Part 60: Zooming and Enhancing

So do you see who's here?
tomanton posted:
Is Hugh Speck up front, smiling even at a time like that?
Um, we can't really tell. It could be either Peter Rivet, Hugh Speck, or Mike Porter. I'm honestly surprised no one mentioned the obvious person.

Of course Marie's there. Remember, the people who found Kathy's body was her husband and her brother.
Hobgoblin2099 posted:
I see you back there, Rex.

Looks like we're not done with them even after their confrontation.

An unsolved case... What do I hope to reveal by looking into such an old case?

Let's go to the café. The clue should be there.

The door of room 203 is open. I can hear somebody's voice from inside.

Of course you do. Or at least you should. It's Betty's room, after all.
"That dress looked good on you. I had a great time yesterday."
After the voices stop, somebody leaves the room.

See what I mean?

Music: Overstepped Memory

Looks like Rex left and Betty is too occupied to listen to us. Let's rectify that.

Music: Dancing Cat

That's what she said if we pissed her off earlier.

(Do you know him?)

Music: Gusty Town

Show 1967 hotel photo

Show funeral photo

I can't believe I'm saying this, but poor Tony

Okay, if you say so

This makes me actually worried for Tony, though

Betty finishes talking and does just that.

Music: Overstepped Memory

Knock "I'm a little busy at the moment, can you come back later?" I hear Betty's voice from inside the room.
Well, we also have somewhere to be, so off we go.

There was actually a pan shot here, but I don't think you guys need another pan shot of the café with Claire.
New Music: Impervious to Love

New music! It's been a while.
Music: Glass in the Hand

Music: Impervious to Love

Sidney isn't here anymore and this is our last day to trade the crossword. So our final chance to do that was right before we got the letter at Kyle's door.
Music: Hidden Proof

Paper There's something stuck under the table.


Must have been written on an old-fashioned typewriter. It reads: "The reward for finding the item is the truth of 25 years ago. You'll find part of the truth included here."

Whoever makes this request must be a cheapskate. At least that means Rex isn't the one

The extract is from 1955 and reads: "On December 17th, early in the morning, a body was discovered in a downtown parking lot near the city hall. The victim appears to have been shot. After initial forensic checks, it was determined that the victim, a man in his 30s, bled to death after receiving a gunshot wound to the chest. The police believe that he was murdered elsewhere roughly two days before, and that he was moved to the parking lot soon after being murdered."