Part 28: Dream, Tieg
Update 28:
Dream, Tieg
My apologies for the delay; my internet is being a jerk and it's been hard to keep it alive long enough to get any decent headway into an update, but I finally managed to power through. Let's go have some dreams.
Uru Mais (Octam in the Mist)

Those strange structures in the distance must be Uru Mais, the ancient ruins, Dr. Usha said. But Vahn, have you noticed something unusual? No Mist and no Seru monsters even though there's no Genesis Tree! Those ruins must have the power to hold off the Mist.

Vahn, Gala, there's no one here. Where could Tieg be?

Vahn, do you remember what Dr. Usha said? Let's go dream, like Dr. Usha told us to do.

Vahn, Gala! There's some weird house here! Let's go inside!

Noa, wait! Don't go inside by yourself!
I wonder what the running tally is for times Gala has told Noa not to go off by herself?
The group followers her inside, and the camera pans a bit farther...
There's not actually anything in that house but a treasure chest (Healing Berry, not bad) so let's head on to the ruins proper.

I don't see any place where we could use the Ruins Key from Mrs. Usha.

...What? What?...

Noa, what's the matter?

I hear something! I hear something! It's a voice!

A voice?...! Vahn, Noa! I hear it too!
The Ra-Seru Speak
I like this image a lot. The voice breaks up a lot, but I think we can get the gist of what it is trying to tell us. Let's investigate these new pathways.
The Genesis Tree

Vahn. Vahn. Vahn and Meta. Welcome, human. Welcome, Ra-Seru. The Stone Stage awaits you. It awaits your dreams, it awaits your minds.
Vahn slowly stumbles forward onto a platform...
...and is sealed inside, away from the others.

Look, Gala! Vahn is sleeping!

Noa! Can you hear me? You mustn't awaken Vahn! Vahn is dreaming! Dreams mirror the heart. Vahn is looking into his own heart, and Tieg is watching.
Dream, Tieg
Elder: If only we had Drake Water, then Nora would be alright. With this Mist, it would be next to impossible to reach Drake Castle.
Elder: Ah, Vahn! You're such a good child! I'll be going now. Vahn, take good care of your mother.
The Elder leaves, and we are able to walk around and talk to the people in the house. This is the only dream that you have any control in, though it's not really relevant; leaving the house will continue the plot.

Vahn! It's almost dark! Don't go outside the Wall now!
Later that night...

Oh, no! He must be going to Drake Castle! He must have heard me talking to the Village Elder! He's going to get Drake Water!
Elder: Val, can't you wait until the wind changes direction in the morning...If I cannot convince you otherwise, then so be it! I give my permission to open the gate!
Villager: He survived, but they say his leg will never be the same again! And Nora! Oh, what a poor family!

The past cannot be changed. Instead, you must be brace and work to create the future! That is what it means to be human! For humans are those who are brace enough to create their own future.

Vahn, my child! Your dream is fulfilled.
The group is teleported back outside the ruins...
Dream Fulfilled (Reviving A Genesis Tree)

Vahn, if you don't want to tell us what you were dreaming about, that's O.K.

Hey, Vahn, look!

Someone's there!

Whoever it is must be using the light to show himself to us. Maybe that's Tieg! Vahn, let's go look!
The figures are still not able to tell us anything, so let's move on to the next dream.
The Genesis Tree

Noa. Noa. Noa and Terra. Welcome, human. Welcome, Ra-Seru. The Stone Stage awaits you. It awaits your dreams, it awaits your mind, Noa.

Vahn, listen. You can tell by Noa's breathing she's sound asleep!

Gala! Noa is being drawn into Tieg's spirit world! She's going to have an important dream now!
Dream, Tieg
It's high time we got actual names for Noa's parents. King Nebular and Queen Minea it looks like Noa's a princess!
Jette: Your majesty!
Jette approaches the king and starts telling him something we don't get to hear.
Nebular: What?! Cort did that?
Jette: Well, you see, Your Majesty...(whispering)
Nebular: I understand. I'll go at once.
Jette bows and leaves the room.
Minea: Did something happen to Cort?
Nebular: It's...It's nothing to worry about. I'm sure...I can't talk now. I'm going below to investigate the matter for myself.
Nebular also leaves, and Minea is left alone with Noa.
Minea: Noa...Conkram's future...Your future...Noa, I want you to have a happy, prosperous future.
Minea: I care nothing of my own life. Let the Mist take it. After all, I am the queen! I must share the same fate as this nation. But this newly born child, Noa...I want her to see the future! Please, take this child to a land untouched by the Mist! Take her to a world with a future! Please!
Soren Man: Your Majesty, your courage is inspiring! I will take Noa as far as I can, however far that may be.
Minea: Thank you! Now, hurry! The Mist is getting closer!
Minea places her daughter into the man's arms...
Soren Man: Your Majesty...
Minea: Go now! Hurry! The Mist draws near!

