Part 7: Biron Monastery
Update 7: Biron Monastery
Biron Monastery has a clever little idea; they've made a sort of makeshift airlock. Turning the fans off blows the mist out the entrance then seals the entrance door and unlocks the path forward.

Music: Biron Monastery
Monk: I rush out thinking that some Seru are up to no good, and I find human visitors! Well, then, come with me! I'll introduce you to everyone at Biron. I'm so glad you came. It's been a long time since Biron Monastery has had any real human visitors. I never thought anyone would come here while I was guarding the gate. You really surprised me! They're in the middle of training. When it's over, I'll introduce you to Master Zopu.

The white-clad monks all wander off to various spots, while the blue and red ones stick around.

He leaves the room as well.


Ooh, nice. Now then, if we try to head upstairs...
???: Vahn? Is that you, Vahn?

Music: Mei's Theme
It's Mei's mother! She has a really bad habit of facing away from the camera; I apologize on her behalf.

Well, it's good to see she's alive. Let's see if we can help her with cooking or something.

Hmm, maybe that's why Songi is so enamored with the idea of finding a Seru buddy.

Noa barges in, leaving Vahn and the guard in her dust.
Monk...Umm...It sounds pretty lively in there. I can hear a lot of laughter. Maya is very loving and hardworking. She's such a cheerful person. The monks of Biron think of her like a mother. The Biron Monastery doesn't allow Seru or women... I guess the Mist has changed that rule.
Noa comes back out.

This is semi-hidden; the camera sort of pans to show it when you're towards the top of the room. Medicine heals all status effects. There are also shops here, and the weapon shop has a nice new body armor for Vahn, but it costs 1800 G versus the two or three hundred I have, so we won't be getting that for a while.


We can talk to Zopu in his room to move on to the next scene.

Music: Sad Theme

Maya runs off, finally giving me a good shot of her facing towards the screen. Yeesh.

Music: Biron Party
I don't know why I keep messing these shots up. I actually said no.

Talking with these two is such a chore.

Sure, why not? We need more Genesis Tree power to get to the Generator anyway, or something along those lines.

Person: Hurray! Hurray for Vahn!
Individual: A toast to Noa!

Uhh...well...West rhymes with Best, so let's go with that one? I dunno.
(it doesn't matter which you choose you end up getting forced into going to West Voz first anyway)

Oh, what fun.

I don't think this scene was really necessary. Maybe it's just me, but Songi was already setting off the HI I'M EVIL alarm without it.

Songi and the other monks run off towards their destination.

Meet Gala, our third and final party member!

He's addition to the team.

I don't see why you're so hesitant to go back and see your daughter. Well, whatever. Time to head past Biron Monastery and see what our new character is like!

Music: World Map

Gala is basically crap.
First of all, he's level one. To be fair, his stats at level one are pretty good compared to what Vahn's and Noa's were back then, barring his speed. But they're level seven now, and he's not, and the difference is really obvious. Also, Biron Monastery is remarkably lacking in any equipment for the guy who trained there, and so he's going into fights with no weapons or armor.
Furthermore, Gala is really slow. He's gonna be dead last in the turn order for a long time (and pretty much always behind Vahn and Noa even when he outspeeds enemies, though there are fixes for that). However, the bigger problem is his Arts bar. Spirited, he can just barley fit four commands (recall that that's the same length a level 1 Noa's gauge was WITHOUT Spiriting). Un-spirited, he can only fit two, meaning he's completely incapable of performing any Arts unless he Spirits for now.
He at least has high intellect and MP. Too bad he doesn't have a Ra-Seru to help him actually utilize those stats!

Complaining aside, though, there is one thing I like about Gala, and that's how this all ties in to the plot. Gala is basically a badass. He's been training at Biron Monastery for who knows how long and is the strongest person there. And despite that, he's getting completely outclassed by two random kids with Ra-Seru. In other words, I choose to believe that Gala's lackluster performance is intentional, to accent the increase in power that having a Ra-Seru gives a person. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but that's what makes sense to me.

As for enemies, there are ostriches (unremarkable), frogs (can poison but otherwise unremarkable), and...

...Lippians. They're the monster fighting Gala a couple screenshots up, and they're pretty annoying. Kiss of Death thankfully does not inflict Death, but it can inflict Numb, which can be really frustrating. Fortunately Noa can kill one with Tempest Break but that still requires a turn to Spirit first. Otherwise they're nothing special, but this attack is annoying enough that it warrants special mention.
It even has a smooching sound sound clip. Ugh.

I don't know why Gala says this since this is not West Voz Forest nor any particular place we were heading for.

The Ivory Book is an accessory that increases the odds a character will learn magic when they defeat a Seru. I put it on Noa for now.

At least Gala levels up pretty fast. I also want to show something a little past West Voz Forest before we go there.

There's nothing in the map but locked doors, so that's a bust. However, there are a couple enemies worth fighting...

All right, got two spells for Noa! Gimard is old news, but this is the first place we can learn Theeder. I only had Noa learn it but I might come back to get it for Vahn if I feel like it since he can probably use it to better effect.

Theeder's attack hits in an arc in front of it, and it's quite powerful as you can see. However, it's also pricey, at 24 MP. That's the equivalent of four heals from Vera, so I have to wonder if it's really worth it.
I also entered West Voz Forest very briefly to do one important thing. Don't worry, this is all I did for now.

All right, Noa can heal now!
Join me next time as we properly explore the West Voz Forest and find its Genesis Tree!