Part 19: Only a Sibling Elegy
Chapter 18 Only A Sibling ElegyWhere we last left off, we were sent on yet another diversion to get a plot coupon from Jinga that would let us actually go to Drokonia properly. We also picked up Sile-I mean, Ayne, our 5th party member, one of the giants of Jinga.
We are now finally set to go to Drokonia and get our hands on the sacred stone weve been seeking 7 chapters ago.
.but you know what we must do first.
First, lets talk about Jinga.

As mentioned by Chief West Wind last update, Jinga runs on a barter economy and you have to trade items to get items. Its all very much worth it, of course, because the stuff you get in Jinga is some of the best in the game. From Summer Sunlight here, you can get Monster Meat, which is the rarest ingredient needed to make the Atomic Heat dish. As Ive mentioned, Atomic Heat is the absolute best cooking recipe in the game that can let you trivialise even the worst parts of the game. The kicker is we need items that wont be found until the final dungeon to trade for it.
Jinga is also home to this games most simple and profitable money cheat. Weve discussed some of those in thread already, but Jingas one is easy to pull off and makes a lot of money at a time money starts being more useful. However, we cant do that either yet because the necessary item is held in a secret shop we wont see until later.
Jinga itself is not actually home to a lot of content, and thankfully so because its stupid large and hard to navigate. But we will return later for this and that.
For now, we shall leave Jinga and seek content elsewhere. Ill show off some camp chats first.
Good Fortune
(This takes place if you camp on Phorchoon, naturally)

Cocky Lang loves having fun.

Absolute Unit

wait what?
Aynes Mark

I think he means his Mystic mark.

I think hes denying that he has a squid Origin more than hes saying theres no such thing as a squid.

Just so its clear, Ayne is actually not a Mystic, and his tattoo is just that. He doesnt have an Origin, and instead has a different ability you will see this chapter.
Now that were done chatting, lets take Ayne into Phorchoon, shall we?

This dialogue plays every time we talk to Ayne here, but for some reason the game will treat it like a scene every time, giving us this unique shot of the arena.
But Aynes not the only one watching the arena.

And of course Kazan learns the Seafood Pizza recipe.
Were done with Phorchoon, so lets go to, I dunno, Nohl?

Elukk: I wanna go next. Me! Please?!

Ayne gets the Mr. Giant nickname. Guess he left his xenophobic douchebag attitude behind on Jinga.

Also new in Nohl is this guy, Monjiro. As you can guess, hes related to Kenjiro, and serves as a peddler. As you can tell from his dialogue, his services are not yet available. Why they bothered having him show up before he can do anything is beyond me, but here he is. He will also give us the location of something special when he does open up.
To the best of my knowledge, this is where content ends for Nohl. I never got Nancy or Galvan to say anything unique again, they just comment on Monjiro showing up until the end of the game.
Lets go somewhere with more content. Darakin, this time.

In case youre wondering how standing pans out
Jerk Lang posted:
Not exactly. Actually, you have to stand on it.
Really? But Ive never seen anyone do that .
If you were hoping for the chairs to break in comical fashion, you must be as disappointed as I was.
The niceness caveat of Cocky Lang still applies to Ayne, even if he was a bit of a dick on Jinga.

If we go to Darakins snobby clothes store

Lang nods.

We dont even see what theyve supposedly picked out for Lang, so its just a choice of favouring one character over the other or dithering to avoid offence. Were going with Sharon, since shes the better character in every way, and that scene is the most interesting of the three.

Just look at Lang, being intimidated by how much Sharon revels in this victory.
Theres more scenes to experience after going out and in again.

Nils: Lets go that way now! I want to see the castle!

Joe: Nothing wrong with my life! Ive always been this way, I dont need anything, and nothing ties me down. I cant change the way I am now Its too late for that.

Joe: What kind of work is there for me? In a world like this ?

Joe: I wonder just how serious she was about that

Joe: Oh, hi, Lang .Hey, this wasnt what you think Shes out of it, and wanted to pick a fight. There isnt any special meaning to it Hey, Sharon, wake up!

Were done with Darakin. Lets hit up Kravia.

We get a choice. Not giving him money ends things here and isnt very interesting, so we fork up 10000 for Ayne.

We give Ayne the money and he vanishes, presumably to go shop around. We dont see him again until .

Ayne returns our 10000.

You can see why Ayne would scare people, but Cocky Lang has killed bigger things than him single handedly.

The scene ends and we exit Kravia. Lets head to Tanza.

We advise Ayne to just give it a try.

The screen fades to black, but nothing visibly changes about Lang.

We get a choice. Rebuke her for stealing, take it with gratitude, or politely refuse. We choose to take it.

We get nothing out of this, implying Sharon took it back.
Tanza is done, so we go to Dareks Haunt.

