Part 12: My Sharon-a
Chapter 11 - My Sharon-aWhere we last left off, we just got an almighty exposition dump from Reym, learned the origin of the world, and how Lang was born from a sentient rock formation and the only one with the power to defeat Avalon, also sired by said sentient rock formation. No, really.
We have now been tasked with gathering the sacred stones and using them to restore the Source Forge (the sentient rock formation) to normal, having been corrupted by Avalon.
Were going to piss around on side content. Yunos up first.

Remember Miura? He was the bloke that gave told us about the Forest Maze before we even went to Mt. Gabel. Apparently, despite selling us THE Mizel Red Sand, Kenjiro actually had more of it to shell out to suckers like Miura.
Miura: But Now that Ive used all the Mizel Red Sand how will I get back ?
Miura says this, but you never need to use more of it to get in or out of the Forest Maze.

Cocky Lang is nice to his allies, so we say Its just like home.

In case youre wondering, where Ive injected new dialogue, canon Lang just stammers like a moron. Not terribly interesting.
Lets hear some campside chats.
Faldo and Maya

We get a dialogue choice. You either dont care, sort of gossip about it, or act like this means Mayas closed off to a relationship with you. Really, Langs all like I got too excited Man, do I feel dumb.
But our choice is to be nonchalant.

Interior Design

You can actually do this without even seeing this chat, but basically you can get certain items to decorate the room Maya gave you with. Its mostly functionless, except if you gather all the furniture, you get a special end game item out of it. But thats way too tedious for my tastes, and we really wont need the item shes going to give us.
Langs Cold

Reyms Fate

Langs Feelings

We now head back to Nohl.

Dein: Wait, shit, did you really bring back another disaster ?

Hawke is the man we need to talk to about taking the Aqualith.

The screen fades to black as Lang explains.

Hakwe: And in order to save the world, you need the Aqualith Am I right?
Hawke: So the goings-on at Hunters Wood are happening elsewhere All that destruction

Hawke: Lang. As I have said this to you before, the thing that keeps all of us here alive is that lake. And the Aqualith.
Hawke: You know that. That is why you brought the Aqualith back to Nohl. Isnt that right?

Theres actually quite a few residents of Nohl missing from this picture.

Hawke: It concerns Lang taking the Aqualith with him.

Koko: Is all the water going bye-bye?
Monde: And what is your opinion on all this, Hawke ?
Jill: Well have to go through a drought all over again?
Elukk: No, Lang! Dont take our Aqualith!!

Dein: Dont you see?!?! This guy here, loooooves to make people really happy, and then screws them in the end.
Dein: Only thinking about himself He doesnt care about you or me, as long as hes happy. Thats who he is!

Hawke: Dein Were you not rescued from Hunters Wood by Lang?
Hawke: What did you do after that man seized the Aqualith? What were ANY of us doing then?
Hawke: Nothing! We had all given up. We always let it be, saying that it was meant to be.
Hawke: But Lang You were different. The morning after you heard that the Aqualith had been stolen, you left Nohl to get it back all alone.
Hawke: You didnt know how it would end. But you didnt fear the unknown. You kept your faith. I admire that.

Hawke: That black sun To get rid of it, you need the Aqualith .that is what you said, right?
Hawke: Of course, it is hard for us to lose the Aqualith But perhaps it is time to stop fearing change, and stand up to it, boldly.

Turns out Galvan and Nancy were just waiting for the right moment to make a dramatic entrance.

Dein noticeably jumps at Galvan palming his fist.

No, as is typical in this game, you cant actually refuse. The other option just has Lang dither.
This is the stupid decision I mentioned last update. Everyones acting like its not that big of a deal, but this just seems ridiculous in the face of how bad it got when the Aqualith was first taken. The game went to every length to illustrate how Nohl needed the Aqualith, even making it clear that it just doesnt rain much in Nohl. We heard about how the crops were dying, and everyone had to ration water. How can we be expected to turn around and act like its no big deal?
This is all exacerbated by the Eclipse. Hunters Wood is now full of super charged monsters, the same kind that are allegedly threatening Darakins walls and causing much grief for Yunos hunters. It will only be harder for Nohls Vigilance Corps to get to other sources of water. In theory, they should be lucky just to defend their wimpy palisade, let alone do everything while the town dehydrates to death.
Now of course we do need the Aqualith eventually, but do we need it now? Theres two other stones we need to get, and theyre all in different parts of the world. We are going to have to go on an epic journey to search for them, and all that time, the Aqualith is just going to sit in our hyperspace pockets with all the Heal Leaves Ill never use again. Its not like travelling back and forth is presented as difficult; all we need to do to go from Nohl to Yuno, which is technically the span of the continent, is click on the map. Why couldnt we just come back for the Aqualith later?
The best reason to do this I can think of is to keep the Aqualith safe. Avalon gave it away, but we dont know if hell change his mind. Velnas also keen to kill us, and she can teleport. Doplin is also still interested in getting the stones to become a god. But this isnt even brought up. The game just acts like you must have the Aqualith on your person to proceed.
The villagers lives are at stake here, and no real thought it put into the dilemma. They just decide theyll gung ho their way through the crisis.

