Part 36: Jette's Absolute Fortress
Update 36: Jette's Absolute Fortress
Music: The Last Mist Generator

Noa chucks a small blue sphere at the wall...

This place is a bit anticlimactic, to be honest. It's just a huge cavern, really. It's not even an interesting color or anything.

This boosts HP by 25%, just like Minea's Ring.

It does contain what I believe is the final standard Seru, Gilium. As usual, I got it for Gala. Let's see what it can do.

That was an awfully involved animation. This game has some good ones, but I wish they didn't take quite so long considering how long the game already is I don't need to sit through a half-minute animation every time I want to do magic damage.
Then again, shorter animations would mean missing out on Mushura's Crazy Driver animation, so maybe I am okay with this after all.

Music: Thick Mist

Music: The Last Mist Generator
Most of this dungeon is just wandering in and out of corridors, most of which loop back into this central room. Eventually we out a little higher than we were just a moment ago...

The camera pans down towards the lake of Mist...

The ground starts shaking again, nearly toppling Noa off the precipice...

...and then the cavern is still again.

Here is a nice upgrade for Noa.

And now we're to an odd little part of the dungeon. As you can see, there are a few ways to go here. First I went through the door right in front of me, which led to an Unholy Icon. Then I tried the stairs going around that door, and it led me...

To this curious mechanism. It looks like only one switch can be active at a time. When I activated this one... shifted one of the little outcroppings on that pillar.
As it turns out, they are moving elevators, and so which switch we have active here determines which way we can move there. It's a bit obnoxious, but fortunately two of the paths lead to immediate treasure and the third is progress, so it's mostly just running back and forth, and the pillar area isn't far from here.
That said, let's go and find this new room-
???: Ha ha ha!

Oh, good! I was hoping I'd get a chance to kill you.

Jette switches the machine back to its original position.

Jette adopts this bizarre pose and starts kinda vibrating. I'm not sure if it's supposed to be serious or funny.

What the hell?

The group charges at Jette, but he teleports away like the jerk he is.

Music: Big Boss Battle
The man barely even has a torso anymore.

Jette's individual hits do 100-200 damage (usually on the lower end), but he can rack up some impressively long combos. He seems to average 8 hits or...oh, around a thousand damage per attack. Maybe a little less, maybe a little more; it seems to fluctuate more than with most bosses, but it's never just overwhelming.

He also suffers from the same fatal flaw that the last few bosses have; he's predictable. He uses Shadow Break every other turn, and thus I Spirit ever other turn. Vahn and Noa attack on their other turns, while Gala heals. Easy.

Oh, and I want to reaffirm that Vahn's damage output really has gotten better. It's still not on the same level as Noa's (her Miracle Art did something like 3400) but it's not bad at all. I can't wait to get Gala's Miracle Art to see how his compares, not that he does much attacking anymore now that he's the healbot.

Jette tries to be dangerous by cloning himself, but it doesn't really cause that much trouble. He always happened to outspeed Vahn the two times he did this, and Vahn auto-targeted the clone and killed it. I read on GFAQs that the clone does piss damage anyway so it's not worth going after, but it was kind of out of my control. Oh well. The point is it's not really a problem and just proves that Jette spends so much time trying to be annoying that he fails to be a credible threat.

Jette explodes, and...

...Gala tells it like it is.

This thing is in the control room...

...and this and a weapon upgrade for Gala are the rewards for messing around with the levers on Jette's machine. Now let's progress forward.

The above three screenshots basically sum up the next fifteen to twenty minutes of the game.

As disappointed as I am with this dungeon, I can't fault it for treasure. I think this is the last noteworthy item I found here.

Oh yeah, I was fortunate enough to run into Puera again. I ran around a bit trying to learn it and Gala finally learned the magic. I haven't used it yet, though I'll try to remember to do that soon.

We're almost there...