Part 15: Pirates of Darek's Haunt
Chapter 14 Pirates of Dareks HauntAs suggested by Seraphic Neoman, I decided to give the Dein side jump another go with the slowdown function. I didnt do this before because 1: Im not very smart, and 2: I plum forgot this was something I could do. I wasnt sure it would work at first, but

It made all the difference. I guess it just allowed me to overload the game with input? You could call it cheating, but I was working with a handicap to begin with. Obviously none of this reflects the reality of playing on console but as everyone says, its easy to cheese that too. I honestly cant remember how I did with it years ago on PS2.
Anyway, since we actually beat him, Ill tell you about these juicy end game items Ive been hinting at the existence of this whole time. Heavens Secrets are like these little tokens the game gives out for completing certain events, or else having enough money or finding them in certain locations. What they do is they allow to combine for end game weapons and armour. Once you combine a certain weapon or armour enough, youll get to the point where you need just one Heavens Secret to turn it into the best thing it can be.
However, these are useless to us right now because you cant get to the point where Heavens Secrets can be used until you get through all the other combining recipes, which Im pretty sure all require rare, end game materials that we wont see until, of course, were at the end of the game.
Now, moving on, we have more side junk to see before we move on with the plot. Isnt it fun?

We hand in those tea cakes to the guy that asked for them. This allows us to pick up our reward from the guild.

Whatever quests we complete, we must return to Sonnet in the guild to get our reward. This will sometimes involve a bonus.
Anyway, now that the quest is officially completed, all our characters go back to their positions and scenes are re-enabled. We start with Darakin.

Leon: Nice and browned on top like this is the best.

This teaches Sharon the Shrimp Au Gratin recipe.

In the upper crust district, we see someone crying in the corner. Its Nils, the son of the innkeeper, Sabrina. Its hard to make out, but theres actually a gap between the hedge line and the wall you can move through to reach him.

Nils: Waah!!

Nils: Waah! *Sniff!* I followed a strange man *Blubber!* and ended up here! Waaah!! Mama!!
We get to choose to either take him home, tell him how to get home, or just leave him there. Cocky Lang may be up his own ass, but hes not an asshole.

Nils: *Sniffle* Really ?

Nils: Okay! Thanks!

Nils: Okay, I promise. Thanks! Here, you can have this. Some guy gave it to me.
We acquire a Doplin Lunch, a consumable that is in a lunchbox shaped like the Bishop himself. How disturbing.

We leave Darakin in search of more side content. Its at this point I remember camp conversations are a thing too. Did I mention some only occur when stopping in specific areas? For instance, we get this camping in Yuno

We head back to Nohl.

Solid Lang really feels the need to repeat things he hears, doesnt he?
The scene ends here. Given how Nancys acted so far, and how theres only one person she knows that isnt sitting around Nohl with her, I think you can figure out who shes talking about.
In fact, if we leave and re-enter Nohl, the game will spell it out for us.

Nancy is in fact an optional party member. You can only unlock her by having a high affection rating and checking in on Nohl like this regularly. She starts at level 1, but she can become the strongest character in the game if you train her up.
We get a choice on whether to let her come with us, and we choose to have her come along.

You guys knew I was bullshitting, right? Ive said it once, Ill say it again, there are no meaningful choices in this game. Besides, half of you have already played this game.

For some reason, they plum forgot to put any punctuation or anything else here other than Nancy.

Now let us leave Nohl and its legal incest vibes behind. Kravia is our next stop.

Gipelli: Come on now. Dont talk like that! My wares are number one in the world! Take another look!

Gipelli: Yikes! Um Now calm down, there

Gipelli: Do something about him for me, will you? Hes trying to ruin my business!
Gipelli actually is something of a shitty, con artist merchant. All his stuff is next to worthless on its own. I think his gimmick is that you can combine his stuff into better stuff, but I cant remember for sure. Either way, hes basically a crook, and were gonna agree with Kazan.

Gipelli: No! Please! Forgive me! Ill sell better wares from now on! Ill even sell them cheap!

The scene ends here. Its funny to think that Kazan was keen to beat down this crook but when the fate of the world was at stake, nobody ever suggested just taking the Mizel Red Sand back from Kenjiro.

This game wont let minors drink, so we know how accepting would go. We decide to buy her something to curry favour.

Indeed, this only costs us 10000 gold, and we have far more than that at this point, and can easily replace it with a few battles.

We dropped 10000 for Sharon, why not 30000 for Maya?

We get a Diamond Ring out of it. This is a decorative item for Mayas house.

Upon re-entering Kravia

Jon: Youve got the greatest voice! Youve slashed through to my heart! Come on, hang out with me for a while!

