Part 107: Chapter One Hundred and Eight: Sleeps Interruptions
After obtained the ultimate language book: English as She Is Spoke. I am on my way to master the art of hong kong dub-fu.Although new scene will still be dubbed properly.
Part One Hundred and Eight: Sleeps Interruptions

This game is brought to you by SoftWorld International Entertainment; we will trap you in a game world for our amusement.

Oh finally! I can go into this place! But why do I have to climb a mountain!?

Paahh chuff huff puff wheeze !

There better be something here!

Today is a good day!

Wow! Nice weather makes my leg a strolling day!

Stop right there. Where you going, my irresistible tiny student?

To the outside for weather, heaven would want me to get high today.

You. Stop. You going to?

Master, weather is good for getting high outside, but I would get low if I dont go out.

You two are making me pissing off !

Run, bro!

The bird flies up to the sun to become fried chicken. The cloud is vertical today.

We are so close to getting pissed all over.

Yeah, great reflexes bro.

Ah! Help!

Danger inside someone, I am arriving!

Sir, are you the one needed help? No? En garde!

Good lookin' out you two.

No need to be corny, it was my bro who saved you; I am too

You are rad too, thanks for saving anyway. May I know your name so I can be chillin at your crib-house and give my proper thanks later?

You are too fab, helping right the wrong, so we wont ask for reward or we would be wrong from being right

Weve from Lazy Valley, hes Moon, and I am Jeez!

BRO! Not cool!

So you are superman moon and knight Jeez, sorry my eye is too low to see it.

You are too corny, my name is worthless. Whats your name?

I am Cao Hua, baller student of Hussla Sect.

So you are Miss Cho, sorry I cant fly as good as you.

We are straight, yo. I am busy so I will thank you at your apartment later Fashizzle, bye.

Walk carefully.


Theres a nice walk, back to sleep.

Great, theres only one NPC. He better be important.

Moon woke Jeez up again.

Bro, master voice us to cluster at great hall.

Alright, I am coming.

The bird done getting its tan, so it flies back to earth. The cloud is reverse vertical.

Im sure you all know there is an event on top of Mount Hua at the end of the month.

I know master; its the Teenager Hero Tournament.

I thought about it for half a day and I decided to let Thorn to participate. Little Thorn, you shall immediately depart for Mountain Hua as the representative of Lazy Valley to participate in the Teenager Hero Tournament.

Dont worry, master. I wont let Lazy Valley down.
Great, now back to the hundred year old plot.

Not only does he have amazing Kung Fu, this person has a hobby for calligraphy. During these times, he travels the lands, written down all he sees, to finally complete this fourteen chapter masterpiece.

After a long battle of taking and stealing, dawn and dusk of killings, these fourteen books have gone missing. All that left is a couplet the young man left to everyone regarding these books.

Shooting a white deer, snow flutters around the skies;
Smiling, [one] writes about the divine chivalrous one, leaning against bluish lovebirds (or lover)
Note: It was discovered that the first characters of the first 14 titles can be joined together to form a couplet with 7 characters on each line. Jin Yong stated that he has never intended to have the couplet and its just to serves primarily as a handy mnemonic for his fans.
JosephWongKSs note: The 14 novels of Jin Yong represented in the couple are as follows:
飞 represents飞狐外传 (Legends of Flying Fox Published in 1960)
雪 represents 雪山飞狐 (Flying Fox on Snowy Mountain Published in 1959)
连 represents连城诀(A Deadly Secret - Published in 1963)
天 represents 天龙八部(Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils Published in 1963)
射represents射雕英雄传(Legend of the Condor Heroes Published in 1957年)
白 represents 白马啸西风(Swordswoman Riding West on a White Horse Published in 1961)
鹿 represents 鹿鼎记 (Duke of Mount Deer Published in 1969, and was Jin Yongs last novel)
笑 represents 笑傲江湖 (Laughing Proud Wanderer - Published in 1967)
书represents 书剑恩仇录 (The Book and the Sword Published in 1955, and was Jing Yongs first novel)
神represents神雕侠侣 (Return of the Condor Heroes Published in 1959, and is the sequel to Legend of the Condor Heroes)
侠represents侠客行 (Ode to Gallantry - Published in 1965)
倚 represents倚天屠龙记 (Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber Published in 1961, and was the sequel to Return of the Condor Heroes)
碧 represents碧血剑(Sword of Blood and Valour Published in 1956)
鸳 represents 鸳鸯刀(Blade-Dance of the Two Lovers Published in 1961)

Ah. Dammit, what is it now?

Third school brother, second school brother has returned, and hes with master at the great hall now, lets go.


The bird needs more tanning, so it flies to the sun again.

Not bad, not bad, my time is not wasted on you.



You two are just in time, remember to learn more from little Thorn, understand? He won us one for Carefree Valley at the Teenager Hero Tournament.

Congratulation, second school brother.


(Sigh! It could have been me getting congratulated)
Sigh, back to sleep.

But not everyone can participate, and only someone with great fame can be invited.

This is the reason I know the place he departed and the place of your arrival.

Oh jeez, what is it now!?

Haha! Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

Morning master, you are early today!

Yeah! I am so high since Thorn won the Teenager Hero Tournament just like a True Lazy Mountaineer student.

So who were the participants?

