Part 17: Three Babies
Update 17: Three Babies
Well, we should have all of the items and information we need to figure out what's going on with the Gate of Shadows now. Let's check it out again.

We have to match each direction to its corresponding element. We got this code back in Octam, in the same room where the books of prophecy were.

And with the Star Pearl, we can activate this gelatinous mess in the center of the flower...

Which eats us. I always thought that was a little gross.

Music: Voz Forest Theme (repurposed for the underground path)
And here we are, in the underground path. I cannot for the life of me remember if this zone has a proper name or what. Regardless, I think it's a pretty little spot. The green and blue hues combined with the old Voz music makes the area oddly calming.

Of course, you can't drop your guard too much. The enemies here are a step up from the monsters on the overworld or in Octam proper, but they still aren't really a match for my team. Nova is a decently powerful wind spell. It took me forever, but I finally managed to get Gala to learn it, but one character is enough for now.

The mushroom enemies are kind of dangerous; they're weak and frail, but they can inflict Rot. Meanwhile, I believe Warmen can inflict Curse (blocks the Magic command), but if they can it never stuck on any of my characters this time.

Full stat boost for one battle. I know which boss I plan to use this on!

The Life Ring has the same effect as Mei's Pendant, increasing Max HP by 10%.
Oh yeah, I meant to mention this before; you can sort of exploit accessories that boost Max HP to level up your healing magic. Specifically, when you equip a Max HP booster, it does not increase your current HP. So by equipping the accessory, you are then set up to get healed. Then you unequip it, re-equip it, and heal again. So on, so on. If you do it in one of the Drake Kingdom towns you can replenish your MP for free, so you can get any healing spell to level 9 this way.
It's tedious and I probably won't do it, but it's there if you feel like having superheals as soon as possible.

Eventually we reach a spot where the rocks are floating up and down. It has no impact on moving around, it's just an aesthetic thing. I think it's a nice touch.

Music: Jeremi (repurposed for Underground Octam)

We pass by the inn and approach what looks to be the capitol, when...

Man: Look at Debora's house! It's going to collapse!

Yep. Welcome to Octam.

Hari's temple house thing is still standing. Unfortunately, Hari is asleep and in the land of dream prophecies, so we can't talk to him. Oh well, at least we know where to find him now. Let's check out the capitol building and see if anything interesting is there.

Apparently it's being used as a refuge for the people who's houses have been destroyed. Which is most of Octam, it seems.

Mayor: The people suffer so much, but I can do nothing. What an incompetent mayor I am! Ha ha! If only Hari would awaken, then we could do something about the situation. This is a dangerous place, so you'd do well to leave here quickly. Ha ha! Between me and you, I may have escaped the Mist so far, but I don't expect to live much longer.
Right, I'm going to walk away from you now.
But when we try...
Soldier: Come here, everyone! It's Hari! Hari!

In a comic relief moment, the soldier knocks Vahn over in his hurry to get to the mayor.

Mayor: You don't say! What wonderful news! The town is saved! Ha ha ha! There's no time to waste! We must hurry to Hari at the Palace of Meditation!
And so we head back that way...

As it turns out, Hari is actually three Haris. Which makes sense, I guess, considering the nature of time (past, present, future, as the priestess/nun says.) Let's talk to the Hari of the Past first.

Music: Dreams
Hari of the Past: The interrelation among the Mist, Seru, and Ra-Seru is part of the inevitability of time. Beyond the human world in which we live is the home of the Seru, the Seru-kai. All Seru in the human world are born of the Seru-kai. Human world and Seru-kai are indivisible, but the two worlds were destined to remain apart. However, an unfortunate accident allowed the Seru to enter the human world. Humankind learned of the Seru's power and build civilization. But people depended on Seru too much, and it warped the human spirit, leading to great tragedy. At the heart of the Mist is a demon! Even through Rem's eyes its true nature is unclear. This demon, neither human nor Seru, used the Mist to destroy the world! It is no coincidence that you have been chosen by the Ra-Seru! Fight with all your strength! The power of the Genesis Trees is with you!

Yeah...I'm not gonna lie, that was a lot of words and I don't think I picked up on everything, but it sounds like the opening narration of the game is probably wrong about some things. So Seru and humans were originally not meant to exist together or something? Hmm...and what's this demon? The final boss, perhaps? I guess we'll have to find it and beat it up.
Let's move on to the present.

Hari of the Present: They are now tenaciously pursuing us who have barely survived the Mist's attack. They are now raising an army to kill legions or turn them into Seru monsters! Deep below Octam, at the bottom of the Fire Path, are their henchmen! Vahn, Noa, Gala! Use the powers of your holy Seru to destroy the demon's henchmen! That is the only way to save this town from danger! The only way to save the world from annihilation is to save each individual life! Fight with all your strength! The power of the Genesis Trees is with you!
And now we have an objective go even further underground and kill a boss. Sounds good. Now for the future!

Hari of the Future: Even with the divine powers of Rem it is not possible to see into the future. I can tell you this only. Listen well. Vahn, a horrible tragedy will shatter your hopes. Noa, your parents are still alive! They are in Conkram, in Karisto Kingdom!

Hari of the Future: Yes. If you go to Conkram, Noa, you will see your parents! But beware! Seeing them will disturb you greatly. And you, Gala! In Songi you will find a nightmare awaiting. Remember Songi is your shadow, your alter ego. Viewed as part of the flow of time, tragedy and salvation are two sides of the same coin. You yourselves may pull the trigger and cause nightmares to happen. But as long as there is hope, the deep, swift flow of the river of time may fulfill your hopes. Fight with all your strength! The power of the Genesis Trees is within you!
So basically, all three of our characters are sitting in the blast radius of a drama bomb waiting to go off.

And that's all the Haris have to say. Now that they're asleep again, I guess we don't have much left to do here. Let's go check out this Fire Path that Hari of the Present mentioned.

Mayor: I told the guards there to let you pass. Well then, I must be going! Ha ha!
When King Drake III laughed, it was charming. When you laugh, it's scary.

Music: Henchmen of the Mist

In a much less comedic moment, the soldier knocks over a lady in his panic to escape the earthquake. What a douche. Vahn helps her up, and the three characters escape in time...

Hari: But, heroes of the Ra-Seru! You must not forget the mission with which you have been entrusted! The Hari of the Present ordered you to first head to the Fire Path. Destroy the henchmen of the Mist who have brought calamity to Octam. That will open the door to a new future for you. The three faces of Rem are watching over you. We will meet some day, at an unexpected place. Fight with all your strength! The power of the Genesis Trees is with you!

I still disagree that Hari's dead in the first place, but whatever. The Fire Path still seems like the best place to go next.

Well, besides the armory.

This place has some new equipment for everyone (particularly Noa), so...looks like I'm going to be doing some more grinding offscreen. Join me next time as we descend the Fire Path and fight this big boss that Hari wants us to kill.