Part 23: Raussicaä of the Tower of the Wind
Chapter 22 Raussicaä of the Tower of the WindWhere we last left off, we competed in the Phorchoon arena and won the Flying Dragon we needed to reach Ellsworth. Rauss, Kazans former student he believed dead at his own hands, showed up to confront Lang in the ring, only to be called away by Velna. He now awaits us on Ellsworth, guarding the Aerolith.
But first, before we go to Ellsworth, theres side content. Dont you just love it?
First of all, let me show off how having the Flying Dragon changes things.

Whereas before we would have to watch a somewhat longer animation of Lang walking (and the Blood Hawk sailing) if we wanted to, say, go from Phorchoon to Nohl, the Flying Dragon will just go to anything we select on the map directly. Its not terribly important, but its neat to see.
Also notice we can see Ellsworth in the first image. Its a bit blurry, but the windy thing on the floating island is our next destination. Well be taking the side content scenic route first, of course.
Now lets check out Phorchoon again, which we are done with story-wise.

With our infinite money trick in hand, we can simply buy enough coins to get any reward we like from Phorchoon. At the casino counter, theres three things worth getting: Way of Thunder, Book of Rose, and The Royal Gourmet. Way of Thunder and Book of Rose teach Kazan and Sharon new Hyper Arts respectively, the best they can get. Sharons in particular will level with use into a better one. The Royal Gourmet is of course a cookbook that teaches new recipes. However, despite coming so late in the game, none of them top Atomic Heat.
Also in the casino right now is

Uh oh, Mayas developing a gambling problem!
Cocky Lang will be nice and offer her 1000.

Elsewhere, at the arena counter, we find

Its him!

Unfortunately, we wont be duelling Vixon until later on.
With nothing else to do at Phorchoon, we may as well leave.

We get 5 coins back. We gave her 100.

Now, while content in Nohl is done as far as the locals go, there is someone with a scene waiting for us in Nohl right now

Lang would be a massive hypocrite to make something out of people snooping. We innocently ask what shes looking for.

No matter what option you pick, Lang denies having any adult material, and tells Sharon to leave. Its a bit of a disappointment to be honest.

Something I could have mentioned a few times before now is that you can occasionally find Sharon perched over the Aqualith lake. You cant interact with her when shes there, but its interesting to note.
We move on to Kravia.

I guess well just agree with her.

Naturally theyre still not letting the kiddies drink booze.
Tanzas up next.

Satomi is giving out a second quiz.

As weve mentioned, Aynes 88, but I honestly dont know where that information comes up in game.

The answer here is Marrons Glaces, which are Candied Chestnuts. Marrons Glaces is not even a recipe in the game, and the only insight we got into what food Marienne eats is the Princess Cake in her room, and thats neither an option nor the correct one. How the heck is anyone supposed to figure this out without a guide?

Elliott and Mariennes unit was mentioned way back in Chapter 4 by the Darakin Rag Autumn. However, it was just called the Special Unit and had no other name. If the name is in the game, I dont know where it would be. The correct answer is Gereha, FYI.
Completing the quiz earns us the Spy? nickname and a Quick Escape Charm, a Curse Remedy, and a Fruit of Stamina. Only the Fruit of Stamina is worth it, being a stat raising item.
Now lets head to Dareks Haunt.

Thats Adventurer Miura, the guy who told us about The Forest Maze way back in Chapter 5. Havent seen him for some time.
Guntz: A mistake?! More lies! One more lie out of you and Im gonna snap your neck!
Asteya: Mistake or not, now they know about our little hideout here Theres only one thing to do.
Miura: *GASP* I dont know anything! I didnt see anything!

Lets not be a dick to Miura, hes a good bloke.

Guntz: .Yeah all right. Youre lucky he stopped me He just saved your life. But listen up good. You mention one word about our hideout to anyone and Ill hunt you down. Got it?!

And then Miura books it.
But were not done here yet.

Yahn: First Officer Nazak! Its so good to see you again!
Dupon: He doesnt deserve that title anymore, Yah. He He walked out on the Captain and on the rest of this crew!
Yahn: Thats not fair, Dupon! If it hadnt been for Rauss

Dupon: After you left Do you have any idea?! Any idea what the Captain, I and the rest of the crew went through?! I joined the crew because I wanted to be like you! But You You abandoned us!

Yahn: First Officer Nazak! We can make a fresh start! Itd make the boss so happy!

Dupon: Nazak

And were done here. But before we move on, weve camp chats to see.
Peeper Lang

This one is happening now because I didnt actually trigger the peeping scene until later.

Choice time. Cocky Lang owns what he did.

Remember what Kazan said here. It will echo ironically later on.
Flying in the sky

Now thats done with, lets stoke Kazans fears and ride the dragon all the way to Ellsworth!

The moment we enter Ellsworth, we get a cut scene.

