Part 5: Getting the Letters

Music: Hidden Proof

Top mail There's a flyer of some sort lying on the floor.

I stash the flyer between the other letters.
Right mail There's a small, white envelope lying on the floor.

Bottom mail There's a white envelope lying on the floor.

Left mail There's a brown envelope lying on the floor.

Middle mail

I pick up the eviction notice from among the mail.

There's still that jingle from Hotel Dusk.
My dear tenants, after much deliberation, I have chosen to sell this property. The new owner plans to have the building demolished, so it is my unfortunate duty to inform you of the need to vacate at your earliest convenience. Further information will be posted on the notice board in the coming days. December 10th

I pick up the mound of mail and put it in my case.
Music: Sobering Dream

The letter Kyle picked up earlier can be seen in the menu. It look like a bookmark.

This shows that there are multiple ways to advance the dialogue. Most people would use the touch screen, since that's what controls almost everything else.

Due to the absence of NG+, this is only useful if you get a Game Over and want to get back to where you were quickly.

I think this is the one most people discover first. I just found out that there is a slow walk about 3 hours into the first game.

This is the only one that is actually useful.
Music: Overstepped Memory
We can now finally go upstairs. So let's do that. Upstairs...

New Music: Ace of Diamonds

I'm pretty sure that's actually a typo, not just British spelling.

Dylan is basically

I wish I have a free handyman...

Dylan takes off.
Music: Overstepped Memory

Welcome to the 2nd floor. We're going to be immediately leaving to the 3rd floor.

Or maybe not. We'll just examine this place, I guess.

Music: Hidden Proof

Painting It's a painting of some beautiful natural scenery.
Lamp There's a light fixed to the wall. It looks like it's been here for decades, but someone's taken good care of it.
Bench Some of the slats on this bench look new, like they needed to be replaced.

Music: Overstepped Memory

Buzz No answer. I guess that means "buzz off"?
Knob It's locked, and I'm not going to force my way in.

Plate The sign helpfully informs me that this is room 203.
Buzz Nothing. Even bees get more attention from buzzing than I do.
Knob I thought I'd check just on the off chance that it was unlocked.

Buzz Not the slightest buzz of activity.
Knob Locked. Looks like no trespassing for me.
I'm not showing the knock response because it's nothing interesting. Just imagine variations of "No one answers." The elevator is still broken.

Plate A big "202" is staring back at me from the number plate.
Knock Knocking's no good if there's nobody home.

Buzz Seems like nobody's around to hear me buzzing.

Knob Looks like it's locked.
It's obvious what to do here. The bag icon even flashes to show you what to do.

The beginning of this game feels more hand-holdy than Hotel Dusk.
Use room 202 key on knob I use my key to unlock the door.

Somthing jammed in the door catches my eye as it falls to the ground.

Just tap the mail to pick it up.
I pick it up and take a look.

I take the anonymous letter and enter the room.