The ships here to hide, so

Ayne gives the same one word response no matter what you say. Very uninteresting.
We are finally done with all the side content, so lets finally, finally, FINALLY go to Drokonia.
Before we go in, we of course cook. Checking the camp chat at this point yields

No point being a dick about it.

Now to actually genuinely really go into Drokonia.

Were in.

As you can gather, Aynes shtick is hes very very strong, and if theres a puzzle that requires shoving things or picking up heavy shit, Aynes your man.
But now that were in a dungeon, we should actually learn about how Ayne works as a battle character.
The first time I cleared this game, I forewent Ayne in favour of keeping Kazan, both because I was comfortable with him and because Kazan has an Origin, giving him at least two distinct advantages over Ayne. Both for the sake of showing him off for this LP and because he can hit some ridiculous levels of damage output, I bench Kazan for him.
Click here for an Art Exhibition. Havent had one of those for a while, have we?
(And yes, the Spirit part is taken from an end game save because I forgot to use Spirit on Drokonia)
Ayne fights with big weapons: big axes, big hammers. His main advantage is that he hits stupid hard, being able to do more damage than any other character with little extra effort. When we give him some new skills and stuff, hell be hitting even harder. The catch is hes stupid slow, fitting in with his big lumbering giant shtick. Ayne will, at the very least, always act last out of any characters you have fighting, if not last out of all combatants.
As I mentioned earlier, Ayne does not have an Origin, but this does not mean he doesnt have special abilities. Ayne has Spirit instead, which involves calling on spirits of various types to give buffs. Ive never been much of a buffing guy, always preferring to just keep attacking, but Aynes buffs are only used on him too so theyre not very useful outside of special situations. It also means he has no multi-hit attacks like Kazan gets via Deva.
Hell be serviceable, at any rate. This game will never be so difficult that one of the other characters is necessary to overcome the challenges.
Now lets talk about Drokonia.

Pallet swaps.

More pallet swaps.

And even more pallet swaps. I think theres a single enemy thats unique on Drokonia and we wont see it until after a boss encounter.
As for puzzles, as you might expect, its all about introducing Ayne and his strength, so

You push blocks to make a path forward.

And you push these crystals to activate teleporters to move forward.

This one is optional, but it takes a bit more thought than any of the others. You just have to move those big grey blocks around so you can push the crystals onto the red squares. The game tricks you into thinking each crystal corresponds with a specific square, but the solution involves moving one of the side ones onto the middle red square first.

From there you use that crystal to manoeuvre the leftover crystal into the final slot and bam, youre done.
The treasures we get from this one are an accessory I never use and a Life Syringe that gives you the ability to avoid being KOd for a turn (recovering full health if something does kill you). However, it also prevents you from acting for a turn, so its not as useful as it sounds. Not really worth the effort put into that puzzle, honestly.

This campsite (awkwardly camouflaged against the tan patch of ground) indicates a boss is up ahead. Who could it be?

Now Playing Eri and Mari
Oh brother. We all know what this means, dont we?
It has been a long time since these two were so much as mentioned, and longer still since they were on screen. It would be easy to forget they were even part of this game.

We get a choice, but its a pick your flavour of refusal choice. Either dont do it or fight if they try to stop you. Cocky Langs a fighter.

This is basically the same fight as last time, only they have a few new attacks, and we arent being railroaded into losing. In fact, this fight is a complete cake walk and they do basically nothing to us in terms of damage.
With a single Variable Art, we shave off half the health of our target of choice. We start with Marienne.

Despite Mariennes bravado, she dies after Lang combos her.

Annoyingly, Mariennes corpse persists upon the battlefield, which makes it difficult to take screenshots that dont require censorship.
The fight goes on for another round, mostly to build up AP to unleash another Variable Art on Elliott.

But once we unleash, the fight is over, and the siblings go down without even having unleashed a single Hyper Art.
Last time we fought the siblings, I didnt give you a video due to too much little girl underwear. This time, youre getting one! Heavily censored, mind you, but youll be able to see and appreciate the cut scenes with minimal loss. Ive also included the ones for when you target Elliott first.
Click the image below to see Elliott and Marienne literally die.

Did you perhaps think I meant knocked out or some other such non-consequence? No, Elliott and Marienne very much die here. And theyre never seen again .or are they?

So, uh, Langs Gang just kind of stood there watching the siblings dying moments.

Maya didnt seem to consider she could have tried healing them as they lay there having a heartfelt moment.

By the way, did you notice something about the whole last segment? Something missing, maybe?
No? Well I dont blame you, because as forgettable as Ayne is, who would notice he didnt have a single line of dialogue here? And this will be a running theme going on.
But we wont be going on just yet, as the chapter shall end here.
Join me next time, where we finish the last segment of Drokonia, face down Bishop Doplin and find the Sacred Burning Stone.