Part 31: The Lovers' Song
Update 31: The Lovers' Song
Now that the ice is melted, it's time to return to the town of Buma.

Whoa! Hey! Vahn, Gala, I don't believe it! Buma isn't frozen anymore!

You're right. I didn't know Buma was such a beautiful town.

Stop standing around! Come on, we've got to wake up the Genesis Tree! I'll go ahead of you.

Ha ha ha! What an impatient girl! Come on, Vahn, let's go!

It's just like Dr. Usha said.

Terra! Now we can revive the Genesis Trees!

That's right. Since there are three Genesis Trees, let's split up.
He felt a gentle warmth in the palm of his hand.
She felt a quiet power in the palm of her hand.
He felt pure joy in the palm of his hand.
Reviving A Genesis Tree
Maybe it's just me, but the Genesis Trees seem to be getting weaker. The first few we revived swept to nearby towns and establishments, while these three and Sol's are just barely able to cover the town they're in (although I guess it's justified in both cases, since Sol is enormous and these three have been in the Mist for a long time and frozen on top of it).
Just a random observation I had. I don't know why I'm trying to attribute meaning to it, as there probably is none.

We did it, Vahn! All our hard work has paid off!

I'm so happy, Vahn! Terra feels stronger now.

Who would have thought that the Genesis Tree had such powers!
Cara's Theme

Well, excuse me, but I was watching you the whole time. It's amazing. So the Genesis Tree of Buma had such powers after all. I thought that it was too late for us to do anything.

Um, Cara...Can I have the Ra-Seru Egg that you have?

Now that Buma, your home, is back to normal, you don't need the Ra-Seru Egg anymore!

Sorry, but I haven't got my time back yet. So please, just leave me alone.

I buried something here. That day, I buried my heart here.

There's nothing we can do, Vahn. Let's leave Cara alone for now.

I didn't know you could bury your heart and still live. Oh, I just don't get it!
We can try to talk to Cara, but she isn't particularly receptive right now. Instead, let's try and leave...
Quiet Town Theme
We get just the briefest glimpse of one of the flying men.

Vahn, Gala! Look, in the sky! It looks like Soren!

Humanlike bodies but with Seru Wings. Those are Soren, all right. They must have found out about Buma's Genesis Tree. They've come to take a look!

Hey, Soren! It's me, Noa! Over here!

Ha ha ha! Noa, you're too far! They can't hear you!

I wish the Soren would land over here.

Hey, that's a good idea. If we had their help...then we could get to the Floating Castle, where the Mist Generator is.

We just have to talk to those Soren.

Cara, you're bleeding! Your hand is all bloody!

Cara, what is it? Is that what you buried in the ground?

Ha! Go ahead and laugh, if you think it's funny! You're right. This is the only memory I have left. This is the music he...Grantes wrote after hearing my song.

It must be love! That's great, Cara! That stands for your love! I don't know much about love, but...let me see that!

Noa takes the sheet music from Cara.

I'll take this music to Grantes for you. Leave it to me!

Well...Thank you.

We don't really have time for that, but...oh well.

Please, do this for me! I'm sure that if Grantes hears that song, he'll change his mind.
As if we're going to turn Cara down. Grantes is still at the bar in Sol, but let's explore Buma a little first.
The residents basically all say variations of Cara and Grantes relationship was doomed to fail, what a waste of time and effort, we feel such scorn, I mean pity, for her, so fuck them.
The store has a few upgrades. I could only afford the weapons, though.
Oh, and I finally remembered to use these. The Delilases dropped them, and they teach the final set of Hyper Arts to our heroes.

Sheet music? Sorry, but I'm not a piano player. That doesn't concern me.
Oh, you're so dense. Fine, let's see what we can do with this...

Here! Here's some music! Play this!
Pianist: Hmm...This is so, so...Simple. Hmm...

Well? Are you going to play it or not?
Pianist: All right, I'll play it! Jeez, what an impatient girl!
She begins to play the song...
Music Soren (Piano)
Hey, do yourself a favor and listen to it!

Grantes! You know what? The Mist in Buma is all gone now.

The Mist in Buma...The Mist is gone?!

I know I'm young and inexperienced compared to you, but I'll tell you this! Now I don't know what happened to you in the past. I don't know whether you hurt the one you love...And you can turn your back on your past and sit around despondent about the future...But I have no respect for someone who tries to kill his own spirit like that!

That...that song. Did Cara...?

That's right! Cara loves you, and...and she wants you to remember that love.

Cara said that whatever happens, that love will always be true.
I'm...ninety percent sure she never said that, but okay, we'll roll with it.

Cara said that? I remember now. That's the melody she was playing on my flute the first time I saw her. I came down to the surface following that melody. That's when I found Cara. She was playing the flute! I know I'm a horrible man. I didn't take responsibility for the love I felt. you think she'll forgive me? Sorry, fellas. I guess I'm still depending too much on others. Now I realize that.

