Part 11: Zeto
Update 11: Zeto
Just a couple final status updates. The Mettle Ring (our reward for defeating Songi) is a fantastic addition to my arsenal. 10% doesn't sound like much but that's a lot of extra Arts that someone could use overall. I gave it to Noa.

Can we really destroy something that big?

With our faith, Ra-Seru and humans can destroy this machine together!

This machine does not belong on earth! Let's go!

The Mist is salvation. The Mist is eternal. The Mist is perfect harmony. You should have accepted the Mist obediently. Instead, you resist so foolishly. I, Zeto, will now put an end to your futile resistance!

I know you. You're the one who bothered me at Mt. Rikuroa! You did those horrible things to Terra the Wolf! I...I...I'll make you pay!
Big Boss Battle
And so Zeto is now a lobster. I can't say I was expecting that, although I guess it's a more climactic form than before.
The bad news is Zeto can hit the whole party for nasty damage. The good news is he has to charge the attack, and thus you can Spirit on the turn he actually uses Big Wave to cut the damage down to a perfectly manageable amount. Otherwise he has some basic attacks that can do in the ballpark of one or two hundred damage to one person.
All told, I've never found Zeto very difficult. To be fair, I always grind up enough money for All The Equipment before I fight him, so it's possible if I just went straight in without that (not to mention two or three levels lower) that this would be a real challenge. Even then, though, I don't see this being harder than Viguro and Viguro.
Meanwhile, Vahn and Noa can both do a good 500-550 damage with their usual combos. As is par for the course with bosses, I take enough damage that I regain enough AP that I'm okay with spamming Arts more than I might normally.
Oh, and I believe I promised that I'd show off a neat new thing that Noa's able to do with her seven commands. You see, some combinations of Arts create a whole new thing. This is Rushing Gale (^^<v>) plus Sonic Javelin (>v>)
Super Javelin is the only one I've ever learned without GameFAQs help (well technically I got help by learning the original two Arts that compose this but that's besides the point). Normally Sonic Javelin would do something like 60-80 damage, so this is an appreciable increase.
Unlike other kinds of Arts, these do not get put into your Arts menu, so you have to remember the exact combinations yourself. They can be pretty nice boosts to your damage if you're willing to spend the AP on them, and great for busting out in boss fights. I'm looking forward to when Vahn and Gala get to use some of these, too.
This is Zeto's only other attack. Still nothing too terrifying.
Nothing to it!
The Genesis Tree

Those Ra-Seru, who don't even know the Mist's salvation? Forgive me, Prince Cort!
Oh-ho, it looks like we have the name of our true antagonist!
Meanwhile, Zeto disintegrates into nothing.

Vahn! Noa! Gala! Are you ready to destroy the Mist Generator! We must work as one! Attack!

Amazing! The Ra-Seru are powerful enough to destroy that giant Mist Generator!

Terra? Terra, are you sad? I can tell that you're crying, Terra.

You're so kind, Noa. But don't worry about me.


After all, the detestable Mist that surrounded Drake Kingdom is now gone!

But we mustn't rest yet! We still have to destroy those who created these infernal machines!

There are also people in other areas still suffering in the horrible Mist!

Resting now is the same as giving up!
Our heroes run out of the Mist Generator room, but the camera moves in the opposite direction...

There must also be a Mist Generator in the north, which is still enveloped in the Mist. Honorable Gala!

Master Zopu, please, you mustn't call me Honorable Gala...

I see. Well, then, Gala! I want you to go after Songi. That Seru on Songi's arm...Obviously it is not a Ra-Seru. And I cannot help but suspect the influence of some evil presence, Zeto perhaps. Fighting the Mist also means tracking down Songi.
Noa and Maya enter Zopu's room.

Zopu! Gala! Maya says she will return to Rim Elm!
Mei's Theme

Maya, you're really going back alone? I can go with you.

