Part 154: Spoiler Update K
Her and her husband not getting along

It was about her and her husband not getting along.

That's it, isn't it, Dylan?

And what use would that kind of information be to anyone?

Was I wrong?

Music: Joke's On You

Mr Hyde.

Quit trying to pin some crazy accusations on me, will you?

You've got nothing on me to begin with. Nothing whatsoever.

Some detective.

Watch your mouth, Dylan!

Are you quite finished? If you keep pestering me, I guess I'll have no choice but to let Mrs Patrice know.


Of course, if you'd rather I didn't...

I suggest you get out of here right away.

Come on, gimme a break!
Dylan kicks me out of his room.

I was so close...

Looks like I underestimated Dylan...

I should've pressured him far more than that.
Music: Dream's End
Dylan: 9
Tony: 7
Mags: 5
Frank: 4
Charles: 3
Betty: 2
Sidney: 2
Marie: 2
Rex: 1
Will: 1
Punch: 7