Part 1: Episode 1: First Block
with Deep-Friar and Mush Man
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Our journey begins! This episode is basically travel preparations as I dip into the dungeon a couple times to get important items to make life easier later.
Items we get:
- Glove
- Spiked Boots
- Mattock
- Dragon Shield
We also get a sacred orb we don't have to backtrack out of Xemn's area, to hell with that crap. We'll be back in block hell once more later to finish it.
Notes on the route:
To get the Dragon Shield we need to hang on to 95 gold right up until Lyll can pick it up from the hidden store. I max up my gold by picking up a big bag of gold shortly after getting the glove. I do it after because I can get gold drops easier when my gold total is lower. The game has a weird mechanic where the more of one resource you have (HP, MP, Keys, Gold) the less likely enemies are to drop it. It prioritizes the lowest resource. This means I can only use the inn once in the entire video. It's much more lenient from there on, I just want the shield ASAP.
Don't feel intimidated by the glove just yet, when we go back to Xemn's area I'll show off how to use the glove in more detail.
Next time, Pochi steps up to the plate!