Part 14: Orb
Update 14: Orb

Music: Octam in the Mist

Noa begins running all throughout the area.

I like the dynamic that Noa and Gala have. It's not really groundbreaking in any particular way, but there's something about Noa's childish nature pitted against Gala's relative maturity that I think helps this duo stand out.

Anyway, we can explore the town, but Gala's right it's abandoned and there's not really much to see. This guide mentions that the Gate of Shadows seems to have a link to Octam but nobody really understands what that might be. Hmm...

The enemies here are more trouble than they're worth, for the most part; they don't seem to have all that great an EXP of G yield and some of them are decently powerful/durable. Also note the Killer Bees; they're the weaker bees from the Honey fight back in Rim Elm.

Curry devils are assholes. They have loads of HP and decent defenses...

And are none too weak, either. Bear in mind this normally does way more damage (Noa was Spiriting)

There is one very important enemy here, though, and that's the new Seru and our new best friend, Orb.

Orb is not only a step up in healing from Vera, but it also affects the entire party. It's thrice as expensive, but 18 MP is still pretty cheap. It's delightful and will make future boss fights


Inside the large central building is this shrine, which has a stairway leading downward. Maybe this is the Temple of Rem?

These stones each equate an element to a cardinal direction.
I remember seeing stones with these colors back at the Gate of Shadows, but the game wouldn't let me do anything with them. Maybe I need something to activate them.

Be warned! Take heed! The Mist is Death in disguise! The Mist is a cradle of madness! History warns us: The Mist stops time. The Mist brings chaos. When the evil Mist appears from the west horizon, leave everything and run for your lives! The god Rem awaits you all, in the hot depths of the earth. Until the heroes of Ra-Seru defeat the Mist...

When reality turns into a nightmare and nightmares bring despair, the god Rem is the last hope. Rem leads humans to the depths of the Earth, and in his bosom destroys the Mist nightmare. But hear this, heroes of Ra-Seru, those who walk through the Mist! Thou must show a sign of being the heroes of Ra-Seru! The path to Rem's bosom is ever steep and hidden in darkness. Gather at the Gate of Shadows! The path to Rem's bosom can be found only there.

The path to Rem's bosom is at the Gate of Shadows. However, the mouth of the Gate of Shadows is shut. The Gate of Shadows is a stone flower. Only words in the Four Faces make the flower bloom. Speak to the Four Faces. Find the words engraved in the Faces and engrave them in thine hearts.

The Gate of Shadows is a stone flower. The words of the Four Faces will cause a great flower to bloom. However, for the true Gate born in the flower, seek out the Key. That Key is the Star Pearl, a silent treasure that slumbers deep under the palace of Rem. The Star pearl will open the true Gate. Heroes, pass and take the ancient path to Rem's bosom.
The fourth pedestal moves, revealing a staircase.

This elevator lies at the deepest point of Octam. Unfortunately, it's locked, but investigating it triggers a cutscene...

??? Ha ha ha!

Music: Cara's Theme
Cara's Theme is a strong contender for my favorite song in the game. Give it a listen!

And so Cara vanishes, taking her excellent music with her.

I think the game is assuming we've already been to Jeremi here otherwise this means Cara pawned the Star Pearl to a Seru monster.
So...yeah. I think we've exhausted all of the things we can do. It's time to get back on the plot's intended course and go to Jeremi.