Part 6: Slowly Onwards to Mt. Gabel
Chapter 5 Slowly Onwards to Mt. GabelWhere we last left off, Sabrina had offered Lang and Maya a room at her inn, sheltering them from the evil Doplin soldiers we had just escaped.
We awake the next day, and head downstairs.

Sabrina: Things have finally calmed down quite a bit outside.
Sabrina: So What do you plan on doing now?

Sabrina: What kind of man was he? This guy youre looking for?

Someone reacts upon hearing that.

Joe: Its no place for people to get anywhere near
Sabrina: So maybe Maybe Maya is trying to tell us that a mountain has something to do with the fellow youre looking for ?
Joe: Hey, wait just a minute! Dont tell me youre planning on going there!!
You get a dialogue choice, but as usual, it amounts to dither like a moron or just fucking do it.

Joe: Hmph! Its not like going on a picnic, you know! Its dangerous, I tell you!
The scene ends there. We are now free to go. But first, lets chat with the inn people, I guess?

Sabrina gives us a Heal Leaf and a Venom Cure.
We get a dialogue choice where we can be pointlessly suspicious of the woman who helped us a great deal up till now, and is even helping us more for free. Thats stupid, so we just thank her plainly.

Sabrina: Think nothing of it. Just make sure you look out for that sweet girl, lover boy!
I just want to take this moment to point out that Maya is canonically 14 here. With Lang at 17, hanky-panky would only be legal in very specific countries (or US states with Romeo and Juliet laws). That wont stop the game from shipping them, however. Whether they can actually be a couple, well, youll find out

Cocky Lang has no interest in being a bad guy.

Nils: I think people are usually more Whats that word? Hum humble.

The others dont have anything particularly interesting to say, so we decide to head out. The castle will still be looking for us, so were bound to need to be stealthy. Perhaps we should acquire some hooded robes, or maybe scale the walls

Now Playing Difference of Social Status
Or we could just walk outside unmolested.
The Japanese comes out to Jousai toshi Darakin, or Fortified City Darakin. Citadel is perfectly fitting here.

This dude isnt even trying to capture us. Also he missed the memo that two Mystics escaped the castle.

This guy serves as a tutorial for the games combat functions. Probably would have been more useful if he was in Nohl.
He can also teach you an Art, but you can easily learn said Art long before you meet him, so its only useful if youve been playing without looking up all the Art combinations. If you already know it, he is impressed, but you get nothing else.

Darakins shops introduce us to a new function: combining items.
You can combine just about any type of item in the game. Weapons, armour, accessories, even healing items.
For weapons and armour, you use materials you get from random encounters to strengthen them. Weve been getting item drops marked with a jewel symbol occasionally, and these are what you use to improve your gear. Eventually, combining will let you get the best weapons and armour in the game.
Accessories are unique insofar as combining them will create a new accessory with some of the skills of the accessories used to make them, as well as some new ones, potentially. This will let us break the game later on.
Items are far simpler. You can just make stronger ones by combining lesser healing items, like using 2 Heal Powders to make a Heal Leaf.

Miura: Its called the Forest Maze, and no one who entered has ever made it out.
We heard earlier that Maya was found near said Forest Maze.
Miura: But someday, Im going to try it! Because Im the worlds greatest adventurer!
Miura: Oh, and before I forget, heres my book! Dont worry, its already signed!
We get another readable item, like the Darakin Rag.

On the road again: I have made many attempts, yet have failed each time. Here, I will record the paths I have traversed so far.
On the road again: To overcome all obstacles, that is the essence of an explorer!! Give up? Never! Not I!!

You wouldnt know it, but this woman tucked away in the back of the town is critical to the plot.
Seeing as she mentioned nobility, why dont we go have a look at the rich district?

As you might expect, its full of obnoxious jackasses. There isnt a single person here that doesnt look down on you.
And yes, thats a statue of our favourite Fascist-Theocratic monarch Doplin in the fountain.

Not even the rich asshole guards actually realise were the ones theyre looking for.

Not even the ones who bring up that theyre looking for us.

Will we ever learn what the Holy Order of Banderas is actually about?

Barton: Maybe I should bring a little ray of sunshine into your drab existence. Its just a cheap card, but its yours!
Barton gives us the VIP Card. This is an extremely useful item that makes a whole bunch of stores in the game give us access to better gear. Barton might be a rich jackass, but at least hes good for something.

