Part 29: Hope Conquers All
Chapter 28 Hope Conquers AllWe go back to Demiurge Tower, right to the bottom, where the big doors block our path. We place the gems we gathered from the Wicked Crystals in their sockets, triggering a scene

Now Playing God of the Evil Ones
We cut to Darakin.

Everyones gathered outside to watch the black sun. We can recognise Sabrina and her family, but also Adventurer Miura happens to be here.
We soon cut back to Avalon.

While everyone else is determined and resolute, Mayas got her worried face on.

Avalons big motivation is I hate humans because theyre FREE. Woo.

Alright, time for the final battle! Its sure to be an epic showdown, so strap in, and-

Oh. I guess we were too overpowered for him. Cue credits?


LIGHT OF HOPE: I am the will of all living creatures that inhabit this world And I am their power!

Yes indeed, in the mother of all Deus Ex Machinas, the collective will of all living creatures has showed up to take away Avalons god powers. The anime levels have just fucking skyrocketed into the stratosphere.

Now Playing Gods Fist
This is it, the real deal. Avalon wont be regenerating after a loss here, so its going to be an epic contest

Or we could just kill him in one round.
With end game characters, Avalon is not a threat. He is weaker than his Dream Match counterpart and far weaker than Dream Stiel.
Normally Id just leave this be, since most boss fights arent interesting enough to forcibly show off their whole repertoire, but this is the final boss. We ought to at least see what hes capable of.
Hence, Ive done 2 things: Ive gotten clips to show off his attacks, and Ive recorded a second video where I rushed to the end and fought him at around level 55, just to give an idea of what Avalon is when hes kind of challenging.
Without further ado, lets jump into Avalons attacks.

Rowanaut, where Avalon just kind of smacks the person with his fist. Keep in mind I just had the characters block for all of this, so its not representative of how hard he hits normally.

Lavernak, where Avalon inflicts petrification on someone. Lang had anti-petrify for this fight, so he Avalon wastes his time here.

Weve seen Elzebreault already, back at Phorchoon. Its just that but weaker, hitting for maybe 2500 odd when youre not blocking.

Wouldnt be much of a final boss if he didnt whip out his Supreme Origin to blast us. Again, blocking, so the damage isnt representative of the real deal.
Avalon also has an attack called Sebskwel that negates buffs, but its not very interesting. Youll see it in the harder video. Given Im not even using buffs Avalon can dispel, him using this attack amounts to a wasted turn. I cant see anyone relying on buffs at this point in the game.
No matter what happens, Avalon really isnt that hard to beat, even when I restrain myself intentionally. He goes down like a wimp.
But this isnt over yet, for you see, this isnt even Avalons final form.

The anime levels have just pierced the heavens.

And theyre only climbing higher. Avalon has just fused with his Origin in order to create the most terrifying and intimidating enemy weve faced to date .

Now Playing Unique Persons Banquet
Or not. I could have come up with more intimidating enemy designs as a damn child.
Avalons fused form is known as the Infinite One. He is definitely stronger than regular Avalon, and yet, hes still little challenge for an end game party.

The first thing you might notice is that like many enemies before him, Infinite One halves regular damage done to him. So just smacking him with Art combos isnt going to get you too far.
However, it turns out that Variable Arts arent mitigated against him. That ends up being my primary damage dealer with my end game party, as Mystic Arts are only usable when damaged. Our end game party is not easily damaged by Infinite Ones attacks.
But lets talk about his attacks, shall we?

Destruction Fist is the sole exception to what I said before: regardless of the circumstances, it will reduce a characters HP to 1.

This is Infinite Ones answer to Sebskwel. As Im still not using buffs, this is a free turn for me. At least the name isnt gibberish this time.

Like Lavernak, this attack causes petrification. Also like Lavernak, Lang had anti-petrify.

This is can actually be really bad, because if you have no defense against bewitchment and he snags one of your better party members like Sharon or Lang, they can do a lot of damage to each other. I could see this ruining a run.

In regular circumstances, Lightning Purge is said to be Infinite Ones most damaging normal technique, hitting as hard as 3500.

This is Infinite Ones ultimate attack. When used on a less capable party, its the perfect set up for Mystic Arts.
Infinite One also has an attack called Silver Scythe, which is a fairly bland melee attack. Im not sure I ever saw him use it, despite going over this fight multiple times, even in the one where I just let him attack.
Our rushed party does get knocked around a lot, but they get the job done. Mystic Arts are still stupid overpowered, and all we need is about three of them to take down Infinite One.
However, do you remember, all the way back in Chapter 0, one of the first items I got? The Point Card? It builds up points as you make purchases, and we sure made a lot of purchases in this game.

The damage caps at 99999, but its almost a third of Infinite Ones HP. As you can see from the greyed out name, this kills him in my rushed run. I felt it was fitting, as testament to the Infinite Ones infinite failure.
Click here to see my end game party make Avalon look like a complete chump.
Click here to see a rushed fight where I mildly struggle, also see some of Avalons attacks.

Holy shit, were really doing this.

I asked you to remember something Lang said after beating Velna. He lamented how they couldnt just come to an understanding. Everyone displays a strange level of sympathy for her.
None of that is present here, despite Avalon and Velna sharing their characterization for the most part. Lang knows this: he saw Avalons tragic backstory personally. He should know better than anyone that Avalon probably comes from the same place of hurt and rage that Velna does.
Instead, this whole final sequence paints Avalon as nothing other than a power crazed psychopath. Thats not unfair, given he IS more than a bit nuts by now, but no less than Velna was. Velna only stopped talking about all the new world crap after getting her ass kicked.
Lang and Avalons connection was played up from the start of the game, but here at the end, they dont try to make anything of it. Lang just chides Avalon for being a generic villain. Its really quite disappointing.
Anyway, the boss fight is effectively over, but not technically.
You remember how I pointed out all the FF7 similarities back in Chapter 24? Well the last part of the fight is just like that one weird sequence against Sephiroth at the end: the one where he just stands there and anything you do kills him. Only difference is Legaia 2 doesnt force you to make any attacks, so you can just chill with him if you want.
Not everything we do to Avalon will kill him, but hes only got 25000 HP now, so its basically just a matter of pushing him over.

Small spoiler, but theres no New Game Plus function to Legaia 2, so anything gained here is completely worthless to you. You will never really know what the Ball of Beginning is. Also, a Heal Leaf is an early game healing item, so, uh, what the heck?

And hes gone.

Everything starts to shake.

Legaia 2 decides that Deus Exing just once isnt enough.

Now Playing Fight, Then Riot!
(Specifically, this is an excerpt of the theme that normally plays for a demo video if you leave the game idle on the title screen)

The only way this scene could be more anime is if everyone was giving their energy to Lang specifically.

And everything goes white.

And everything fades to white once more.
Join me next time, where we see how this game ends.