Part 21: Noa's Happy Wedding Ceremony
Update 21: Noa's Happy Wedding CeremonyMusic: Happy Town?
Well, we saved the town of Ratayu from the Mist, as per Saryu's wishes...

...So why don't I feel all that good about how things are going here?

Man:: Just between you and me, if someone killed Saryu, the town would be saved! Some men whose wives and daughters were killed tried to get close to Saryu. But the bodyguards watch him so closely, they couldn't get close enough to kill him. I hear Saryu shows himself when he offers the brides of Seru to the monsters. We could get him then, when he's vulnerable.
I see Saryu isn't exactly popular. What's this Bride of Seru business about, anyway? This sounds like something out of a survival horror game.

Woman: You're horrible! Just horrible! Why did you do that? Everyone is suffering because of what you did! Put things back the way they were! Bring the Mist back to our town!

Music: Happy Palace?
I'm not comfortable in this town.

Saryu: My successor, much difficulty will he have because you destroyed...Mist. But I am pleased. The Mist...has made me very tired...I wish to rest. You...may leave...That' order...
Uh, are you okay? 'Cause you're acting like you aren't, and hey, you didn't give me the West Ratayu Key! Now what am I supposed to do?
I guess I'll stop by the inn and rest up. While I'm there...

Eliza: I have been chosen by Saryu to be a Seru bride. Soon the soldiers will take me away. But please, don't worry about me...After all, I'm fortunate not to have died in the Mist...And all of my good friends have gone to the castle, too. And besides, if I don't go to the castle, my parents will be hurt...or worse. I have heard that you are the heroes who drove out the Mist. That's why I have a favor to ask of you. I'm concerned about my parents. Please check up on them once in a while after I'm gone.

Not really, but...I guess this is what we gotta do to progress. I wish we had some sort of plan, here, though...

Eliza: Oh, I am so fortunate!
Fade out/in...

Music: The Genesis Tree

Music: Henchmen of the Mist

Well, it looks like Noa is about to get eaten by a monster and trapped in eternal torment. So, uh, fuck that, let's try and get her out of here.
Did I mention this game is rated E?

Music: Saryu's Theme
Saryu: You'll find more happiness as Juggernaut's flesh and blood than living your own wretched life. So consider yourselves lucky to be Brides of Seru. Now be quiet! That's an order!

The soldiers bust out some sort of stun bow on Noa...
Saryu: The brides are not dead. Their vigorous bodies live. Now, connect them to the machine.

Music: Noa in Danger

This door is usually guarded by soldiers, but they're gone now. In their place...

...Are the Kemaros. These guys are decently tough but really just serve as a warm-up. They don't have any special attacks (or if they do then they never got to use them), and they do...oh, about 200-300 damage per attack string. The interesting thing about them... that you can learn them. Surprisingly enough, I managed to get Vahn and Gala both to learn this magic. This spell costs 72 MP and is single target, but is also remarkably strong.

Gala punches out the Juggernaut tentacle in an impressive display of manliness.

Saryu: You can't believe anything! I haven't ordered you to believe! You've done something I haven't ordered. I don't like you! You must die! Die! That's an order! I will kill you!

Music: Boss Theme
Hey, Saryu. You want to know a secret?


This is Noa's Miracle Art, Noa's Ark. Miracle Arts are an absurdly powerful string of Arts and can do really really good damage, at the cost of gobbling up 99 AP. I figured it was appropriate enough to have Noa unleash that kind of fury in this fight.

Saryu himself is no slouch. Earthquake is another of those alarmingly strong attacks that he doesn't announce beforehand. Fortunately, the high damage also refills Noa's AP gauge a lot for further Miracle Arts.

Jugger Power boosts all of Saryu's combat parameters. Once this happens, you need to kill him off as fast as possible, because he can do some alarming damage even with his normal attacks.
Now that I've shown off Noa's wrath, I think it's time to show you another fun thing we can do now...

All right, time for the scary shit to start winding down.

Music: Happy Town!

Well things got pretty freaky there, but it looks like we've made live good again for the residents of Ratayu! Next time we'll head over to Dohati's Castle and see what awaits us there...

Music: Noa's Dream
Father: Noa...There is something I must tell you.

Mother: In the past, we made a horrible mistake. Something we could not undo. That mistake is what has devastated the world...It is also what has kept us apart for so long.
Father: Now we are paying for that mistake by being trapped in this eternal darkness of deep Mist. Noa! You must undo the mistake that led to this devastation! We can give you the power to change fate!
Mother: Noa, come to us, so that we can atone.

Father: In can...change...fate...!