Part 33: Castle in the Sky
Update 33: Castle in the Sky
Music: Mist Generator
Zora's Floating Castle is fairly straightforward, in contrast to the previous Mist Generators the path is linear, with only a handful of dead-ends and even the treasures are usually right off the main path.

As usual, there are loads of Seru, including the newcomer Barra (which took me something like ten tries to learn, I actually had to run around outside the boss room and get into extra fights to pick it up)...

However, this Mist Generator is the first to have non-Seru monsters, if my memory is correct. None of them are particularly noteworthy, I just thought it was a surprise.

Hmm, interesting. I slapped this on Vahn for the rest of the dungeon but I can't tell if it ever actually did anything. I never got a message saying I successfully robbed an enemy, at any rate.

This little pipe is probably the longest detour in the whole place (and it's not very long). Heading through it leads to...

Puera is an interesting little creature.

Its special attack deals four cards, shows them, shuffles them, and makes you pick one.

Unfortunately for them, I'm good at shell games.
(I know I could have picked the Puera dies option, but I only saw the first two choices so I went with the healing one).

I love this description. Using the switch...

...gets us this book that I forgot to deliver. Maybe I'll remember to do it between this update and the next.

Now for more Pueras!


I picked healing for the other one because I wanted to kill it with a physical attack to try and learn the magic. Sadly, Gala had the Ivory book and Noa wound up obliterating it before he got to take the kill. Oh well.

This looks like a boss room, but...


The Soren fly up into a crevasse in the giant rock that makes up the castle shell...

I guess that must be Zora, then? I wonder why she wasn't guarding her Generator?
(I don't think we actually get an answer to that question. I think the answer we're supposed to glean is that she's just not very good at her job).

This is one of the rooms behind Zora's throne. It's kind of neat looking but doesn't appear to have anything to interact with or collect.

And the other has this Water. I forgot my water-distribution system but I think Vahn is supposed to have these so I gave it to him.
If we try to leave the throne room the way we came...

Music: Mist Generator Guardian
Zora is definitely the most difficult Mist Generator Guardian thus far. She's still pretty manageable and it's great to get a normal fight after the Delilases, but she's still tough and can still kill you if you give her the chance.

Petrification isn't a very common status ailment in Legaia, and like in most RPGs it's like death, but not.

Even a max level Vera won't cure it, so I had to resort to Medicine. Thankfully I've got several stockpiled since I've never had to use any before.

Zora can also unleash this nasty attack whenever she feels like it. It deals about a thousand damage to everyone (more like 300-350 to a Spiriting character). The good news is petrified characters take no damage from it.
Also, I haven't mentioned it in a while, but remember how this game's fights are voice-acted? I got quite tired of hearing Zora scream aaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAA! DARKUNESS STERIKE! every time she used this. At least the animation is nifty.

Her normal attacks can also deal quite a bit of damage. I found myself using two healers in a few turns.

Vahn's Miracle Art is so disappointing. I'm really starting to see what you all meant about him being the worst character. To be fair, though, my accessory setup on him kind of sucks while Gala and Noa both have great stuff that complements each other, so that's probably part of it.

One last thing about Zora maybe it's just my levels, but I couldn't really predict when she would get her turn. Sometimes she outsped Noa, other times she acted last. This made healing really tense, since I had to worry about her effectively attacking twice in a row (by attacking last one round and first the next). Fortunately she doesn't use DARKUNESS STERIKE twice in a row, but she could still easily off one character if she wanted to.

Wow, Barra is STRONG. Kinda pricey, but not as bad as it could be.

Music: Songi's Theme

Songi struts his way into the next room, and I quickly follow behind...

Wait, did Songi just...?

The screen begins to shake violently... the Castle begins to fall.

Music: Escape!
Songi teleports out of here because he's a dick like that. Wait, maybe we can, too!


Here's the next best thing. I could have equipped the Good Luck Bell also to lower encounters, but it wasn't necessary.

Like I said, the path is pretty linear so it's not too hard to get back out. I even noticed a side passage I had missed earlier and had more than enough time to check it out for this (Noa drank it).

The dock detaches...

...and Noa careens off the edge of the platform...

But the game isn't over yet so Luctes pops up to save the day. I bet he waited on purpose to make himself look extra heroic.

I'm glad that didn't fall over a town. I guess we didn't have much control over that side of things...

Hey, it's all good. Asshat.
The Soren fly us back to camp...

Music: The Soren Fly

Cructes: But, if you are discussing Gala's question, I have already investigated that. Having now learned that the Floating Castle's Mist Generator is powerless...I ordered a reconnaissance team to find the Mist Generator generating the Mist over Karisto. They found it in the mountains of North Karisto! If only we could destroy it now. All of Legaia would be free of the Mist forever! The Mist Generator is near Conkram, which once fought a war with Sol. In Conkram, you may also find out about Noa's parents, as well. It is the Soren's duty to take you there! This I have already ordered Luctes to do.

Yyyyeah, I'm sure that will, great. Yeah.

We'll do that next time.