Part 10: Watching TV
Music: Heating Up
Finally, gameplay. Let's see what's new in the notes.

Notice how it says "Examine & Compare" instead of "Use & Combine." That means we can examine it.

It does exactly what you'd expect.
Music: Sobering Dream

A new bookmark has appeared. We'll check them later. First, new characters!

Yes, we're going to meet this Rex Foster later. Spoilers.

And that's all new profiles we get. Now let's take a look at the bookmark.

This is the novel. It's basically a longer summary, where Kyle's actions actually changes the content. The bottom left option is a jukebox which lets you listen to music you've heard so far. From the Start lets you read from the beginning while Contents lets you read from the start of each chapter. I'm sure you can guess what Bookmark does.

It even includes a cover for the book.

It also has an "About the Author" section. Notice how it says 1990 while this game is set at 1980. So basically this novel is set at the future.
More importantly, though, notice how there's absolutely no mention of how The Secret Word is stolen. Looks like Martin didn't publicize his plagiarism. Either Martin lied at the epilogue of that game or this game forgot about that. Either way it deserves a

Each chapter even has its own title. I won't be showing them all now, since...

I won't fill this post up with

There's also these classified files. You can just open it and then load the save before you open it, but I won't. These are extra information obtained from Martin's research and sometimes it contains hints for the next chapter, which might be why it's forbidden to open it now.
Music: Heating Up

Anyway, back to the game. We just move around a little and...

The addition of the phone button is amazing

With the receiver pressed against my ear, I hear a familiar voice.

Music :Serenity

Yes, the game bothered to make different sprites for Kyle picking up the phone before/after getting dressed. More importantly, he actually used his left ear this time!

I'm actually more surprised that this didn't happen earlier.

That's what I said.

Honestly, Ed's doing you more of a favor than a punishment with that.

Among all the British English grammar and spelling, I'm surprised they used 'mom' instead of 'mum.'

Music stops

In NG you won't even tell her about Bradley.

Did you notice that the pager was off? Neither do I! Not that it matters, really.

TV There's a TV on the table. Doesn't look like much, but at least it works.
The shows are actually different now, so let's take a look at them first.
Music: Precocious Circumstances

Music stops

"Let the sweet lemon taste of Cool Pop fire your neurons and tickle your taste buds!"

I can hear the audience laughing every few seconds.

will be giving his campaign speech momentarily. And 5 News is here with live coverage of that speech. Stay tuned.

Speck is a retired LAPD officer, and is even now working to stamp out petty and organised crime in the city.

Don't forget to tune in! This is Robert Harrison for 5 News, signing off.
We don't get to hear the speech, apparently. What kind of news reports a speech event but not the speech itself?

After that, we walk a few steps and hear a buzzer.

Another quality of life addition: We can actually open the door from anywhere in the screen, not just from right in front of it. It's more minor than the phone, but useful nonetheless.

Oh, wonderful.