Part 127: Spotting

This one is just a "Spot the Difference" minigame. Unlike the last game, we're not told explicitly what it is beforehand.

It's still very obvious, though.

Now should be a good time to have another look at our loots from the last two confrontations.
Music: Sobering Dream

We wouldn't need the pipe or the chair if we got sprayed after Tony gave us the crowbar.
Not that it matters much since the door is going to be destroyed either way

I'm amazed that Frank manages to remember the exact key he gave to Gregory. He's still incompetent at actually investigating, though.

Obviously the sketch shows the places we need to investigate, but there's something else we can do right now.

We can compare the two hotel photos again, but Kyle will just reiterate the different number of windows.

Instead, what we're going to do is combine postcard piece with torn postcard.
I put the two parts of the postcard together.

While we're at it, let's look at some updated character profiles too.

Surprisingly Hugh, Mags, George, Michael and Kathy all had their description unchanged.
Music: Deep Distrust
With that done, let's look at the spots from the sketch.

Bed There's a huge bed on this side of the room. The mattress culd really do with being turned.

Condor The headboard has a small engraving of a condor on it.

This is pretty much just like that apple paintings section from Hotel Dusk. Except it's not as tedious.

Closet There's an old-looking closet at the back of the room. There's nothing inside.

Condor There's a small condor mark engraved on the inside of the closet door.

I personally feel like filling the drawings is just a waste of ink, but you do you.

Middle chair There's a wooden chair. The leather covering's gotten pretty tattered and worn.

Condor There's a small condor mark engraved on the side.

I don't know why they decided to add these marks to random furniture around the floor. Dunning hiding his daughter's name within several paintings made more sense, at least.

Desk There's a small desk with an open drawer. There's nothing inside.

Condor There's a small condor mark engraved on the side.

It would've been better if we can see these marks subtly

Dresser This dresser's in desperate need of some attention from a feather duster.

Condor There's a small condor mark engraved onto the dresser.

The one in Room 406 doesn't count, apparently.

I don't think we've examined before. None of the windows in the other floors can be examined, in any case.
Window The window's encrusted with dust.

Condor There's a small condor mark engraved into the window frame.

You hear that? Sounds like it's time for another

So how do we enter the secret room? As a reminder, the note on the sketch reads "The far side of the moon".