Part 27: Ice and Science
Update 27: Ice and Science
First off, let's have a look at our Ra-Seru buddies.
Lookin' good! Considering that the Ra-Seru's personalities all basically boil down to friendly and helpful, they sure are getting to look rather menacing.
After some wholly uninteresting wandering around on the world map, I came upon this place. This is the town of Buma. Take note of the pond near this town it's a fishing spot, but I can't use it right now.
Buma in the Mist

Vahn...Gala...The Genesis Tree! Come look at the Genesis Tree! Oh, this is horrible!

Oh, no! Vahn, the Genesis Tree is frozen! It's covered in ice and snow!

(Silence). I never imagined that something like this would happen to the Genesis Tree. We still have to try! We're going to focus our energy! Come over here!

Gala, let's give it a try.

Ready, Vahn? Let's go join them.

It's no good. If we try any harder, we may damage the Genesis Tree.

No, we can't give up! We can't! I'll do it! I'll wake up the Genesis Tree!

Noa, stop acting like a child!

Ohhh, wait! That's it! A Ra-Seru egg! This is a Genesis Tree, so it should have a Ra-Seru egg!

Noa is right! Ozma, can we at least get a Ra-Seru Egg?

Well, actually...It looks like there are no Ra-Seru Eggs here.

It looks like all the Ra-Seru Eggs have been taken from every Genesis Tree.

I'm sure of it, because she had eggs!

I see. It's possible. I don't know for sure, but it's possible.

Can't we melt the ice? If we could, we could revive the Genesis Tree.

There's only one thing I can say for certain...and that is, dawdling around here isn't going to get us anywhere! Noa, Vahn! Let's look for other leads!

Gala, you sure do talk big. Just you wait. I promise you that we'll figure out something.
Well, we have a basic goal, but who knows how many hoops we'll have to jump through to achieve it? The game automatically ejects us form Buma, but I went back in to get something. Freed makes a reappearance... does Spoon. Gala grabbed it, but Noa's still missing the spell. I'll probably come back here later to get it for her before I awaken the Genesis Trees here.
I forgot to mention it back in Sol, but Mages and Sorcerers have a spell that removes an accessory which is to say that you have to actually go into the menu after the battle and reequip it. It's really quite obnoxious and I hate them for it.
Anyway, there isn't anything else of interest in Buma right now (the doors are all frozen shut so I can't even enter the houses), so let's move on. The next area is Dr. Usha's laboratory.

Who is it?

It's me, Noa! I came to see you, Doctor!

Noa? I don't know any Noa!

We're on a journey to wipe the Mist from the face of the Earth! We came seeking knowledge, Dr. Usha. Please let us in!

Well...You may just be clever Seru. You say you want to destroy the Mist...If you're telling the truth, you must know the password from someone in Sol! Well? Let me hear the password!

That's it! So you are the heroes! You're finally here! Just wait a moment. I'll send down the elevator, so wait a moment.
All right! Let's head on up.
Usha Research Center
This is a small little place, but it has a couple of interesting things all the same.
A free healing station...
An item shop with a couple of neat accessories (the Bronze Book increases item drop rate. I believe some enemies start dropping Waters later, so that could be nice for grinding).

Well, imagine that. They even have a bath in this floating place.

I want to take a bath! I want to get in the hot spring!
Man: Hey! Wait a minute!

I don't mind. We can take a bath together!
Man: N-No, I can't do that.

Oh, that's OK! I have a small butt, so we can both fit together!

Noa, stop embarrassing this person!

You're always yelling at me...
Man: Ah...ah...Take a bath with a g-girl? I c-couldn't do that. I'm too shy. I'd like to, but...Mrs. Usha would get mad at me.
Well that was a cutesy comedy of errors until that final line. Um, let's move on.

Oh? I was wrong? You are not the heroes? Oh, ho ho ho! How mortifying. What a foolish mistake I have made. For ten years, trapped in the Mist, I have anxiously awaited the coming of liberators. Now it seems I have waited in vain? How discouraging! Ah...ha ha ha! Of course! Now I get it! You didn't know what I meant when I said heroes! That's why you said you weren't the heroes! You see? Dr. Usha understands everything!
Oh man, we are in for so many words...

All three of us hate the Mist and we're going to destroy it by reviving the Genesis Trees!

I hate the Mist, too!

Oh ho ho ho! I knew it! So those are Ra-Seru on your arms, right?

Doctor, you know about Ra-Seru?

Of course, or course! But who are you? Where do you come from? Why don't we start with that question.

I, um, well, there was this wolf, and, um, I was about to die, and so then, this Ra-Seru. And then the Genesis Tree, yeah, that's it, then I...

Calm down, young lady. We have plenty of time. Try to speak more slowly.
Narrator? Destruction of Rim Elm's Wall! Terra and Noa! Their fateful meeting at Mt. Rikuroa! Biron, Songi and Gala! The Sky Gardens of Jeremi! The mystery of Octam! The tragedy of Hari, the prophet! The windless city of Vidna! The Seru brides of Ratayu! The swift flying train! Gaza, the swordmaster of Sol! And the ice-covered town of Buma! The Mist and the Genesis Trees. The Genesis Trees and Ra-Seru. It was an amazing tale. In turns the three spoke. It was morning by the time they finished their tale.

What a dreadful ordeal you have undergone for such a young age! Overcoming such adversity to bring peace to the world! How noble! You are indeed the heroes! I will do whatever I can to help you! My knowledge is at your disposal. Of course, destroying the Floating Castle should completely eliminate the Mist form Karisto. But the Floating Castle can only be reached by air. To revive a Genesis Tree is key. There are Genesis Trees in Buma, but they are covered in ice. It is impossible to revive them in that state. However...

The ice can be melted! There's a Seru in Nivora Ravine to the north that breathes cold air. It's name is Koru. It was once a peaceful Seru, but the Mist has made it savage. The only thing to do is destroy that Seru!

Wow, that's easy! Doctor, do it for us! Hurry!

Noa, calm down. Koru has been storing heat in his body for many years, and is extremely dangerous. Make a wrong move and KA-BOOM! Koru will explode and destroy you all! With the TimeSpace Bomb, we could trigger thermal reversal and destroy him neatly. But we have no Fire Droplets with which to fabricate a TimeSpace Bomb!

Doctor, where can we find the Fire Droplet?

He who would seek the Fire Droplets must first dream in the home of the Seru. The dream will summon Tieg, who will bring the Fire Droplet. I don't know who Tieg is, but I do know that the home of the Seru is Uru Mais! And if you have a dream there, that Tieg will bring the Fire Droplets. It could be easy or difficult. But this is the only way! My wife has the key to Uru Mais. You can get it from her.

Vahn, Gala! Let's go to Uru Mais!

Uru Mais. Dreams. Tieg. Fire Droplets. Nothing but riddles!
Mrs. Usha gives us the key (after putting me through a quiz that I'm not going to replicate because it's just questions about what we just learned)...
...And here we are, outside Uru Mais!
Join me next time as we have some dreams to summon someone to give us an item to create a TimeSpace Bomb to implode a monster to melt the ice on the Genesis Trees to drive away the Mist to save the world.