Part 5: The Fascist-Theocratic-Feudal Kingdom of Darakin
Chapter 4 The Fascist-Theocratic-Feudal Kingdom of DarakinWhere we last left off, Lang had been captured by the dastardly Elliott and Marienne.

We awake here.

Theres nothing to do in this cell except save the game or interact with the door.

We see Elliott and Marienne pass by the doors window.

And someone else. Is this the ugly little witch? Unlikely, since theyre trailing behind the siblings.

Lang suddenly leaps back after something smacks against the door.

You wouldnt know it, but this is actually a plot point.

We transition to Bubba beating up a Lang, who is doing his best Jesus impression.

This is the first time the game remembers to treat sob like a onomatopoeia.
Bubba continues to beat on Lang, until

Bubba backs off.

This guy is called Bishop Doplin and his castle is Doplin Castle. Its unclear if Doplin is his first or last name. If the former, hes gone and named a castle after himself, which is very fitting considering what well learn. If the latter, it implies Darakin is some kind of hereditary theocracy. What a place.

We get to respond. If we were a big wimp, we could cower and beg them not to hurt us. But Cocky Lang is no wimp.

Marienne starts poking Lang. With her underpants showing, as this game delights in ensuring.

Sure, Doplin, just leave it to the people whove been torturing Lang in front of you this whole time to treat him well.

The game ominously focuses on Velnas face as Doplin and the siblings walk away.

Guard 1: Great job, Mr. Bubba! And to think you were once a prisoner under a life sentence!
Bubba suddenly stops.
Guard 1: I-Im sorry! That was rude of me! Please forgive me!

Bubba dumps Lang on the ground.

Guard 2: Stop, please, Mr. Bubba! If you kill him, well be blamed !

This is also a critical plot point.
Guard 1: Whew! Mr. Bubba sure is in a bad mood today!

Guard 2: Are Mystics really worth all this fuss?
Guard 1: Yeah, I wonder. Mr. Bubba broke the door to this room, so we cant use it.
Guard 2: Well, whatre you gonna do? Lets put him in the room over there.
Lang is then dumped inside a nearby cell. But he is not alone

Everything fades to black.

The girl makes some odd movements, as if troubled by something. Then she starts moving her finger on the ground .
Now Playing - Maya

This is our opportunity to name our new party member. Every party member in this game can be named, just like the protagonist. As everyone firmly decided on the default name for Lang, Im going to go ahead and stick with the default name for Maya.

Were given a choice of dialogue. We can deny it, ask what a Mystic is, or sort of confirm it. We choose to ask, because who wouldnt want to know more?

Strangely gendered language, considering Rivas Mystic is Maya.

Rivas fades away at Mayas behest, and they leave Lang to sulk about how he doesnt want to be like THEM.

Maya goes to sleep, and sometime later, Lang decides hes had enough.

He notices the wall. Specifically, where Bubba punched it.

Lang rears up to charge into the door

This whole segment makes you repeatedly click on the door. First just to find out its wobbly, again to charge at it, and you do that twice more just to break the door open. Youd think they could just make it one big scene?

Maya seems to hesitate.

Two gruelling boss battles into the game and we finally have our second character.
We are now free to explore Dolpin Castle.
Now Playing Decadence and Corruption
(This track first played when Boerto was injured. Odd overlap, dont you think?)

Or at least whatever isnt blocked off for now.
Our only option right now is to go into this areas basement.

If we hang around near this cage, this thing jumpscares Lang.

We get our items back here. The game is kind enough to not force us to re-equip anything.

We find these weird vats in this lab. Im reasonably sure the one in the centre is a Legaia 1 reference, specifically the first Seru beast you encounter.

You can drink all these coloured vials. The blue one restores MP but damages HP. The yellow one damages HP sevrely. The green one heals everything. The vials respawn upon re-entry, so they exist to let you heal in this dungeon.
We head back upstairs.

Welcome to every encounter in Doplin Castle save the boss fight.
If you were thinking these fights would be far easier now that we have a second character, youd be dead wrong.

