Part 3: Enter the Survival Horror
Update 3: Enter the Survival Horror
Music: World Map Theme
Okay, it's time to do a little exploring on the world map! Rim Elm is at the southeastern corner of the Drake Kingdom. Biron Monastery is to the north, but there's a river barring our path there. We're left with little choice but to wander in a more or less northwestern direction.

Of course, just because the Mist is gone doesn't mean there aren't other random monsters waiting to kill our hero. Green Slimes are capable of splitting in two, thus allowing them to theoretically drag a battle on infinitely.

It would make them a credible threat if they were smart enough to actually do it more than one time out of ten. Otherwise, they're pretty worthless.

Evil Flies are semi-dangerous. They can inflict Venom with this attack, and as flying monsters they don't get hit by Low kicks. That said, they're still more of an annoyance than anything.

Gimard's spell is basically a suicide bomb attack. It may be nothing but a starter spell, but it still packs a hell of a punch for this point in the game.

Gobu Gobu is slightly less worthless than Green Slime in stats, but is significantly more dangerous because he can steal a Healing Leaf or, god forbid, our one precious Magic Leaf. Not only can he steal normal items, but he will also steal equipment you aren't wearing. Fortunately, you get the item back if you kill him before he runs away, and he usually waits a couple turns after stealing to try and run, which is more than enough time to kill one.

By the way, magic in this game levels up and becomes more powerful with use. I think I got Gimard to level 4 or 5 while I was doing my minigrindfest before entering the first dungeon. Not only does this increase the magic's effectiveness, but it can also have other benefits that I'll explain later.

Hey, what's that?

Music: Rim Elm
Hunter: Oh, so the Ra-Seru Meta is with you, eh? Vahn, you've grown up into a fine adult! By the way, Vahn, see that guy over there?

The hunters all say variants of Talk to Lezam!, so...

Lezam: So you are Vahn. The hunters have told me of you. You have done great deeds. You have my gratitude.

Maybe it's just me, but that line comes off as hilariously rude. You're thanks aren't good enough unless you specify why you think I'm awesome.
Lezam: Yes, this is about something that happened before the Mist reached here. I was heading to Rim Elm under King Drake's orders to warn them of the Mist. But the Mist caught up with me, and I became a Seru monster! From what I hear, it is your deeds that enabled me to become human again. That is why I am grateful. Thank you so much! Drake is surrounded by the Mist, and King Drake is surely awaiting you...your powers! With your powers, our castle could be saved. Please do whatever you can to save Drake Castle! Before I departed, the King had made a frightening decision. I hope he is safe.
Wait, that sounds interesting. Tell me more about this scary thing the King did.
Lezam: Before departing, King Drake made a decision of great consequence. One that is difficult to discuss. If you wish to know the consequences of that decision...Then go to Drake Castle and see for yourself.
Hmm...I wonder what that's all about? I guess we'll end up going to Drake Castle at some point anyway, so I'm sure we'll find out soon enough.

Free HP/MP refill. There are also some statues here that act as tutorials, but they didn't tell me anything we haven't already gone over.

And here we are at Drake's Castle. I never did find a bridge across the river, but maybe that construct to the right can offer us a way across?

Oh, it's a dam! Too bad we don't have the key. It's probably in the castle somewhere, so I guess that cements Drake Castle as our actual next destination.
Also, what's with that chest in the water? Way to be a cocktease, game.

Anyway, I did a little grinding before going to Drake Castle so I could come back to Rim Elm and grab those boots I couldn't afford earlier. Money tends to run low in this game, so I may have to be more choosey about what I buy in the future. Well, that or grinding. We'll see.

Music: The commonly used title of this song offers a minor but nonetheless existent spoiler concerning a town we haven't seen yet in its name. I'd say it's not really a big deal, but don't click this music link if you're really worried about it.
(this is also the reason the attack on Rim Elm didn't have a music link)

Doors of Light allow instant escape from a dungeon and return you to the world map. They're basically wonderful and I love them.

Drake Castle consists of four floors, with a passage at the top leading to our goal. Each floor has a passage to the next floor and two rooms to each side, but all of the floor passages are locked and require keys.

Also, we are back in a Mist-infested area, and so Gimard makes its return. I should note that Seru never appear on the world map, only in Mist-infested dungeons and towns, which makes them theoretically missable. I'll try to grab Seru at the first opportunities I get, just in case.

Anyway, Gimard is a total pushover now that we have levels and equipment. Skeletons are a little more dangerous, but still completely unremarkable overall.

Okay, but how do we do that? Is there a Genesis Tree somewhere in the castle? I guess more exploring is in order.
Now that I think about it, why is everyone caged? And alive instead of dead? Hmm...

Okay, time for the next floor.

By the way, remember how I said that leveling up Seru spells can have additional benefits? Well, this is an example. Once Gimard reaches level 3, using him on an enemy lowers the enemy's offense. I believe most if not all other fire spells have the same effect. Since Gimard levels relatively fast (especially for Vahn, since Vahn is also fire-friendly), this can be useful even later in the game to lower enemy attack power, even when Gimard is no longer dealing significant damage.
...Or so I say. I haven't actually done it (I did grind Gimard to level 9 once, then completely forgot about him later on). But in theory what I'm saying is probably true!

