Part 52: Selling to Betty
Music: Gusty Town
Maybe we should clear ourselves. We do want Betty to buy our products, after all.
By the way, ALL of this update is in the alternate timeline.

I have to confess, I have

"Going through" is a bit strong, but yeah, I have.


I thought you were acting a little strange when we met in the lobby earlier... I was wondering what made you act like that,

So I headed to the laundry and saw the dress.


About the dress...

I know what you're going to say, and it's terrible!

What am I going to do?

Slow down, Betty. Tell me what happened.
Music stops

Of course, I took it straight to the laundry to wash, but I couldn't get the stains out. I had to take extra care so the pattern didn't fade during the wash,

But if I can't get the thing clean, I'm gonna have to pay for a new one!

What am I gonna do?
Failing here makes her mad at us for trying to sell her stuff instead of looking at her laundry.

Music: Dancing Cat

I might be able to help you out.

Really? How?
Betty Flowchart posted:
Don't press -> Fail
I have to confess, I have -> Next
No, why would I do that? -> Fail
Don't press -> Fail
You'd better get your purse out -> Fail
I might be able to help you out -> Success
Music: Gusty Town
Obviously, we should sell the detergent, but let's sell the bleach instead. What's the worst that could happen
Show powerful bleach
Music: Dancing Cat

Here, take a look at this.
I hand Betty some powerful bleach.

This is bleach, right?

It's one of the items I'm selling.

This is guaranteed to bring out the white in any item of clothing.

And you think this will get those stains out of the dress?

I'm sure of it!

How much are you selling it for?

Just $3.

Here's the money.


Thanks, Mr Hyde, I'll give this a try.
Betty leaves.

(Okay... Now I've just gotta make a sale to one more person and I'll prove my commitment to Ed.)
Music: Overstepped Memory
If we try to do anything after this...

(Right. Wonder if Betty got the stains out of that dress.)

(Maybe I should go and take a look in the laundry.)
I guess we should go to the laundry then.
Music: Joke's On You

Mr Hyde!

You weren't kidding when you said the bleach you sold me was strong!

Yeah, and then some.

Thanks to you, the whole thing has gone white, including the pattern! It's completely faded!


I hope you're gonna take responsibility for this!

You owe me the money for a replacement!
Music: Dream's End

(Just my luck! You'd think I'd know that you shouldn't bleach a patterned dress like that.)

(Now I think about it...)

Oh, come on! The guidelines were written on it all along.
Tony: 6
Frank: 3
Mags: 2
Dylan: 2
Rex: 1
Marie: 1
Charles: 1
Betty: 1
To be fair, if you get this Game Over than you're either an idiot, not paying enough attention, or just want to see what will happen.
Music: Gusty Town
Show concentrated detergent

Here, take a look at this.
I hand Betty some concentrated detergent.

I don't think I've used this type before.

It's one of the items I'm selling.

It'll get any type of stain out without damaging the colours.

Sounds good. Do you think it'll remove the stains from the dress too?

Yeah, no problem at all.

How much are you selling it for?

For you, $3.
"For you"? And you said that you're bad at pitching

I'll give it a shot.

You know it makes sense.

Here's the money.


Thanks, Mr Hyde, I'll give this a try.
Betty walks away.

(I'm glad Betty agreed to buy something from me. Things are looking up. Now I've just gotta make a sale to one more person and I'll prove my commitment to Ed.)
Music: Overstepped Memory
Music: Sorrowful Nightfall
We might've sold the detergent to Betty, but we can sell another thing to her.
Music: Dancing Cat

What is it, Mr Hyde?

I've got some things I'd really like to show you.


Well, as you know it's gonna be Christmas soon.

I thought you might be interested in some of the items I've got.

I pass Betty the snow globe.

Oh, a snow globe!

That's right.

You know, when I look at this, it reminds me of somebody. Somebody I used to feel very dearly about. My first love, actually.

The reason being that this is very similar to the first present I gave him. It was a snow globe, too.

He was a real handsome guy.

Shame he ended up cheating on me!

Your first love, huh?

Yeah, I know, it's a corny story and all.

Sound like you have some good memories, though.

Yeah, I do.

Say, Mr Hyde, how much are you asking for this?

I'd say around $3.

Oh, I can't resist. I'll take it!

Glad it's going to a good home.

Thank you, Mr Hyde.

I'll see you later.
And if we talk to her again...

You're a great salesman, Mr Hyde. Nothing but quality goods.

That's quite a compliment.
It is. Shame that this timeline isn't what we're actually going with.