Maya cannot attack.

Fortunately, the enemies here are no threat whatsoever, so Maya can just guard all day while Lang does the work.
Speaking of these enemies, theyre the first human enemies weve faced outside of boss fights. This means they have something more than grunting to do when they die. Commonly, youll hear them scream LORD DOPLIN! as Lang kills them. The only logical conclusion is that Doplin has enforced a Fascistic cult of personality around himself and inspired his mean to fanaticism. Makes sense, seeing how up his own ass he is.
Click here to have the words LORD DOPLIN burned into your memory.
After defeating those guards, we move on and find these two chilling out in a side room.

Guard 2: That Mystic we found in The Forest Maze? Yeah, she sure has some willpower!
Guard 1: Capturing her was one thing, but would she ever really join our side? And how about that guy Elliott and Marienne brought in?
They then notice Lang is there.

Guard 1: Hey, you!! How long have you been there?!
A fight ensues. They are easily beaten, like any other encounter here.

Here we find the first of this games readable items. You can access it through the menu, like so

Darakin Rag: Established to weed out those so-called messengers of God, the unit has succeeded in identifying 2 Mystics this year!
You know, Doplin himself said the gods, whereas this Rag says God singular.
Darakin Rag: Bravo to Lord Elliott! Lady Marienne is also pleased with her bother. Oh, what a rosy future for our great kingdom!
Darakin, the kingdom without a king.

We begin a short, crude stealth segment.

The obvious idea here is to dash between hedges until you get to the other side.
Getting caught just starts a fight with two guards. You are then forced back to the start of the maze. At first it seems like fighting accomplishes nothing

But then, you will see less guards about. Eventually, there will be no guards at all. I have no idea if this is intended to be a crutch for people who cant figure out how to stealth, or just recognition of you butchering your way through the castle.
Eventually, we make it through to the central building. Theres a few rooms to explore there, but not much to do other than try to leave.

This lever lowers the drawbridge and enables our escape.

Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for the best part of this game so far.
Now Playing - Knight's Kingdom

The man

The myth .

The legend

The MIGHTY Balken!

This is the first and possibly the last time well get to have a genuine duel with anybody in this saga. Title!
Also, this is the first time your choice will have a meaningful impact on the gameplay. If you accept, youll actually fight the MIGHTY Balken alone. If you ignore him, Maya joins you as usual.
Heres what he says when you ignore him:
Alternate MIGHTY Balken posted:
Whats this? You let a girl into a mans battle? Hmm Dont tell me !
*Grunt!* Ive got it! When you die, you want to die together, is that it? Admirable fellow!
I see!! You are a gentleman, after all! And now !!
now I will have the pleasure of beating a noble such as yourself with my trusted mace! What a joy it will be!
But Cocky Lang wont wimp out on this challenge.

Maya is there only as a piece of the background.
Unfortunately, as entertaining as the MIGHTY Balken is, this boss fight is piss easy compared to anything before it. Its even easier if you have Maya to heal you.
Every round, a cut scene plays, with the drawbridge closing, and the MIGHTY Balken chewing the scenery.

It takes five rounds for me to defeat him with Lang alone. This lets us enjoy all of the MIGHTY Balkens scenes.

The MIGHTY Balken is a MIGHTY ham and it is delightful to listen to.

The MIGHTY Balken hits us with this on the third round. Fortunately for us, the MIGHTY Balken is too slow to capitalise on this kind of damage.

If the MIGHTY Balken were a party member in this game, it would have been vastly improved, as far as Im concerned.

I could have ended the fight here, but theres one more scene to see.

Unfortunately, the MIGHTY Balken will have to tell the dead of himself personally

As a parting gift to the young nobles, the MIGHTY Balken flattens the drawbridge with his MIGHTY body. A recognition of their feat of bravery and might.
If we were to defeat Balken before the drawbridge closes, however, we get an alternative scene
Alternate MIGHTY Balken posted:
I, who have been called Mighty Balekn I the Mighty Balken.
It is not yet over!! I cannot .I cannot lose!
And then he flattens the drawbridge as usual.
Click the below image to see the young noble duel the MIGHTY Balken.