Cocky Lang doesnt take this shit.

Shank: Shaddup! Anyone without money is no customer of mine! In this store, Im God! You got that?

Weve had enough of the rich assholes for a day.

Interestingly, Veska has moved out of her house to come here and look wistfully at where she used to live. Its a point in this games favour that it puts an uncommon amount of effort into random NPCs (even if some are relevant later on).
We decide to leave Darakin.

The Forest Maze weve heard so much about can now be visited. Why not?

This is the first translation thats a bit off, or at least deliberately changed. It comes out to Mayoi no mori Warudo, or Lost Forest Wald. Forest Maze isnt a bad translation, but its clear Wald seems placed here like a name. Its also the German word for forest, so its either a name or a tautology.

The game is clearly making it sound like a bad idea to go further. But whats the worst that can happen?

Ah. Thats what.
Obviously we are very definitely not supposed to try going through the Forest Maze.
We decide to head somewhere nicer. Maybe Nohl?

Or maybe Gale Canyon. Here, we see Bubba really did bury Elfin.
We are also given the opportunity to place the Friendship Ring we got as loot on Elfins grave. Its a sellable item, but we choose to place it here. Because were a nice guy?

We return to Nohl, and a short cut scene greets us as the gates.

Deins still here, and still a massive douche.
We give him sass.

Dein: Shut up! Ive been working on something that will Damn it! Youre still a loser!

We find Maya in town, communing with barnyard animals.
By the way, remember how we rode a sheep in Chapter 0?

We can do it in front of Maya.

And she judges us.

Friendly reminder that Nancy is our adoptive sister.
If you try to claim youre intimate, Nancy straight up laughs at Lang. Its the most pathetic thing. Fortunately, we didnt vote to make Lang a creep, and choose to say were just friends.

If we talk to Nancy again, she says:

Lang never called her that, so who did?

We have apprehended the culprit.

We get to choose to agree, say Its no use, or say Nancys fine as is. Can you guess what were choosing?

We decide to leave Nohl and its crazy residents behind.
Now you might think we have nowhere to go but Mt. Gabel, but were gonna go back to Darakin very quickly.

Whats this?

Goodness gracious, one of Doplins guards is actually doing his job!

Guard: This girl looks like the Mystic that escaped from the castle. Im trying to question her, but she wont say a word!
We then get a choice: lie to the guard, or lie to the guard. Im only kidding as much as the other option than lying is bluffing where we just tell him a different lie.

Guard: What?! What are you talking about?

Guard: Hmph! Of all the darnedest Okay, Ill go ask!

Lang sequesters Maya in the inn for the duration of their visit to Darakin, but well never have to deal with guards doing their jobs again.
Now were going to Mt. Gabel!

Apparently a Gabel can be either an archaic form of English taxation or a fork in Middle High German. No, I have no idea what the devs were going for here.

Its only been one dungeon since Baki were a thing, and theyre already re-using them. For shame, game.

Mt. Gabels answer to Golems. They hit like trucks, but theyre great for EXP.

Now Playing Everyday Tranquility
We arrive at this shack, and Maya goes running up to find out if anyones there.

She decides to check around back when no one answers the door, and finds this guy.

Yes, this is our third main character, but he wont be officially joining us for a wee bit yet.

Now Playing Beast of Darkness

Another Origin. Lang steps back at the sight of it.

We heard Doplin mention someone having a Supreme Origin last time. It stands to reason Rivas means the same person.

Dun dun duuuuuuun!

I choose I dont know because we really dont beyond Mystics have Origins and marks.

Everyone heads inside, the scene ends, and a new one begins on the dawn of the next day.

We find Kazan practising his punches, overlooking the mountains.

Suddenly, theres a loud roar.

While Kazan takes mummy, we fight bubby.

For the first time, we actually cause a status effect with Red Whirlwind. Bubby Galduke doesnt even get a single attack in.
Click below to see Kazans Origin in action.

Deva blasts Mummy Galduke off the mountain.

Rivas tries and fails to restore the now trampled plants.

Cocky Lang is no wuss.

We are now free to go on. Alone once again.
We shall leave things here for now. Join me next time, where we finally get our Stand, our third party member, and finally leave Mt. Gabel.