Part 3: Lang meets his Dream Boy
Chapter 2 Lang meets his Dream BoyWhere we last left off, Lang had just had a strange nightmare.
Lang wakes up the next day, seemingly no worse for wear.

Nancy is the only person we can talk to before things really kick into gear at Casa Galvan.

Monde interrupts everyone before anything can happen.
Now Playing Decadence and Corruption
(Considering both the name and where this track is used later on, this is a weird one to play for this scene)

We are immediately taken outside, where the whole village has gathered around an injured Boerto.
Jill: My husband will my husband be all right?

Monde: No that was no .it was not a man, it was a demon
This section really highlights how much the game loves ellipsis.

Nancy comes running with Aston in tow.

Edouard: Go .where?

As usual, this is a non-choice which only serves to flavour your response.
We choose to assume were going.

Edouard and Galvan then rush off out the gate.

Lang is conscripted into hauling Boerto back to Galvans house. Not that we see him do anything, as the scene ends here.

The next scene opens with Jill presumably awaiting her husbands treatment.

Boerto: As Vigilance Corps officers, were doing what we can

Hawke returns from treating Boerto.
Jill: Mr. Hawke!! My husband Is my husband
Hawke: Hell be fine, hell live .He should stay in bed for a while, but he should be okay.
Jill: Sob .Mr. Hawke, thank you so much!
Yes, once again, sob is written like a word. Its not even between asterisks like *COUGH*.
Jill runs off to be by her husbands side.

Hawke: I see Galvan has gone out there I hope that he is safe.
We are presented with a choice to either go after Galvan or wait. But as usual, this is a non-choice, because picking to wait just has Aston tell you to go.
But cocky Lang does not wait for orders.

Aston: Fine. Lang, Ill take care of things on this end. You go and help out the leader and the rest of them.

Lang ends the conversation with naught but a pump of his fist.
We are now free to move and talk to people.

Aston: Dont worry about the town Just go and do what it is you must do .
Hawke: Lang, you must be careful out there.
We can even talk to Dein, who is at least conscious now.
Dein: .Oh. Its you .Whats up?
Dein: .They got Boerto at Hunters Wood?.....this is a bad sign .
Dein: Im injured! Whats it got to do with me? Im going to sleep!

Marcus is also up.
Marcus: What in the world is going on ? Whats all the commotion about .
Marcus: What?! At Hunters Wood again? What is going on?
Marcus: I would go to Hunters Wood too, if I could stand.

Jill and Boerto are in Hawkes room. For obvious reasons, Boerto hasnt got anything to say.
Before you can leave the house, Nancy interrupts you.

Now nothing can stop us leaving.
The townsfolk have all kinds of things to say now, but Ill focus on a few key quotes.

As you might have guessed, its raining now in game.
And as everyone is saying, it doesnt rain much, if at all, in Nohl.
That means theres no way to replenish their water supply except via the Aqualith.

Despite rain being peculiar in Nohl, Maxell has apparently experienced enough of it to know how it makes him feel.
Eventually, we must continue on to Hunters Wood
Before we face the plot, however, let us discuss Arts once again.
New Arts
Obviously Blue Moon Buster and Sandstorm were not going to be the only Arts in the game. Other Arts can be performed with different combinations. How to learn what combinations do what, you ask? Trial and error. That is the only way other than using a walkthrough that you will learn new Arts, outside of a few NPCs that teach them. There are plenty of combinations that do nothing, so be prepared to waste a lot of time trying to learn them all naturally.
With only 3 Art Blocks, Lang can currently learn only 3 new Arts: Hawk Stroke, Blade Dance, and Mountain Crusher.
Click here for an Art Exhibition.
Now, as I explained earlier, the general purpose of different directional attacks is to hit enemies in different positions, like flying ones or short ones.
The kicker is you can get through this game without paying much thought to your attacks. After a certain point in the game, it was no longer necessary for me to worry if certain combos hit better than others, because you would usually do enough damage regardless.
There are a lot of Arts in this game, and yet you will likely only use a handful of them.
As for which are the best out of the ones we have? Im really not sure. Damage output seems semi-random, so all the Arts appear to do the same damage. Theres little difference between using Hawk Stroke as opposed to Blue Moon Buster. So it comes down to which you prefer, or which fit better into long combos.
But we dont need to worry about long combos for a long time.

We find Edouard in basically the same place as Marcus.

Unlike Marcus, Dein and Boerto, Edouard just straight up dies. Poor Edouard, we hardly knew ye.
Right where we fought the Gather Crab, we find Galvan
Now Playing The God of the Evil Ones

suspended in the air, before an oddly familiar man.

Galvan gets chocked and slammed with telekinetic force.

Despite Galvans plea, Lang rushes in to save him.

The mysterious demon man blocks his path.

I think you can all see where this is going.

Yes, this is an infamous unwinnable battle, common among JRPGs.
After 3 rounds, we get a cutscene.

^ Click the above image to see the Pure Embodiment of Power ^
I would like to take this moment to note that Jojos Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders, had been a manga for some time before this game was released, and the OVA series began release just a year and a half before.
Make of that information what you will.

If you hadnt already figured it out, the game makes it very very clear for you.

Lang then thinks of the Aqualith.

Despite his outburst, it seems Gold Eyes didnt mean to kill Lang.

Igohl: If you let him live, hell only get in your way.

Gold Eyes turns to leave. Lang struggles to get up.

But yet again, it all goes dark for Lang.

A strange, glowing thing urges Lang to awaken.

We get a vision of our dream man doing .something.

Lang finally awakens, back home in bed.

Nancy enters, surprised to see Lang up.

Nancy rushes out of the room, leaving Lang to ruminate on his fate once more.

I just want to note that there are often more ellipsis in these scenes than I transcribe.

Nancy leaves again, and Lang tries to get up.

Despite Galvans suggestion, Lang gets up and starts talking to everyone.

Dein: I was sure you were a goner!

Dein: Thats too bad! If you died, Id take some pretty flowers to your grave! *heh*
Dein: (From the looks of it, he probably just came to.)
Dein: (That means he probably doesnt know about the lake yet. Too bad, so sad )
Golly, what could he mean about the lake?

Marcus is outside, by a gravestone. Yes, Edouards gravestone.
Marcus: Edouard, dead Damn! I cant believe it!! Ill never forgive the bastard!!

Either Shaun hasnt been filled in, or he has mental issues. Maybe they just shove everyone with dementia in the barn

Unlike all the other characters who danced around the issue, Monde comes right out and states the painfully obvious.
Now Playing Mist Capital

Remember how everyone was talking about how it never rains in Nohl? Yeah.

Lang returns to his room to ponder the situation.

Here, the game offers you a rare, genuine choice. If you choose I dont know , a non-standard game over plays, where Nohl slowly perishes of dehydration.
Nah, who am I kidding? I made it very clear from the start that these choices dont matter. If you choose to dither, Lang makes up his mind to go anyway.

And so our quest begins: retrieve our villages sacred rock from a dastardly villain.

Everyones in their rooms, but we cant go in. Every door is locked, including doors to houses outside.
We have nothing to do but leave the village.

We are intercepted before we can leave.
Cocky Lang comes right out and says it honestly.

We get exactly what Galvan promised: the Wind Talisman, with a wee jingle to indicate its an important item.

Finally, Lang leaves Nohl behind.
That is where this chapter will end. Join me next time, where I explain why I said parts of this game make me want to puke!