Part 43: Fly Pie
Update 43: Fly PieMusic: Fission

Before we begin, I have business at Dr. Usha's lab.

First, I bought all the Phoenixes I can carry to help me out later. I also sold all of my old weapons and armor and wound up with a little over 200,000 G as a result.

This is the best fishing rod. I didn't do much experimenting with the different rods, and basically just stuck with this one (once I remembered to actually switch to it in the fishing menu, anyway).

Here we are! I tried fishing in several different directions from here, but I never found any particular sweet spots that consistently got me better fish. I've heard that if you try and cast the line so it lands behind the rock on the right that you have a better chance of getting rare fish, and I think that might be true, but I lack the skill to consistently catch them so it was kind of a moot point.

These are the only two fish I ever caught with Light and Normal Lures. In theory that means I average something like 40 points per catch, assuming they bite more or less equally.

Then I switched to Heavy Lures, and...

...started catching these instead. Fly Pies seem to be a little more common, so I'm once again averaging 40 or maybe 45 points per catch. Not that different, but I wound up sticking with the Heavy Lure anyway because very occasionally I can catch other, more significant things.

I think I broke about twenty to twenty five lures throughout this exercise. Not to bad, really.

Eventually I got a particularly stubborn fish, and...

Not bad at all! These things are much harder to catch the Tension gauge shoots upwards super fast while you're reeling them in and so you constantly have to start and stop to avoid breaking the line. They also take a long time to reel in all the way and if you're too cautious they can easily get far enough away that they break the line automatically.

I believe this is the only place where you can find more lures. Fortunately they're cheap, but it's still kind of annoying that you have to pay with coins instead of G.

Even the largest Fly Pie is worth next to nothing. I checked the GFAQs to see if there was any particular trick to catching fewer Fly Pies and more Chargers, and the advice they gave me was something along the lines of "maybe you should suck less

This is the biggest fish I caught. It took nearly a minute to reel the damn thing in and my hand was aching quite a bit by the time I got it. Those are some decent points, though.


About five hours of fishing came and went, and I finally got enough points for the Water Egg.
By the way, the Egg doesn't appear until you have enough points to buy it. Kind of a dick move, game. There's apparently another hidden item and accessory that let's you attack twice in one turn for 50,000 points. I don't think I'll be getting it.
Anyway, I want that, but I also want to check these flutes out. I wonder what they do?

Poor Spikefish. Nothing but a glorified flash bomb.

I...don't think that even did anything.

As Sccountay mentioned, this fellow will give us a Vitality (AGL boosting accessory) if we paid for our goods from the Honest Person's store. Of course, I had to wait until I don't really need it's effect anymore to come and grab it. Silly me. Regardless, the guy is so happy that it makes me happy.

And now for the main event...

Color me unimpressed. Oh well, that's over with and I never have to do it again!
Join me next time and I put those Phoenixes to good use.