Part 21: Meander the World and the Seven Seas
Chapter 20 Meander the World and the Seven SeasWhere last we left off, Bishop Doplin was melted into nothing, we fought Slogar for the 3rd (and 4th?) time, and finally acquired our second sacred stone: the Pyrolith.
Our task now is to go talk to Chief West Wind in Jinga to find out how to reach the Wind Tower Ayne mentioned.
Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut first!
Were going to experience the lovely lovely side content that has cropped up due to clearing Drokonia.
We start in Dareks Haunt.

We hear voices coming from Sharons room in the hideout.

Id say Lang shouldnt eavesdrop, but that wouldnt be very interesting, would it?

Lang accidentally makes a noise here.

Cocky Lang has balls of steel and will own up to what he was doing.

And the scene just kind of ends there. No consequences. Guess Sharon and Maya know better than to try and punish the mighty Cocky Lang.

We are now freely allowed in Sharons room, where her sister blocked us before.

She has a parrot, because shes a pirate. You wouldnt know it, but this parrot will be important to us later on.

Now if we exit the Haunt and come back in

Bacadee: Just take any left over ingredients or whatever youve got lying around, spice it up with some curry, and voila! Youre done! Make sure you dont let the curry get too runny! You dont want to drown the pasta with it, just give it some extra flavour.

Bacadee: Dont tell the rest of the crew, but I make this whenever I dont feel much like cooking. Ha ha ha ha ha
And of course Maya learns how to make Curry Spaghetti. I think shes the only one that learns a dish from Bacadee here. I also remember this recipe in particular being easy to miss if you barrel on with the story.
We move on to Tanza.

Zigolo: Thats the truth! How about staying on as the full-time bar lady?

Sharon gets the Bar Lady nickname here.

We can eat here just as usual, but now all the dishes are Sharon Style.

As you can see, Sharon Style is just supersizing the dishes.

This one is so big Im pretty sure Langs standing on a stool.

Our reward for stuffing our face on Sharons jumbo meals is the Glutton King nickname. Not much of a reward since they do nothing, but Sharons entertaining enough to make this segment worth it.

Ayne decided to take Lang up on his offer to get in the spa together.
Going in and out, we go back to the restaurant

Heres what happens if you whack him.
Jerk Lang posted:
Hey! Get up, Master! Cmon!
Thats the animation Lang used to destroy the Yuno snowman.
Hey. Hey, Master! Did I hit him too hard?
Yorumi: Now hes totally out cold! I cant believe it!
Now, if we ignore him
Less Jerky Lang posted:
(How embarrassing Better pretend I dont know him.)
Hm? Lang Lang, izzat you? Hey, cmere!
Yorumi: Uh Is this a friend of yours?
No. No! Uh Who is this guy?
Whatre you saying?! Youll never know how much I HIC!
Yorumi: Hes finally asleep. Looks like he mistook you for someone else.
But Cocky Lang must be nice to his party members.

Despite being the look after option, its almost like a negative outcome.
No matter what option you pick, the scene ends like this

Yorumi: Man, what an annoying customer. Especially when Im so busy around here!
So I mentioned destroying the snowman in Yuno. It will get rebuilt every time you destroy it. On the third destruction, however

Mick here starts shadowboxing Lang.

The snowman will be rebuilt again, but from now on Lang will refuse to bust it up.
Moving on to Darakin, we find Sharon in the fashion store again.

Marlee: Oh, really?! Do you mean it? Oh, darling! My dearest sweetheart! *Kiss! Kiss!*

We get a choice. We agree, because Cocky Lang hates a shcleimer too.

Now let us dispense with the silly scenes and do some guild quests.

First on our list is Winged Mountain Beasts.
Sonnet: This is a quest from The Central Continental Union. They say that vicious, wanted monsters have escaped to Mt. Gabel. The prize for these monsters is 160000 G. The reward money is high because theyre REALLY dangerous.
The game is clearly warning us this one will be tough. Were gonna do it anyway.
Sonnet: Theyre really ferocious! But youre still willing to accept this challenge? You must be a thrill-seeker! Or maybe its the money?

Cocky Lang isnt taking this shit.

So as was mentioned, our destination is Mt. Gabel. Despite his promises to head over later

Somehow he got here before us and took down one of the beasts.

We get a choice: help, laugh, or ignore. Cocky Lang is cocky, but not a jerk.

We can camp out right next to Stiel and just talk about him like hes not there.

Anyway, were bound for Mt. Gabels summit.

Just like with the Morg, we can see the Zahatule in the distance. Its a bit hard to make out, though.

While theyre just pallet swaps of the big bird enemies weve fought thus far, its interesting they went to the trouble of making the Zahatules different colours from each other.

All we need to bring it down is some Hyper Arts from Sharon and a Variable Art. One round take down. So much for the mighty Zahatules.
Speaking of the Morg, why dont we pop in on his old cavern?

He has risen again. Im not sure how quickly this happens after the fight, but presumably its earlier than the Zahatule fight.

