Part 32: Won't Take No for an Answer
Update 32: Won't Take No for an AnswerMarquiseMindfang posted:
Oh man, is that a fishing montage I see on the horizon for you, Overrated Sage? I think it is!


Music: The Muscle Dome
Music: Battle Theme
First, let's step back in time a little. After hearing this notion that you can prematurely end Expert Mode (because the Muscle Dome throws bosses at you but won't let you fight them if you haven't seen them in the main plot or some such), I decided to go back to right before I handed the Fire Droplet over to Dr. Usha. Since the Fire Droplet doubles as an accessory that allows the user to remain at full AP at all times, it seemed like a good time to try and take on Expert Mode and see if it ends before it pits me against the Delilas Family.
(I don't actually remember if that happens on Expert or Master but it's a moot point as you will soon see).

The first two fights went smoothly, but the third... a Dark Ogre and they are stupidly strong. Granted, not every string did this much damage, but it still tore through my HP much faster than I could handle.

So let's fast forward to the present and try again. I no longer have the Fire Droplet, but I have the Warrior Icon equipped, so let's see if its interrupt and counter feature saves me.

So yeah, it's maybe possible to win Expert early but I'm not going to do the grinding needed to find out. There is one useful thing I CAN do now, though.

As a reward for fleeing form every course, we get this delightful accessory. I probably won't use it much since I crave delicious random encounter EXP and gold, but it could be fantastic just for surviving long enough to reach a tough boss or something.

But hey, while Expert may have been a bust, it's high time I went back and took on Beginner.

Like before, Xain is the only real threat, but with Miracle Arts and the Magic Grail for perpetual healing, he's not too bad. I just took it slow and steady and eventually got him.

Unfortunately, it appears there is no fabulous prize for beating Beginner, although I guess a 718 coin profit is acceptable (418 after blowing 300 on fights to run away from for the Chicken King).

Music: Mountain Climbing
With that out of the way, let's progress with the plot. Mt. Dhini is blocked off at the base by what look like folded up stone wings. Since we have the flute from Grantes and Cara, the wings will unfurl and we can progress.

I don't care much for the area (it's just another Voz/Rikuroa hybrid), but it has a couple of enemies worth noting. First is the last normal Earth Seru, Iota. It took me a while, but I finally managed to engineer Gala to absorb the spell (only for Noa to end up learning it by accident later on). They're pretty powerful but nothing Spoon can't heal right up.

I also caught a picture of Neo Bison, an enemy who's mostly uninteresting but has crazy high HP. I don't know exactly how much but it's over 2000 (most enemies seem to average about 1500 right now).

I'm not entirely sure what that means, but if my interpretation of enemies won't block your attacks is correct then this is awesome.

There's some other nice loot on the mountain as well. The Good Luck Bell decreases the enemy encounter rate. Again, I don't really mind randoms right now, but it might be useful later on when I can't be bothered.

Mushura is still my favorite. Noa picked this magic up here as well.

Music: Evil Seru (?)

Luctes turns to his companions and they have a conversation we can't hear. Then...

Looks like it's that time. Let's be contrary!

Haha, that was absolutely worth it.

The three other Soren swoop down and pick up our heroes.

The Soren carry us west to a closed off area of the map, pretty far from the rest of Karisto.

Music: The Soren Fly
We're now free to explore the Soren camp. There's really not a whole lot going on here. One of the NPCs will fill us in on Grantes' backstory, except Grantes already did that himself so it's pretty pointless. Another NPC informs us that Grantes and Luctes are brothers, and they are the sons of the village Elder, which I guess is marginally interesting. There's an item shop that doesn't sell anything of note...

...and a weapon shop with a ton of delightful but expensive upgrades. Yeesh, I can maybe afford the two cheapest things it has (there's a second page, basically a full upgrade for all three characters). I really hope I can come back here to get this stuff later.

Cool, I could use some of these after the two I consumed in the Delilas gauntlet.

Cructes: Most impressive! I now realize that you truly possess the determination to save the world...We've tried every tactic against that Floating Castle. But you, with the powers of your Ra-Seru, should be able to destroy it! I have decided that the Soren should help you! Go speak to Luctes, in the square. He will take you to the Floating Castle.
Well that was refreshingly painless. I took a quick rest at the inn, and I'm ready to head out.

Luctes and co once again carry us away...

Music: The Mist Generator
...and land on the little dock protruding from the castle proper.

Sure thing. Let's talk to Luctes and his friends one more time before we head inside.


I didn't expect to get here so quickly. Join me next time as we take on Zora and her Floating Castle!

Music: Noa's Dream
Nebular: Noa. I feel your presence so strongly. But this will be the last time we can send you our words.
Minea: He...He has found us out.

Minea: The man who brought the Mist into the world.
Nebular: The man who invaded the realm of the gods by changing the Seru and creating the Sim-Seru. His name...He is Cor-
The lights flicker out.

???: Ha ha haaa! How desperate you are! Noa, foolish Noa! I don't need to give you my name! Ha! You and that idiot Ra-Seru can struggle all you want! The more you struggle, the more I can taste your despair!

???: Listen well and I shall tell you! If you have the power, come to Conkram for yourself, and see. Your parents are there!

The new light also disappears...