Part 1: Rim Elm
Update 1: Rim Elm
Music: Prologue 1
Yet, while possessing the wisdom of god, humans were physically weaker than the wild beasts, and impulsive in spirit. Many times did the humans come close to dying out forever. Concerned about the humans' future, god gave them a mighty force with which to aid them.

When not worn by a human, a Seru looks much like a stone figure. However, upon touching a human, a Seru changes form and gives that human secret abilities. With a Seru, a human can lift objects heavier than itself and even fly in the air at will.

Music: The Mist Approaches
After the thick Mist came, the Seru, who once obeyed humans, rebelled against them. The Seru began attacking humans at will. Seru that attached themselves to humans controlled their minds and turned them into evil beasts. As if forsaken by god, human civilization collapsed. It was the twilight of humanity.

Those who escaped the Mist inhabited the desolate areas and protected each other. Now, their faint hope is their only source of inspiration.

Music: Rim Elm
I almost forgot that games used to let you name characters. This is Vahn. I'm personally inclined to just go by everyone's default names, but if everyone is just dying to name him Pyroman or something then I guess I could be convinced to do that. For this update, though, he will simply be Vahn.
(8 character limit, by the way)

Elder: Vahn! I knew you would be here. The mysterious Genesis Tree. This is a soothing place. You always liked this tree.

Elder: I was wrong. Perhaps you're praying for the safe return of the hunters who are out now. Vahn, I thought I would come here to cheer you up. But I guess that wasn't necessary. You will be a fine hunter! I'm counting on you, from the bottom of my heart! Ha, ha, ha, ha!

And with that, we are allowed to walk around and talk to the villagers. It looks like Vahn is about to come of age and become a hunter, like most men of the village (if memory serves, he's fourteen a bit young by our standards of adulthood but that seems pretty in line with both post-apocalypse and JRPG aging). There's a map on a sign right next to the Genesis Tree, but as the village is typical starter village size, we don't really need it.
When we leave the central area...

In case you missed in in the OP, Vahn is a silent protagonist, but the sort of silent protagonist that has dialogue options. Thus, Vahn's portrait denotes what choice I picked when I was presented with one. I'm fine either way if you guys want to pick choices like this or just let me choose them, but for this update I'll be choosing them so the update has actual content.

Just wanted to show off that this NPC is named and I have absolutely no idea who he is or why/if he's plot relevant. It kinda bugs me because I feel like I SHOULD remember him, but I just can't. Oh well, whatever.

This woman mentions that she used to run a shop here and she's sad that she closed it up. Maybe she'll open the store again later, but for now I want to see if there's any free stuff lying around.

Huh. Don't see that too often in video games. I wonder what I have to do to get this thing open? I probably need a screwdriver from the final dungeon or some other item that I'll only have long after I've forgotten all about this.

So Vahn and Mei are the local kids who are into each other but aren't quite mature enough to start a real romantic relationship, and everyone knows about it. I wonder if that romance will be kindled throughout the story, or if Mei will fall by the wayside when Vahn rescues/is rescued by a strange woman? I guess we'll have to play and find out.

Before we further the story, let's stop to get some world building and a battle tutorial.
Tetsu: Time goes by so quickly. I have taught you the techniques of Biron all your life. Do not forget them while hunting outside the village! Now, then...

Tetsu: Biron is a god of strength and love. Outside Rim Elm is a temple devoted to Biron. There, many warrior-monks devoted to Biron practiced night and day. They renounced the world's dependence on Seru and worked to polish their fighting skills. Many Biron warrior-monks also traveled the globe to spread the noble teachings of Biron. When visiting Rim Elm, I was trapped here by the Mist. But I am still a faithful Biron! I feel it is my destiny to teach the young the teachings and fighting skills of Biron.
We'll learn a lot more about Biron later, but for now we can at least glean that this guy taught Vahn how to fight. If we ask him about secrets of fighting, he almost but not quite gives a tutorial on a battle mechanic, but we can just learn about that more directly by asking for a practice fight with him.

This is also the first game I played that had the screen shatters battle transition that I've loved ever since.

Music: Battle Theme
First off, we're presented with the choice to fight or try and flee. Running away spends all of your allies' turns and is not guaranteed to work, meaning if you fail to run then the enemy gets an entire round of free attacks. I try to avoid running unless I'm really desperate or really need to conserve my energy for a boss or some such.

When choosing to attack physically, you input a string of commands. You can either input the commands yourself, or let the game randomly input them for you. As far as I know there's never any reason to use Auto, but I suppose I could be missing something.

Items are items. Healing leaves heal more than Vahn's current HP max, so they're going to be quite valuable for a while.

Our third command, Spirit, is sort of a Charge/Defend hybrid. When you use it, it
-Decreases the damage you take from attacks and increases your odds of blocking
-Increases the length of your combo gauge, allowing you to attack with more hits on the next turn
-Increases you AP (the points that allow you to use Arts)
In other words, Spirit is a cool ability and is a staple of basically every battle.

And here is the manual entry screen for physical attack. High and Low are kicks, while Left and Right are punches or weapon attacks. Using the correct combination of these four causes the character to use an Art. In this case, High Low High equals...

Standard Arts like this one are saved to a menu, so once you figure out a good combo, you can access that menu (with triangle) to see a list of Arts you've learned, so you don't have to remember the combinations. While I suppose it's possible to get through the game without Arts, they're a another major staple of the gameplay and figuring out good Arts and combinations of Arts is vital to your strategy.
And with that, the training ends. Let's poke around town a little more and then head home.

This guy doesn't say much that we don't already know (or couldn't infer). Basically, the Seru used to be cool but now the Mist makes them go crazy and kill people, and Rim Elm has this huge wall around it that protects them from the Mist.

Music: Mei's Theme

Meanwhile, Vahn walks into the house...

I feel dirty all of the sudden.

And with that, Mei leaves and we regain control of Vahn.

Leaving the house triggers the next scene.

It looks like the hunters have finally returned!...
Music: Sad Theme
The hunters bring a body along with them, laid out on a makeshift strecher...

Hunter: I'm so sorry, Mei. It happened so quickly...before we knew it. The Mist came earlier than usual. Juno was attacked by the Seru monsters...There wasn't anything we could do.

We have little to do now but go home. However, we can talk to Mei before we leave. I hope she's holding up okay.

Well, this is shaping up to be a real downer of an intro. Let's just go to sleep and hope tomorrow is a little less depressing.

There's a tiny little cave in the north part of town that houses this, a save point. I think they're among the cooler looking save points in games.

I suppose we might as well get some rest. It's been a tough day. Here's hoping the night is a little more peaceful...
(hint: it won't be)