Part 40: My Name Is Songi
Update 40: My Name Is Songi

Okay, that looks good. Here we are, back outside of Uru Mais, before I entered Seru-kai. Let's do a little prep work before we take on Songi again, shall we? I have a couple of stops in mind.

First off is Drake Castle. Man, it's been ages since we've been here. I hope everyone's okay.

I didn't realize this, but people change their dialogue after Rim Elm gets Juggernauted. I only checked at Drake Castle and the spring between here and Rim Elm, but nearly every NPC had updated dialogue.

Even King Drake the III has something to say about it. Nice touch, game.
Of course, I didn't come her to chat up King Drake (although that's a perfectly valid to visit every time you have a moment), but... pick up those Defender Chains. Increased block rate? Yes, please. I got three, one for everybody.
I wish I had gotten these earlier. I guess I couldn't afford them at the time, but 1200 started being chump change a long time ago. Oh well.

I also slapped the Evil God Icon on Noa for a few battles until I successfully stole something, mostly just to say that I did.

Our next stop could be a lot of places, but I decided to check up on Cara and Grantes in Buma. They seem happy enough.

I bought both equipment pieces for Gala and bought 24 Phoenixes. I doubt I'll need that many for Songi but I figure it couldn't hurt to stock up.
Okay, let's try this again.

Music: My Name Is Songi (extended)
You guys weren't kidding about the Defense Chain. There may be some degree of randomness still, but my characters survived something like 80 or 90 percent of Songi's attacks with them equipped, and even blocked entire strings of his attacks every now and again (usually with Spirit's help, of course).

Unfortunately, I ahd to make some sacrifices to fit those Defense Chains into my accessory lineup. Noa lost her Art damage booster, so now she's back down doing the sort of damage I'd expect from Vahn.
In retrospect, I really was too harsh on Vahn, if he's about able to keep up with vanilla Noa. Granted, he's been chugging Miracle Waters, but she got Power waters too so it probably comes close to even.

Of course, Gala's still on nearly full-time healing duty. He can occasionally take a break from it, but I usually just have him Spirit on those turns I think he attacked one whole time the entire fight.

Sadly, Songi's special attacks cannot be blocked, but this one is trivial enough that I don't really mind.

Sadly, Songi still does get lucky every now and then and tear a character apart, but that's what all those Phoenixes are for.


Genocidal Cannon is indeed brutal, but as long as Gala's doing his job it's survivable. I had a few close calls, and it's hard to tell how powerful it is because the character status windows block the damage numbers that appear, but I think I only lost one character to it throughout the battle.

It is, however, dangerous enough that I usually have Vahn, Noa, or both pop a healing spell alongside Gala the turn after to ensure that I get everyone back in top shape.
I should mention that my characters no longer attack in a consistent order. I guess I've pumped Gala with enough speed boosters and Vahn with enough everything boosters that they are close to Noa in speed now. Noa and Vahn seem to get the first turn about evenly now, and Gala even manages to get it every now and then, and sometimes outspeeds Vahn or Noa otherwise. I've honestly had turns where Gala went firs,t then Vahn, then Noa. Songi's speed seems to be pretty close to my characters', and thus he also bounces around in the turn order.
What I'm getting at is, since I can't rely on Gala always going before or after Songi, I sometimes have Vahn or Noa heal to increase the odds that someone heals before Songi gets to attack again (in addition to the extra boost in healed HP, of course).

Hey, another unique win pose. I wonder if Vahn gets one?
(Battle length: almost exactly 37 minutes.)

Music: Henchmen of the Mist

Songi falls over and starts writhing in agony.

Goodbye, Songi. You were an arrogant son of a bitch, but you were a great villain and I will miss you.

The ground starts to shake, briefly knocking Noa off her feet.

Music: Hari Speaks

Hari: The God of Time, Rem...known also as Tieg...The prophecies of Rem. They are the words of Tieg! The spirit of Tieg that resides in this body has given us words that transcend time. Our bodies have died. But the death of our bodies has given our souls immortality. Like Tieg, our spirits are now beings that transcend time. Brave Ra-Seru! The will of Tieg will show you the path you must take! It is our mission to carry out the will of Tieg.

Hari: All we can do is give the last of shining power to nurture the life of the Great Genesis Tree.

Hari: All our power...has entered...the Great Genesis Tree! Now...we shall attain...complete nothingness. But fate...and your will...are one and the same. Make...your own fate...with your own hands! Goodbye, Ra-Seru heroes!

The three Haris shrink into nothingness.

Music: Reviving A Genesis Tree

Our characters combine their powers or something, and...

Music: In the Mountains

That was quite a trip. What shall we do now that we're back?