Guard: Dont let them get away! Raise the drawbridge!!

Lang and Maya escape by jumping onto the top of the gate from the rising drawbridge. They can now escape across the rooftops.

Guard: Yes, Highness! Apologies, Your Majesty! But the Mystics locked up in the annex escaped I thought youd want to know

We cut back to Lang escaping. Eventually, he finds he has nowhere else to go

Lang and Maya dont get far inside before

Sabrina: Hey, you two
Sabrina: Stay right here!
Sabrina and Nils go downstairs. We have no choice but to follow them.

Guard: And I say theyre here! Were searching the place!
Sabrina: Hey! Stop! Youre going to scare off all my customers!
Sabrina: Youre interfering with my business! Now get out of here, now!
Guard: Dammit ! Oh, all right! But you havent heard the end of this!
The totalitarian police state guards give up in the face of potentially damaging commerce.
Sabrina: Nothing but a bunch of cowards! But they think they can lord it over people, anyway! Hmph!
Lang and Maya are now free to come out of hiding.
Now Playing Trust Tomorrow to the Wind

Lang and Maya seem uncertain.
Sabrina: Honey! Make us some of your specialty, would you?
The man at the stove signals affirmation.

Lang and Maya still seem uncertain.
Sabrina: Come on, now! Eat up! There isnt any poison in it!
Maya starts eating. Lang follows suit shortly after.

Sabrina: Ha ha ha! No need to wolf it down! Theres plenty more where that came from. Eat as much as you want!
The screen fades to black and transitions to a new scene.

Sabrina: Thats okay. I know. You escaped from the castle, right?
Sabrina: The only time those men come around like that is when that Doplin has given them some stupid order or other!
Sabrina: What in the world are they doing in that castle, I wonder? Those idiots !
Sabrina: Not too long ago, a whole bunch of young people were conscripted up to the castle! Grr!! It makes me so mad!!
???: Yeah, you said it!

Norton: That guy took away my job, my house..! He even took my Sandy away from me!! *Sob!* My sweet Sandy !!

Sabrina: Everybody here hates the jerks up at the castle!
Sabrina: I dont know if theyre royalty or nobles or what, but they think they can do whatever they please! Theres no excuse for it!!
Not even this games NPCs are sure of the nature of Darakins government.
Sabrina: I knew as soon as I saw you two you werent like those people up at the castle!
Sabrina: Now then! Im sure they were rough on you up there Why dont you stay here tonight? Its not much, but you can feel at home!
Sabrina: Cant use the room in the back. The door is broken. Youll have to share a room. But you two look like you could get along okay!

Basically, get embarrassed at sharing a room with a girl, or just get on with it. Cocky Lang gets on with it.

Sabrina: Thats the spirit! Youre young! Why hesitate? Seize the opportunity! And have a good rest!
Sabrina: Your room is the first one up the stairs. Make yourselves at home!
Before we go to bed, theres one last important conversation to be had.

Lang seems concerned.
Eye-Patch Man: Now, now! Dont look so scared! Im not going to give you away to those men outside!
Joe: My name is Joe. Im a kind of information source in this town. If you ever need to know anything, just ask me.

Joe: Well, Id usually get paid for this kind of service. But tell you what. Ill let you try me out for free this once
Joe: A Mystic is a person that can use the power of an Origin.

Joe: Sorry kid, not many know about them at all. Only the people at the castle would know more.
The conversation is actually a lot different from this, but it retreads information everyone already told Lang (who acts like he didnt hear it from a ruddy Origin himself), and this update is long enough as it is.
And on the note of this being too long, Im going to call it here. I generally aim to get between story beats, but the rest will have to wait.
Join me next time, where we will probably do a lot of side stuff, since the game opens up here.