Book: Drake Castle's water is pleasing and potent. When used to water fields, grains frow tall and thick. Beasts that drink it grow strong. Even without food, one is safe so long as there is the rich water of Drake to drink.
Interesting. I take it that Drake Water is the stuff from back at the Hunter's Spring. I wonder if the Seru-people here can drink it and stay healthy, too?

Drake's Ghosts are jerks. Like the Evil Flies, they avoid all Low standard attacks.

They can also shoot energy from their swords to deal decent damage (this did 19 damage after Spiriting, so presumably in the ballpark of 40 without). I also recall this enemy type having an attack called V-Windhash which is basically twice as powerful, but these guys never got a chance to use it if they can, for which I am thankful.

Harvest Month, Day 2. The harvest festival isn't far. I can't wait! But King Drake seems uneasy.
Day 4. A messenger from the north said the Mist has covered Jeremi. King Drake is pale.
Day 5. A strange building has been built in the valley to the northeast. Soldiers sent by King Drake to investigate failed to return.
Day 7. A curfew has been declared. The royal scientists are investigating the mist. I hope they find a solution, so my dear King Drake can be free of his anguish.
Day 10. The Mist has appeared in Drake Kingdom. The eastern plain is covered. From the watchtower, the Mist seems to be coming from the building in the valley.
Day 13. King Drake has forbidden the use of Seru. The harvest festival is canceled. That's understandable, considering how the Mist is affecting the Seru.
Day 14. I can't believe the King's order! But we are compelled to obey...Obeying is my duty, as one who serves King Drake.
(the rest is blurred and illegible)

Book: Drake Kingdom lies in a remote part of South Legaia, on a peninsula of mountains and valleys. Under the rule of King Drake, there is safety and abundant resources. Visitors to Drake Castle should visit Mt. Rikuroa. Go through Drake Castle and head north to find Mt. Rikuroa. At its summit stands the Genesis Tree, which is said to watch over humans since the age of the gods.

Well, I guess we know where we're going next! But first we have to unlock this last gate.

Phew, I'm getting kind of tired. This is Drake Castle's throne room, with two rooms connected to it. Let's see what they have to offer.

The right room has a healing spot, which is very, very much appreciated. We could use this to grind more (the castle offers a fair deal more exp/money than the fields did) but I think I'll press on for now.

Book: The reports were correct as I feared. Any human wearing a Seru ceases to be human in the Mist. But because of some power, a person possessed by a crazed Seru also ceases to age. That means a person wearing a Seru could live for a hundred, a thousand years...nay, forever! But is immortality worth giving up being human? That I do not know. I must report this to King Drake at once.
Now that I think about it, I hadn't played a survival horror game before I played this. To be honest, I'm not sure my 7 year old mind really grasped the implications of what happened in this castle.

Hyper Arts can only be learned from these books. Each character gets three, so now we have Vahn's first one, Tornado Flame.

Hyper Arts are more powerful than standard ones, but also consume more AP. For example, Tornado Flame takes three commands and costs 30 AP, while a normal Art that takes three commands (such as Somersault) would only take 18.
That said, Tornado Flame is quite useful for now. It's just powerful enough to kill Drake Ghosts and Skeletons in one hit, so battles getting out of the castle should be a breeze at this point.

And that cements the fact that we need to free Drake Castle of the Mist (presumably via the Genesis Tree at Mt. Rikuroa) to get across the river to get to Biron Monastery to find Mei's mother. This got pretty complicated, didn't it?

Letter: I am Drake III, King of Drake. I know not who will read this letter. But anyone who makes it through the Mist must have powers greater than the Mist. No doubt you have seen the Seru monsters in this castle's dungeons. Those monsters are in fact my dear retainers and the people of my kingdom. When the Mist approached we tried many ways to drive it back. We even prayed at the Genesis Tree of Mt. Rikuroa to the north. Legend says the tree has the power to save the human race.
In the end we decided to lock ourselves in the dungeon and wear Seru, surrendering to the Mist. As Seru monsters, we should survive on Drake water until the day the Mist goes away. We locked ourselves in the dungeon so the Seru madness would not force us to harm anyone. So, traveler, I ask you to drive away the Mist, as we were powerless to do so. You are our only hope for the future the hope that sustains us.
Okay, I'll see what I can do for you guys. Although if your prayers didn't work at the Tree, I'm not sure why mine would be any better. Maybe you need a Ra-Seru for it to work.

One last key for one last lock, and...

Here we are, at the base of Mt. Rikuroa! Join me next time for wolves, mushrooms, and a little girl beating the crap out of penguins!
(not featured: climbing Mt. Rikuroa)
Verbose posted:
Fight the beeees

Music: oh no

Oh, well, we can do this. It's just a bunch of bees, after-

fucking OW

Right, so we won't be doing that for a while.