You taught me a lesson. Now that the Mist is gone from Buma...I'm going to go to Buma on my own two legs and tell Cara! Tell her that it's never too late to change as long as the desire to change is there! Maybe if I tell her that I am grateful from the bottom of my heart! Maybe she would forgive me, and then...

We'll be waiting for you, both of us together, will be waiting in Buma!

Even with Grantes the way he is, love was still alive. A miracle is sure to happen!

Wow, you're great! Gala, you know everything about love!
Gala turns completely red.

Uh...ahem...well. T-The teachings of Biron say Strength begets love and...Well...

Wow, you're great!
Right, enough of that. Let's go back to Buma and see what happened!
Huh? Where did Cara go?

It's alright, Grantes. Now that you're by my side, everything is all right.

It's me, Noa! I'm here!

Cara, Grantes! So you made up, huh?

A-Actually, I...We're just...

Noa, don't embarrass them!

What do you mean, Gala?

If you two don't mind, I'd like to hear what happened.

I don't mind. Why don't you tell them, Grantes.
Soren Theme

It was then that Zora, the master of the Floating Castle, appeared to me. Zora said she would give Cara Seru Wings, if I helped her. Like a fool, I believed her and stole this town's Ra-Seru Eggs. There were three Eggs. I gave two to Zora. The remaining Egg I gave to Cara.

That's this one here. He gave it to me and said it was a symbol of our love.

But of course Zora lied. Ha! She never gave me Seru Wings. I escaped with my life, but my Soren people found out everything I did. As punishment for breaking Soren law, they took my Seru Wings and banished me to the surface. For ten years after that, as you know, I...

Grantes lived alone. Cara was alone, too. I understand!

Yes, I was alone. But you saved me. At first I didn't want to give up being Soren, but now I am ready to live as a surface-dweller. With Cara.

Oh, Grantes!

Love! That's love! I know it! Love is wonderful!

I hate to interrupt, but we have to see the Soren. Can you help us?

Ha ha ha! Alright then. Here! I give you this. This is a flute the Soren use to call for help. A surface-dweller has no use for it. If you want to meet the Soren, go to the summit of Mt. Dhini and play this flute. The Soren will think you're a Soren and fly right over to you!

Also, I want to give this back to you. This can't help me anymore.
Cara hands over the Ra-Seru Egg!

Hooray! Grantes and Cara are good people after all. I love you both!

Noa, we must be going.

Huh? Why?

We don't want to bother the two lovebirds, do we?

I don't really understand, but since you know about love, Gala, I'll do what you say.

The party automatically leaves, but I turn right around and go talk to Cara again.

...why my Ra-Seru Egg never turned into a Ra-Seru like yours. What is it you have but I don't, I wondered. Now I finally understand. It's compassion. Compassion for the troubled world...Compassion for life itself...Noa?

What, Cara?

There are different kinds of love. My love for Grantes is important, but...Your compassion, and Vahn's and Gala's, is so much deeper and stronger...It's much, much stronger than my silly love for Grantes.

Do you really think so, Cara? Is my love really stronger and deeper than yours? Hooray! Gala and Vahn! It's love! That's what's important! Strong love! Deep love! There's so much love everywhere!

Biron teaches that the sacred duty of the strong is ultimate love.

Strong love! Deep love! Ultimate love! Yes! Yes!

Ho ho! Kid, you're really something. My love may be silly, but it's still precious, and that's enough for me. I'm going to nurture that love, together with Grantes. Good luck. I'll be praying for your success.

Ha ha! I'm through being a two-bit thief!
I don't remember anything about this scene from before, and I just want to say that it feels great to finally get to see these scenes. Cara is pretty much my favorite character from the game and possibly from the entire generation of games, and I'm so happy to finally get to see her get her happy ending. Nivora Ravine was hell, but this makes it worth it.
Now that I think about it, I've been waiting for this scene longer than Cara and Grantes have. I've owned this game for longer than ten years, after all.
Our next destination is Mt. Dhini, but before that, let's stop by Jeremi and have a chat with our jeweler friend, Zalan.
Zalan can make accessories out of Ra-Seru Eggs. I'll try not to think about the implications of that too much. Most of these are found through minigames and other optional stuff, but Cara's Light Egg is gained through the story. Let's see what it can do.
Increase defense against Light Powers.
...that's IT? C'mon, it's gotta imbue me with superpowers or someth-
-hey, what's that?
Equipping the Light Talisman allows the wearer to use Horn. Horn is the ultimate healing magic. I don't know if it resurrects like the name suggests, nor do I know precisely how powerful it is since I haven't gotten hurt very badly since I got it. What I do know is it costs 150 MP so I probably won't be using it unless I'm really in trouble. Pretty animation, though.
And here we are at Mt. Dhini. Next time we'll go and try to meet with the Soren, and maybe find our way to the Floating Castle!
Oh yeah, let's have another look at the Ra-Seru and see how they're growing.