Part 77: Chapter 6 Quiz
Music: Clearing the Mist
I grabbed a drink from the vending machine in the lobby, then called Rachel. She told me...

Tony's song would be on the radio

The elevator had been fixed

About the Hotel Cape West emblem

After that I came across Marie in the second floor hallway, coming out of Betty's room. I returned to my room and called Red Crown. Ed was there, and he had some light to shed on Frank's past. He told me...

Frank lost the poisoned wine bottle

He found Kathy's body in room 404

I completely forgot about the lost poisoned bottle. I don't remember this game as well as Hotel Dusk.
He was disgraced by Hugh Speck

Marie wanted Betty to buy something from her. It was...

A magnifying glass

A lid

A ring

I used his magnifying glass to take a closer look at Marie's ring. I discovered a small mark that had been engraved onto the base. It was identical to the one Dylan had sketched in his notebook. It was...

A star

An angel

A condor

It was the spare key to room 205 and she had borrowed it on behalf of Rex. I got the key from Charles, and took the opportunity to take a look around 205 myself. I tried out a typewriter I found there and discovered...
The "s" letter was slightly skewed

The "r" letter was slightly skewed

The "t" letter was slightly skewed

Unfortunately, talking to her didn't answer this question. The riddle behind the condor appearing on both Marie's ring and in room 406, together with Frank's connection to the incident 13 years ago... With past and present colliding like this, I'm left with even more questions. There's still no concrete link between these events and the lost Scarlet Star.