Naturally, were getting in the middle of this.

Jon: Who the hell are you? Dont try to weasel your way in between us!

We leave Sharon be and go check out the guild.

Well you know what Cocky Lang is saying, dont you?

Speaking of Tanza, lets go there, shall we?

We get to choose our response. Im going to show you one I didnt pick before I show you my canon choice.
Dense Lang posted:
Hmm Maybe youre right Why dont you take care of me at that inn, Lang?
Oh, nothing. Nothing! Ha ha ha! I love hot springs!
Sharon, the 20 year old competing for the affections of a 17 year old with a 14 year old. Only in Japanamine.
I choose to have Lang say shes sexier, if only for what happens next.

The game does objectify Sharon a bit, but shes usually entertaining during these moments.

Mayas usual hang out in Tanza is right in front of the hot springs. Remember how she judged us for riding the sheep in Nohl? Well

If we try to enter the ladies bath in front of her, she suddenly runs away. We can find her elsewhere in Tanza.

I decide to joke about it.

No matter what option you pick, Maya will not genuinely realise Lang might have been trying to perv. She is an honest and innocent creature. Once we leave, Maya will go back to the bathhouse, and will never react to attempts to perv again.

We find Kazan in the hot spring. We will occasionally find party members in here. Although we wont see the girls in here for a long time. Yes, like that.
Now were finally done with the side content here. Let us move on with the plot. Dareks Haunt was our destination, where the pirates hang out.

Dareku no Kubi(?) Im not so sure about this one because that is clearly the Kanji for neck and other related meanings and Im reasonably sure that cant be interpreted as haunt in the sense of a place where people hang out or live or what have you. Maybe the intent was it related to the peninsula looking like a thin, neck like place rather than being where someone is, but I wouldnt know. Perhaps someone else can give some Japanese context?

Guntz: This aint no place for kids! Be off now! If you want to keep your head on your shoulders that is

Now Playing Pirates Pride

Guntz: Not that! Please, boss, I didnt know! Im sorry!

Guntz: You got it, bo-I mean, Captain!
The two run off.

Let me just show you what happens if we choose to burst her bubble
Blunt Lang posted:
Why would we be surprised?
I Ive been waiting for this moment with such anticipation! You have no idea! This This was supposed to be the big event when I finally tell you who I really am! A NORMAL person would freak out! Here I am acting as if my life depended on it and I get nothing from you! Youve got no heart, people, no heart! Sheesh!
Oh well! Forget about it! Come on! Let me show you around the hideout!
Like I said, Sharons piracy is a secret only to her, and her crushed reaction is priceless.
Cocky Lang chooses to humour Sharon and let her believe shes a master actor.

Despite being ushered towards the hideout, we can now move freely.

This guy on the Blood Hawk would have taught us the Thunderflash Art, but we learned that back in Gale Canyon.
We now head inside the hideout.

We can infer we just exposition dumped Sharon.

The game hovers over Kazan. What could it mean?

Well theres no way I cant show you what happens if youre an asshole here, can I?
Jerk lang posted:
*GASP* Are you saying that you dont need me?!
Lang nods dramatically here, FYI.
And you dont want me?! *sniff* How can you be so cruel?! You You son of a
She might not let us use her ship if you make her too angry. I think you should reconsider. Okay?
Shar, Sharon Im so sorry. You can I mean, I want you to come with us. We cant do it without you, Sharon! Please! Ill get on my hands and knees and beg if you want me to!
We want your ship I mean, we want you and your men to help us, Sharon!
Hmm You want our help, is that it? Well, we may not be able to do much, but well give it our best shot!
Obviously, we choose to be nice and accept her help.

Well thats believable.

Guntz: You got it, boss!

The scene ends and were free to move. Were supposed to go outside, but we go upstairs real quick.

We cant get inside, but surprisingly the most entertaining option is to give up.

Jane: Because Um Because its my sisters room, thats why!

Anyway, we head outside.

Dupon: But just what are we supposed to be looking for there?

Dupon: Captain I hate to spoil this little party, but the ship wont budge.

Dupon: The ThunderWind Stone is dead. Without a replacement, were dead in the water.

Dupon: The ThunderWind Stone isnt something you just find on the beach. Its rarer than gold and silver Maybe even more than diamonds. I think they used to mine them in the northeast canyon on Tanza A place called The Thunder mine, if Im not mistaken.

And theres our next objective. This is the second arbitrary search for a plot coupon in a row. Heck, they werent even plot relevant, were just getting what we need to get to the plot.
This is where we shall leave things for now.
Join me next time, where we brave the treacherous horrors of the blandest, most irrelevant dungeon ever.