Part 16: Fat Fingers
Update 16: Fat FingersFirst, let's check out if our Ra-Seru have transformed.

Meta's looking a bit more menacing.

Terra stopped enveloping Noa's hand, strangely enough, but otherwise seems to be growing well.

I wasn't expecting them all to change at once; I can't remember if they change every time we awaken a Genesis Tree or what, but I'll try to keep an eye on them.
Now, let's get back to the saved Jeremi.

Music: Jeremi's Theme
First of all, I took a couple elevators I ignored before and found this lovely little item. It increases Speed by 20%. I gave it to Vahn because Noa already outspeeds just about everything and it boosts Vahn's speed more than it does Gala, but honestly Gala might get better mileage out of it.

Mayor: You revived the Genesis Tree and saved Jeremi from the Mist! The townspeople rushed over to get a look at all of you! Please, come this way...
That's kind of rude. Can't we at least get some rest? We just fought like forty monsters and-

Mayor: Wearing Ra-Seru, these heroes braved the Mist and revived the Genesis Tree! Here they are, the heroes who saved Jeremi: Vahn, Noa, and Gala! Thank you, brave Ra-Seru heroes!

Music: Happy Fun Time
Scary Man: Noa, you're so cute!
Scary Woman: Oh, I don't believe it! It's Gala!

You deserve it.
The next morning...

Mayor: I'm so sorry about yesterday. I never thought that would happen! I have firmly instructed everyone not to cause any ruckus this time. Well then, good luck. Good day.
Now we're free to explore the Mist-free, human populated town. Let's stop by the tavern and see what's up.

Music: Broken Dreams
In case the music and the dialogue didn't clue you in, the tavern is a depressing spot. Everyone here is moping about the people who have died in the last ten years. It's kind of nice in a way to know that driving the Mist away doesn't magically make everything perfect, but it also kind of rains on my parade.

I get the impression that this picture is basically mandatory for any LP of this game.

Oh hey, this is the jeweler guy, right? Let's see what he has to say., I think I might have talked to that guy? Let's see if we can find him in Vidna.

Music: Town Theme

Pepe: What?

Pepe: She said it was his fat but nimble fingers. Ever since then, his nickname around the house was Fat Fingers. To tell you the truth, somewhere in my heart, I had given up on Father. But he's alive! Oh, thank you for bringing the letter. Thank you so much! Oh, if only Mother were alive, too. Yes...three years ago she fell ill and died. Oh, wait a minute! This is a keepsake of my mother. If you would, please give it to Father.

Well, that's kind of a downer, but Pepe seems to be handling it okay at any rate. Let's head back to Jeremi.

Music: Jeremi's Theme again

Um, he clearly gave it to Noa. Get your facts straight, game.

Zalan's Crown is another AP boosting accessory, which I handed over to Vahn. The Star Pearl boosts INT, which is...okay, I guess, but not really a huge deal and I'm pretty sure it vanishes when we use it for plot (I'll check for sure later) so I left it alone.
And that's it for this update! Join me next time as we figure out what to do with the Gate of Shadows.