Part 46: Sentient Cutlery Monsters
Update 46: Sentient Cutlery Monsters
Music: Bio Castle
Hey guys, I just wanted to give you all a brief glimpse behind the scenes into what I've been up to for the last week since I recorded the Muscle Dome footage.

This little island is where I've spent most of my time in Legaia lately. You see, this room has only two encounter types, and this is the largest spot to run around.

One enemy type is the Barra Trio. These guys are okay, but they aren't the reason I'm here.

When I fight Barras, I have Vahn spam Hyper Arts while Noa Spirits, then uses her own Hyper Arts, and Gala heals or Spirits. As usual, the Magic Grail means Gala will never run out of MP.
But the real reason I'm here is the other enemy set...


Spoons are easy to kill, have insignificant offense, and most importantly give a particularly high EXP yield. Most of the enemy sets around here give in the upper 3000s. I think Puera might give more but I don't want to deal with them because I'd have to put up with the card shell game and that just requires more concentration than I'm willing to put into this.
On another note, I've found that watching VLPs while doing this grinding in another window makes the overall process surprisingly tolerable.
(I hear you can steal Crimson Books for further EXP boosting from Pueras as well, but again, that requires killing them with the person equipped with that accessory and NOT killing them with Death Game. I decided not to bother with it, but it may well be better to go for them).

My levels as of writing this update are...
Vahn: 92
Noa: 95
Gala: 90
See you next time as we get the ultimate magic!