Jill: This is hard on us but its even harder on you, Lang.
Yes, its very hard for him to jeopardize the entire village so he can put the Aqualith in a sack for a year.
Joanne: Not having the Aqualith is a problem, but if the world disappeared there would be no point in having it anyway
Koko: Lang, take care of the Aqualith, okay?
Monde: We cant fear change You know what, thats true. We cant just sit around and mope!
Elukk: Lang! Youll come back, wont you?

Galvan makes an extremely subtle head gesture thats hard to adequately convey via screenshots.

Hawke: Thats a reflection of your consideration for this town, and for all who live in it
Hawke: Come back whenever you want to. This is your home
And now were free to leave.

We find Galvan making Dein do some work.

WWCLS: What Would Cocky Lang Say?

Leaving triggers a scene with Maya and Kazan.

Kazan doesnt bother mentioning thats where hes from, despite doing so earlier.

We can have another camp chat after leaving.

Lets go back to Nohl for a quick bit.

The screen turns black like its a blind taste test.

Unfortunately for Nancy, Maya is a party member.

Whatever is chosen, Maya gets the Dogged nickname, described as being for someone who is focused on winning. Now the plain interpretation of that is that she wants to win the cooking contest, but given how much both girls want to jump Langs bone, well
We now decide to move on with the plot.

Jiyuu Toshi Karabia. The translation is accurate. Worth noting that despite being a Free City, Kravia is very obviously controlled by Darakin.

Guard: By proclamation of the new bishop!! From now on, we cant let you through this checkpoint without a Kravian Pass from the new bishop!
Gunther: Youve gotta be kidding!! To hell with this new bishop! Why cant we just use our permits like we used to?!
Guard: These are the new bishops orders!! We cant let anybody NOT A SINGLE PERSON through this gate without a Kravian Pass!
Jon: Hey, come on! You know me! I work at the inn. You can let me through!...Cant you?
Guard: No one goes through without a Kravian Pass!! Kravian Passes are issued at Doplin Castle, in Darakin! If you want to go through, youve got to get a Kravian Pass!!

Our only choice is to leave for Darakin.

Male Voice: I never said any such thing! Give up on it!
We hear this exchange as we pass the Green Lynx Inn. For now, we decide to ignore it.

Guard: You want a Kravian Pass, too? But even if you apply for one now, itll take 2 or 3 years Maybe even longer !
Guard: Hey, you! Dont fool around chatting! Just do you duty!

As you might have guessed, our only choice is to go visit the inn.

Male Voice: Damn it, woman! Stay there if you want. But get it through your head that I just cant get one for you!
I presume they wanted to make sure the player couldnt forget the inn was the place to go.

Joe: Aw, she wants a Kravian Pass I dont mind her coming to me for help, but in this case, I cant do anything for her

We know he cant give us one, so maybe a little information could be useful.

Joe: Its a pass you need to get through the checkpoint at Kravia. You used to have to have a permit, and they were really hard-nosed about it. But now you need a Kravian Pass!

Joe: At Doplin Castle. That new bishop supposedly issues them personally.

Joe: As far as I can tell, not one single Kravian Pass has ever been issued Looks like the new bishop is trying to isolate Darakin!

Joe: Exactly. I cant do anything about this one

Joe: Who knows? All that trouble to seal the place off Maybe they dont want to let something out ? Anyway, there just arent any passes out there! Its no use.

Joe: Nah, never mind! No need to answer that. Its just that If somebody could get into the castle, they could steal a Kravian Pass! If they exist, that is If the passes dont exist, they could see the bishop directly, make him issue one! Now, who could do that, I wonder ? Its just an idea
Suddenly, theres a thumping noise.

Yes thats right, Sharon here is our 4th party member. In my opinion, shes the best damn party member in the game, both narratively and mechanically. Ill go into more depth in the next update.
Now Playing Pirates Pride
(The titles a technical spoiler, and yet only Sharon thinks her piracy is a secret)

Joe: Yeah, you mightve asked me, but I never said I could do it ! You never give me any respect, but then when you need something, you come running to me!

Joe: Look, Id really like to help you, for old times sake. Really! But I cant get you something that doesnt exist!!

Theres an awkward pause as Sharon realises what she said.

Now its not our canonical choice, but let me just show you what happens if we say Better not
Creepy Lang posted:
Nah, shell just cause more problems. Im going to have to say no.
Problems?! I wont cause problems! I swear! Come on!
Oh, okay!! All right! Enough already! You can come with us, Sharon.
Great! Now that thats settled, lets hurry up and go!
One of the worst parts of Sharons characterisation is how sexualised she is. Fortunately, shes canonically 20, so its not as creepy as it could be.
We choose to welcome her gladly.

Joe: Hold on. If youre going to the castle, you ought to be careful. Ive been hearing a strange rumor. The guards say the new bishop is strong, strong enough to rip up steel with his bare hands. Dont know if you can believe what the guards say, but I still think you should watch it.

Joe: Well, you did come to me for help. I want to be of some use. Be careful, Sharon

I am going to leave this update here, as its pretty damn long as is.
Join me next time, where we learn more about Sharon and meet the new bishop.
By the way, care to guess who the new bishop is? Its someone we know.