sure, you're right.
I promise. I'll be back. Until then...
I'll be waiting!
...He's gone.
Are you sure you don't want to stop him? There's still time...
I'm fine! I believe in Croix!

H-hey! Prier, wait!!


Wait, that can't be the end, can it?
Yeah! How did you become an Overlord? What happened with Mister Croix?
It would be very disappointing if you did not explain.
You want to know what happened, do you? Do you really? Well fine, then. Have it your way. I was hoping to leave you guys with a happy ending, but you just had to go spoil that. See, I left a little mistake we made out of my story. While we were preparing to assault Noir's hideout, we stumbled upon a portal to the Dark World. We ended up having to fight our way out, but right before we could leave...


They declared you a demon lord?
The others, they never really trusted me after that day. I could see it in their eyes. But I didn't care. Not as long as I had Croix. But after he left, the days of his absence turned into weeks and months. Then I heard that he had pursued a Demon Lord into a dark portal and hadn't been seen again.
I followed after him, battling demons as I went. And before long, I realized I had demons following along behind me. Not to attack me, but wanting a job. I kicked so much ass in my travels that they declared me an Overlord. But I never stopped moving. It seemed as though fate had played a cruel joke on me, and I was always one step behind the reports of Croix's whereabouts.
Did you ever find him?
I came close just once. I tracked him to a world populated by humans. I wasn't sure what he was doing there. My scouts said it seemed like he was looking for something. They said he looked like he realized something had gone horribly wrong and, grief-stricken, entered another portal. In my rage I led my minions in an attack on the pitiful world that had somehow grieved Croix so.
It was your own world, wasn't it? Time flows differently in the Netherworld, and to an Overlord centuries could go by as lesser beings would experience years.
I destroyed my own damn world, the one I'd worked so hard to save. After that, I realized that I had to stop looking for Croix, because now it was I who was beyond saving.
But... that's so sad...
How could it have ended like this...?
There're some questions in this world that have no answers. And there're some things that, once done, change your path forever. With this, my tale comes to an end. Goodbye, children!