Part 22: Dohati's Castle
Update 22: Dohati's Castle

Music: The Mist Generator
The path to Dohati's Castle is simple enough it's just larger groups of enemies we've seen already so let's see what the actual dungeon is like. It's conceptually quite similar to Zeto's Dungeon, except we're moving progressively higher instead of lower.

First off, there's a...secret passage here that leads to a delightful Wonder Elixir. Definitely worth going out of our way to grab.

The enemies here are mostly old Seru (again, like Zeto's Dungeon) giving us another chance to grab any we missed. Aluru is new, however, and if memory serves it is the only light-based attack Seru magic. I somehow managed to get all three characters to learn it.

Aluru can also dish out some pain as an enemy. Without Spirit, this would do about 500 damage, which is pretty alarming for a random enemy.

This place has escalators, but thankfully there aren't very many and they don't really get in the way the down escalators are basically just shortcuts back out for if you don't have Doors of Wind.

I like the outside shots you get when you're in these connecting tunnels.

This dungeon also has some excellent loot. The War Soul increases the amount of damage that your characters do. As usual, damage boosters go to Noa.

Everybody ready?

Music: Dohati Appears

Music: Mist Generator Guardian
And then Dohati turned into just about the least intimidating thing he could. It's like he wants to be a parrot but didn't quite pull it off.

Dohati is really quite bland. I always found him to be one of the least interesting boss fights in the game he doesn't even manage to be particularly hard despite his status as a major event boss. I'd even go so far as to say he's the easiest boss in all of the Sebucus Islands.

I thought about trying out Noa's Ark, but then I decided I'd rather hold back this fight isn't hard enough to warrant it. I kind of wish I had done it, though, just to see how much damage Noa could do with that and the War Soul.

This seems to be Dohati's only special attack, and it's not really anything special. Venom is trivial and it's just not that strong.

I have to admit his hop attack is amusing at least.

I'm not totally sure, but I think Dohati shifts in size throughout the battle. Specifically, he seems to deflate after using Chaos Breath and then start bloating up again. I can't tell absolutely for sure, though it might just be my mind desperately searching for something interesting to say about this lame-ass boss.

He goes down pretty easy. The Mettle Armband gives a 25% boost to AP gain, making it a superior version of the Mettle Ring and Zalan's Crown.

Music: The Genesis Tree

The Sebucus Islands are finally freed from the horrors of the Mist...

Huh? What is that?
The creature glows, and our Ra-Seru glow in response for a few seconds...

...And the creature shatters.

And on that curious note, our heroes return to Ratayu.

Music: Ratayu Restored

Can you guess which of the above two lines is actually Gala's? Yes, the game really flubbed and gave both lines to Noa.

Anyway, join me next time as I explore the now-safe Vidna and Octam and maybe reach the Karisto Kingdom!