We cant fight him again or anything. I guess they just respawned him so kids would feel less bad about killing an innocent spirit?
Making our way back down the mountain, we find Stiel

Although its true Cocky Lang doesnt need Stiels help, were gonna be nice to him.

We shall split the money like gentlemen.

We head back to the guild.

Sonnet: The Central Continental Union wanted to reward you in addition to the 80000. They know how dangerous those monsters were! Youre certainly a true Hunter now! Do you have any kind of special nickname you go by?

This one is a follow up to the last Yuno quest.

Suda: A demon from hell. Gauraze. A curse upon our world. His body is filled with venom. So long as he lives, the plague of the Apolu fever will spread But that is just the beginning. For more horrifying things lie ahead! We must rid ourselves of him before its too late! You must be extra careful. His venom triggers illness! And the illness can bring death Gauraze must be somewhere in The Forest Maze. Im counting on you.
For all this talk, it amounts to finding a pallet swap enemy in the woods and killing it.

Gauraze isnt all that different from any other fight with one of these two headed wolf things, but its regular attacks can cause the Plague effect, like Suda warned us. Its also fast enough to act before Sharon, at least at this level.
Gauraze has enough HP to make the fight last three rounds, even after unleashing a Variable Art on it. But it never really comes close to being a threat.
Once Gauraze is dead, you dont have to return to Suda. You just go back to the guild to collect your pay. However, Suda does reward you with the Tempura Noodles recipe. I dont actually pick that up here, but I will get to it later.

We get a Maidens Robe tacked onto our cash reward. Its armour for Maya. Would be neat if we were using her, but we arent.
The last quest we have to do is Find Mari. Its being offered by Cammy.

Yes, that Cammy. Her father had the sense to move them out of the sewer room, at least.
Cammy: Waaah! Mari is lost! We went down below together, but then I lost her !
Lost my dearest friend
I still pursue beautys way
Life is very hard
This haiku expresses my present feelings for my dear friend in terrible danger!

Cammy: Mari is very fair-complexioned. But she might have gotten dirty in the sewer water. Please find her!
Yes, thats right, were going back into the sewers.

Turns out Mari is a cat. What a twist.

Trying to grab Mari results in her dashing into that hole in the wall. As you can tell, we have to block it with that crate using Ayne.

Then you walk around to where Mari is now trapped and grab the cat.

Cammy: So! Still kicking, huh? That doesnt sound right Ahem! Oh, Mari, thank heavens youre still alive! Oh thank you! That sounds better Meow, meow! Mari!

Indeed, quest over. We get our reward and forget we wasted our time.
Lets finally go to Jinga, like were supposed to.

This guy behind Chief West Wind can give you nicknames for hitting certain milestones. I could have spoken to him earlier, but he had nothing to offer us back then.

He gives Lang this nickname for learning a specific Origin move. Youve probably noticed Im learning Origin moves and not showing them off much. Dont worry, Ill show them all off in good time.

He dishes out names for other characters too, as you can see Sharon getting a nickname here.
You can also see the option to Change nickname, which lets you change the one thats currently applying to a given character. This has no real function other than changing what is displayed in a handful of situations.
Lets finally talk to Chief West Wind.

Chief West Wind: I see .You seek the altar enveloped in wind. The Aerolith .That which you seek is there. It is just as Silent Eagle said, the Wind Tower can only mean one place Ellsworth.

Chief West Wind: Yes Created by the Kabel as a testament to their power, it is a tower suspended in mid-air by magic.

Chief West Wind: The Kabel had a magical means of transporting themselves there, but that knowledge has been lost. There is only one method of reaching the tower now. You must use something that flies. There is no other way.

In the end, Chief West Wind couldnt actually give us any helpful info at all. Knowing that we need to fly to a tower in the sky is hardly a revelation.
Obviously now our goal is to leave and find something to fly on, but if we re-enter Jinga

Yeesh, Ayne, tone it down with the war face.
Also want to point out how awkward sex must be between a dude as huge as Ayne and this woman who, despite being a giant herself, still only barely reaches his chest.
Spring Sapling: It is true. You must promise me that you will return to me safely. Will you promise me?

Spring Sapling: I will, dearest heart

Shes hugging him, if you cant quite tell. Or maybe sort of leaning against his chest?

Now we shall leave Jinga and head to .Yuno.

Remember Faldo? Hes the guy who considers himself Mayas boyfriend.

Faldo: What kind of relationship do you and Maya have, anyway? Go on, tell me!!
Choice time. We can declare Maya our girlfriend, but shell just deny it, despite blatantly crushing on Lang in every other scene. We go with the correct and platonic answer.

Faldo: Uh Well .After you save the world, youre coming back to Yuno, right?

Faldo: I see So youre called Lang? Please take care of Maya for me.
Now, as for actually finding something that flies, we could go back to Darakin and pay Joe to tell us where to find something like that. Or .

This is where youd learn about Phorchoon, had we not already heard of it from the bartender in Kravia.

We finally have our next objective made clear to us: go to Phorchoon, fight in the arena, and get ourselves a Flying Dragon.
But I will end this chapter here.
Join me next time, where we experience the Phorchoon arena and find out about our next terrible evil villain.