So, your name is Noa. How do you do, Noa? I am Terra. I have decided to live with you!

The pain of your past may have left large scars and may gnaw at your heart. But never lose hope! For when there is hope, you can draw strength from the past. That is what being human is all about! For humans are those who, with hope in their hearts, find the future through the past.

Noa, my child! Your dream is fulfilled.
Dream Fulfilled

Uh huh. Vahn, Gala...Let's go to Conkram after we destroy the Floating Castle! Someone's waiting for me in Conkram! Someone who knows me! So we have to go to Conkram, OK? Do you promise?

Vahn! Gala! There it is again the light!

Phantasmal Light? Vahn, Gala, that's neat! This is fun!

Ozma, you've heard of it before?!


Now why would a Ra-Seru like you know about the Phantasmal Light? Why?
Gala, what are you-

Well, I...

Tell me about it if you know. Or are the Ra-Seru trying to manipulate is for some purpose?

Gala, no! That's not it at all! We just wanted to talk to your minds, rather than explaining things with words.

(Silence). Well if talking is that disagreeable to you, do what you must. But listen, Ozma...If your intentions ever diverge from mine...Then believe me, you won't get away with it!

What are you so angry about, Gala? I don't understand!
Yyyyeah, I'm with Noa on this one. I'm assuming there's something lost in translation here because this just comes off as Gala suddenly deciding to be a jackass for no real reason.
The Genesis Tree

Gala. Gala. Gala and Ozma. Welcome, human. Welcome, Ra-Seru. The Stone Sage awaits you. It awaits your dreams, it awaits your mind, Gala.

Vahn, listen! Gala is snoring!

Noa! Can you hear me? You mustn't awaken Gala! Gala is dreaming! Dreams mirror the heart. Gala is looking into his own heart, and Tieg is watching.
Biron Monastery
Monk: He has to be! Songi can train all he wants, but he could never match Gala's spiritual strength!
Other Monk: Silence! It's Master Zopu!

I am pleased at how hard each of you is devoting yourself to your training. Now, as you all know, tomorrow is Biron's Transmigration Festival. As always, we will hold the ritual tournament. Gala! Songi! As monks of Biron, there are things expected of you. You must fight with all your skills in order to make this a chivalrous tournament. That is enough training for today. Time to begin your individual tasks!


Hey, I don't like that look in your eyes! Gala! I bet you think you're going to win, don't you?

No, I...

To hell with you! I'm not stupid! I can tell by that look in your eyes! Hmph. Ah, forget it. Let's just have ourselves a good time tomorrow, alright?
Woman: If you take Jigul grass, your body will go numb and you won't be able to fight!

Mind your own business! I can't take this headache anymore! Besides, everyone knows that Jigul grass is the best thing for a headache. SO quit yapping and just give me the Jigul grass now!
Woman: Alright, but don't blame me if things go wrong. Do you want some water with it?

No! I'm going to take this after I go back to my room.
Songi leaves the room. The woman stays behind, then seems to panic and rushes out of the room as well.

I was afraid that you'd beat me today, and...I knew I shouldn't, but I took Fury Boosts to help me fight better! But as soon as I took them, I started feeling guilty! I felt self-loathing.

But why?

This is a fair contest, so we gotta be fair, right? And I want this to be a fair fight! So go ahead, take it!

Well, I don't know...alright.

Pretty good! You just gulped that right down! Ha ha ha! OK, let's go!
Gala and Songi take fighting stances, but...

What's the matter, Gala! Are you scared? Fight me!

Songi charges at Gala and knocks him over instantly. Zopu shakes his head and walks away, and the scene fades out...
Woman: Songi! You made Gala take the Jigul grass, didn't you!

Aw, be quiet! How should I know what medicine he takes, anyway?
Woman: Stop playing dumb! You may think you've tricked Gala...But he knew! He knew all along!