Thank you, Noa. But the Mist Generator has been destroyed. I'll be alright. Come visit me in Rim Elm sometime. We'll have fun talking together again.


Vahn, you're a brave man, and I'll be sure to tell Mei and Val how brave you are! Well, it makes me sad to watch people walk away from me. SO I'll leave ahead of you. Goodbye, everyone.
Heh, she's not good at goodbyes, either. Just like her daughter.
She leaves the room, and everyone turns to Vahn.

Vahn, to the north of Drake Kingdom, people are suffering because of the Mist. But we can save them.

That's the spirit! Vahn, you're the leader! We're all counting on you!

Vahn, you're the greatest!

The north Sebucus Islands and the Karisto Kingdom, I know not how they fare...But you saved the Drake Kingdom, and together the three of you can save the whole world!
And with that, we can move on towards the second world zone of Legend of Legaia. But before that, I have some business elsewhere...
Soren's Sad Song

Vahn, you're a liar! You're nothing but a liar! Why didn't you tell me! About my mother...Why didn't you tell me you went to Biron Monastery to look for her? Why didn't you tell me?!

I never knew you put yourself in such danger for me. Why didn't you tell me? Why? You should have told me! I was so worried!...

Mei, why are you angry at Vahn?

I don't know...I'm so happy to have you back home, Mother, but...And I know it was Vahn who brought you back, but...I'm so grateful to Vahn, and at the same time I feel so guilty...When I see his face, I get full of many emotions at the same time. I'm angry at Vahn for not telling me, and angry at myself for not knowing.

Oh, Mei! You don't have to cry. There, there now! I don't know what to do with you!

Mei, why are you crying? Mei, your mother came home! You're not lonely anymore! So why are you crying? Did Vahn do something that bad? Was he mean to you? If Vahn was bad to you, I'll teach him a lesson! So don't cry, Mei, OK? When I see you crying, it makes me want to cry, too! I don't have a mother! I'm all alone!


Oh, I'm sorry, Noa! I'm so sorry! So many emotions came out at once, and I was just confused.

Noa, I want you to think of me as your mother, OK?


Vahn, I want to ask you a very important favor. I want you to find Noa's mother, like you found me. Would you do that for me? No tells me that she dreams of her mother often...In those dreams, she hears her mother's voice calling to her.
It's a pretty tall order, but I like Noa enough that I'm willing to give it a shot!

That's the Vahn I know! That's the spirit!

Vahn, Noa, we should be going.


Gala, you take care of yourself, too!

Yes, ma'am! Thank you very much!

Songi! I can't stop wondering how he is. Songi is proud, but he's not a bad child. If you find out anything about Songi, please let me know!

But Vahn, you're always so reckless! That's why I always...I'm sorry. I'm sure everything will be alright, Vahn. Be careful, Vahn! As long as you're safe, that's all that matters to me.
Well, that was a sad and also heartwarming scene.
But that's not why I'm here.
Sweet Revenge
It's time to kill some bees.
They always get the drop on Team Vahn, but now I'm sturdy enough to survive their first barrage of attacks without much trouble. You really need to be strong enough to survive at least two (preferably three or more) rounds of combat, since all of the bees will most likely outspeed even Noa.
And...hey, what the fuck, game?
Yeah, so no magic. I don't know why, you just can't.
Bee enemies seem highly Noa-resistant. These consistently dodged most of her attacks, and even when Tempest Break landed it seemed to do remarkably low damage. I don't know why that is.
Gala and Vahn do better, and manage to kill off two of the Killer Bees.
I had to use one of my heal-all items, which is kind of a shame but honestly they're low enough in power that I probably won't find much use for them later anyway, so might as well use them while they're useful.
Gala kills off the third Killer, and Vahn finally torches the queen. Mission complete!
Honey is the super booster. Which character do you guys think ought to have it?
Anyway, I'm pretty beat up after that fight, I should probably stop by the house and rest up bef-
What the FUCK, game?