Ominous. But of no consequence for now. We have a dungeon to fare.

Now Playing Heaven and Earths Valley
Kaze no Toukou Eruzuwaasu. Exactly as translated.
Ellsworth is a pretty straight forward dungeon. Theres not as many side paths to traverse for optional treasure as others. This is the first dungeon since Hyper Arts became a thing to not have one hidden somewhere. But theres still a puzzle or two to solve.

Most of the floors of Ellsworth are fairly linear paths that lead you to a teleporter to reach the next floor.

Here we use Arrode to move this thing, allowing us to proceed. Nothing too complicated. You do have to actually press a button to move it after hitting the switch, which you might not immediately realise.

I dont end up encountering enemies until a wee bit in because I was still using an encounter negating item (you can see the little glowing effect from when we entered), but theyre mostly the same boring pallet swaps weve seen thus far.

Here, you have to hit the leftmost reflector to hit the switch. Its not exactly a difficult task.

Here is gets slightly trickier. You have step on some buttons (you can see one in the corner) to move the reflectors to enable you to hit the switch. If you step on both buttons once and then on the top-most one again, youre golden.

Ah, our first and only unique enemy! Arus Auges can bewitch your characters, but, as in all things thus far, we kill them too quickly to let them demonstrate their abilities.
And now, for the main event: Rauss.

Rauss can actually be quite the challenging boss.

Blocking is one of his pitfalls. He blocks a lot, like a Baki. Theres a technique I could have learned to bypass his blocking called Absolute Hit, but obviously I didnt put in that much effort before the match. Still, we all know I manage just fine.

The next problem is that his Hyper Arts now inflict status effects. Taking a character out of the action even for just a round and change the dynamic of Legaia 2 quite a bit.
Rauss using Ultimate Fang again triggers a cut scene.

Lang starts to think back to Kazans lecture.

As you might guess, this is where you get to use Sleeping Dragon on Rauss. You need to use it, because Rauss has now become invincible and starts hitting like a truck. He can easily KO any character, even Ayne, in one round at this moment.
As you might have noticed, in that fight I screenshotted above, Lang was stunned on the turn after the scene, and thus I couldnt use it immediately. I ended up reloading, because him using Ultimate Fang on Lang was a matter of bad luck, rather than pre-destination.
Anyway, we use the Final Art

Thats right, shooting Rauss with a sword-based laser beam cured his bloodlust!

If you thought being cured of bloodthirst would mean the fight was over, you were wrong. Rauss still wants to fight to the death, and so death he shall get.
If we happened to have brought Kazan into this battle, he would have a few moments in the scene. Nothing too special: he remarks on how Lang is using Sleeping Dragon, and would say Rauss! when Rauss is getting up.
The fight continues from here. Rauss will start using an all-hitting Hyper Art called Destruction now. This Art has, by far, the goofiest dialogue Ive heard out of this guy to date. It has to be heard to be believed. But heres a transcript for you readers

The narration is goofy enough as is, but Rauss slimy rogue voice makes it sound all the less intimidating. Its impossible for me to take seriously.
And Rauss will keep using Destruction intermittently until the fight is over, so youll be hearing how much he dedicated his life to this BLADE a great deal.
He still uses other moves, though

This is a new one. It doesnt do anything special, although it is hitting pretty hard.
But Rauss inevitably goes down, and receives the death he so desperately wanted.
Click the image below to watch Rauss dedicate his ENTIRE life to his BLADE!

Yes, thats right, Rauss was beamed up to the Enterprise to have adventures in space.

Kazan gets up.

For no particular reason, were given free movement. Its pointless, because all we do is move forward and touch the Aerolith

Now Playing Shriek of the Earth
Suddenly, everything starts shaking.

I think this might be Arrodes first line of dialogue.

The shaking gradually stops.

And the circle of convenience is here to help us exit.
Lets talk about Rauss.
Hes built up a lot as far as this game goes. Hes mentioned way back on Mt. Gabel, and we discover hes working for the villains after getting the Aqualith. Hes significant to Kazans backstory and even tangentially related to Sharon, as a crewmate of her fathers (not that they really address that).
And yet, hes got nothing to do with the supposed point of this game. From start to finish, its Mystics this, Mystics that. Then heres Rauss, who besides his connection to other characters, is just a guy who went EVIL and INSANE after using the FORBIDDEN Art. He briefly turns this game into a goofy martial arts flick about a student surpassing his masters EVIL former pupil. Like the others, he could have been cut from the game, and nothing would have been lost. He could have even just been a background detail of Kazans past, and we would have lost nothing significant.
Still, hes not offensive like Elliott and Marienne. He just demonstrates another piece of padding to this game.
Anyway, this is where we shall end.
Join me next time, where we put off the final dungeon to mess around on side content. Yaaaaaaaay!