Woman: I told him! I told him that I gave you the Jigul grass. But Gala just laughed. Oh, Songi's my best friend. Don't worry! he said.
Dream, Tieg

Gala, you think you're clever, don't you? You think you let me win! You're so arrogant! You think it's funny to make a fool of me like that? Some best friend! You hypocrite! You'll never get away with this never! I'll crush you! Gala, I'll beat you to a pulp!

After all, even when unavoidable misfortune occurs, it is the spirit that remains in the end. So be proud of yourself! And use that pride to create happiness! That is what it means to be human! For humans are those who create their own happiness with their pride!

Gala, my child! Your dream is fulfilled.
Dream Fulfilled

In my dream, I remembered something I didn't want to.

You did well, my children! Your dreams are now all fulfilled, and our souls are recalled to life. We shall teach you the Past! We shall teach you the Future! That is Tieg's gift! That is the mission of Tieg, the Seru-human, both Seru and human!

Look! It's Tieg! I can see Tieg clearly now!

Tieg...both Seru and human...
There are several Tieg avatars throughout the ruins. Let's see what they have to say.

Those were human and Seru. Tieg also divided the world into two: the human world and Seru-kai.

To protect two worlds, Tieg placed ten Genesis Trees in human world and a Mother Genesis Tree in Seru-kai.

To govern Seru-kai, Tieg chose a small group of Seru and gave them special Ra-Seru power.

A thousand years ago, by the human calendar, the Ra-Seru Rogue plotted behind Tieg's back. Rogue gave the humans Seru, but humans coveted the Seru's power, bringing chaos to the human world.

Tieg learned of the plot of the Ra-Seru Rogue and sealed him in the eternal dungeon of Rogue. But a few Seru in the human worlds were left to serve humans, who had built civilization with Seru.

The Mist is the breath of the evil Rogue. But the Mist covering Legaia was created by humans.

Tieg sealed the Ra-Seru into the human world's Genesis Trees. And he ordered them: Help the compassionate humans save the world if a Rogue or other evil presence should appear.

Vahn, Noa, Gala. Do the three of you now understand the Seru, Ra-Seru, and Tieg? Tieg knows all. Now Tieg will entrust you with the Fire Droplet! From an age when chaos was the world and the world was chaos...The Fire Droplet is chaos, and chaos is the Fire Droplet. Tieg, the pure, perfect being, Seru-human who is of spirit only...He shall now answer the hopes of human and Ra-Seru by opening the door to His world here and now!

Vahn, use your courage...Gala, use your pride...Noa, use your hope...With these things, knowledge will create the future. Never forget that.

Thank you, Tieg. I hope we can meet again some day.

We did it! Now, Vahn, we must hurry back to Dr. Usha's laboratory!
The group starts to leave, but a sudden rumble shakes the ruins...

What's this? Is this the world of Tieg again...

No, that's not Tieg! Look! The whole forest is shaking!
Juggernaut's Approach
The monster, Juggeraut, fades away...

Uru Mais is all destroyed.

The enemy...The Mist's henchmen must have felt the Words of Tieg.

Tieg was an obstacle to their goal.

But we still have the Fire Droplet that Tieg gave us! Come on, everyone! Let's teach those henchmen of the Mist a good lesson!

Yeah! Let's teach them a lesson! Let's get 'em real good!

Ha ha ha!
Cara's Theme

Cara! What are you doing here?

Ha ha ha! Well, that's a fine how-do-you-do! I can do whatever I want, wherever I want!

Hey, Cara. Why don't you give us that egg of a Ra-Seru you have?

Egg of a Ra-Seru? Oh, you mean this Ra-Seru Egg.
Did you know circles are shaped like circles?



Yeah! Hooray! Let ME have it! I want it! I want the egg!

I knew it...

If you awaken Buma's Genesis Tree, like you did the one in Sol...Then I'll give you my Ra-Seru Egg as a reward.

That was your plan from the very beginning.

Well, get to it, kids.
Cara turns to leave...

Cara, wait! Tell me why. Why do you want us to awaken Buma's Genesis Tree?

Well, if I said it was for love, little kids like you wouldn't understand anyway. Ha ha ha!
And she rushes off, leaving us alone in the ruins once more.

Vahn, what's love? Does that have something to do with the Genesis Tree? Let's try and figure it out together!

Hurry, both of you! We have to deliver the Fire Droplet to Dr. Usha!
Damn, that wound up being much longer than I meant for it to be. Well, join me next time as we learn about thermal nukes in medieval settings and come ever closer to the moment I've been dreading all game...