Just the same old self-important orthodox folks like Vacant Truth of Shaolin Temple, High Win of Kunlun, Lady Cho of Mount Hua

(Shes also there!?)

Swordsman Just of Wudang, Simon West of Absolute Saber, and Swordsmith Valley Manors Any north. Speaking of that joke of a man, Swordsman Just, one of my Great Hawk Angry Wing teachnique easily blown him away, hahaha!

Little Thorn. A man needs to be well-worn, and dont bully people too much.


Alright, its New Year, so dont just talk about Kung Fu, let me play a tune for everyone to enjoy.

Amazing play, master!

Its like I can only heard this from heaven!

(This kid is bootlicking too much!)

Hurr hurr hurr this is this years pocket money, if you do more good, then I wont be stingy either.
Obtain 3150 Silvers

Sigh, its already spring, its time to nap.

Note: Just an item you can find to exchange for tips on where an event on the world map is, so I will skip these.

Note: If you havent figure it out by now, that person is the author Jin Yong.

Mother of Christ, stop waking me up every 100 hours or so!


You are in time. Come hail Painter Qing and Scholar.

Hail, nice to meet you again. I heard Jiangnans beauty you two speak, there is fun ?

Of course there is, want to come?

Master, can I go?
Jeez decided that getting out of Lazy Valley to sleep somewhere is the only way to stop getting distracted.

Alright, since you seem to be working lazy hard lately, you can go with them. Dont play too much and cause problems, you heard?

Yes, master.

The bird flies back to earth since the sun is fully vacated by fried chickens.
Music: The Anthem

Awww yeahhh. Hangzhou! Look at all these lazy un-resized beauties! Marvelous!

Awww yeahhh. Hangzhou! Look at all these 3D beauties! Marvelous!

Wahh so hungry want meat bun wah I miss the smell of my buns.

Jeez is too lazy to give a damn.

I want to buy color textile for wife, but I dont like color!

Hey kid, you look smart, so text with me?

Why I want?

Ill give you my precious if you guess my text, kid!

1) Alright, I try.

How to pronounce [Dictionary]?

1) kandopngrnpkmcv0ngiankv.

Wonderful! You know words! Here my precious, take care.

Hmmmmm, Hey kid, Hmmmmmm, want to get lucky? Hmmmmmm?!!!

1) Sure, I have bad luck lately.

Hmmm, HMMMMMMMM, your luck is good. HMMMMMM!!!!
Your luck increased, too lazy to check how much.

Your future HMMMMMM will depends HMMMMMM on YOU! HMMMM!!!!

Walking pass the local brothel, Jeez got shoved into getting a life.

Welcome, Welcome, inside you come, we look the best with best service!

Ah? No no, I

Dont be shy! Get some mojo!

Yeah! Healthy men must visit this place, Hehehehehehehehehehehe!

Whos the best girl here!

That would be our Little Fragrance. But you have to pass tests to meet her.

Cool! Jeez boy, go give it a bang.


He will be happy you are not wuss anymore! Go display your glory.


Please come inside. Second floor with a room; there will be a guide, hohoho

Sleep or sleep with woman. Tough choice.

Hurry and dont pull out until you see her!


(Well, we never passed the test last time, but at least we retained all of our knowledge so at least this would be a cake walk.)

(I rather see more of the dream of Little Shrimp, even though its a bit weird.)

(So do I, but getting a little workout wont be too bad)

Follow my behind.

Take test, ace test.

Now lets see what this is all about.

(Oh she smells good!)

My name is Little Fragrance; may I inquire as to your name?

Oh god, shes so real.

Her beauty is out of this world!
finally the universe has righted the wrong!



Ah! I am Jeez.

So you are mister Jeez. I am a lowly woman, so thank for the trouble of meeting me.

Its nothing.

I learn to play guitar, chess, writing stuff, and paint at baby age, so I wish to find someone with this hobby too. Today must be STRONG luck.

Its nothing.

This must be fate, so I will play groovy song as my gift.

I shall listen.

Sorry if I suck.
Music: A New Dynasty

So so beautiful like I am dead and heard goddess rapping.

Thank you, sir.

Lady Fragrance .*Super secret whisper*

mister Jeez, Im afraid that I have to ask you to leave.


I need to meet someone more important, so I cant play with you any longer.

Can me meet again?

If you really have to, then come to tower thing at the lake at noon tomorrow.

Yes, yes, I am coming!

I will wait you there. Autumn Moon.

Yes, milady?

Send him out.

Please come with me sir.

See see you tomorrow at lake

Must rush to sleep so tomorrow come sooner!


Huhuhu, you her face met was I heard.


What you two do?


Haha, your face is red, so she must be hot Jezz!

Yes. Hehe.

Cool! Next time I show you more miss pageant around the world

Mister Scholar is still horny and passionate as ever! However, Master Flawless would piss at you for dirtying his student.

Ah, true. Hahaha

Then let us tour through the rest of the city!

No. We are going to bed.

Where is the local motel! This city is like a maze!

Oh yeah, Rater Ye would know. He knows everything.

Rater Ye! Rater Ye! Where is the local motel!

Lets see, your current kung fu ranking is Rank 301.
I didnt ask for that!

In the end, Jeez found it all the way at the end side of the city blocked by a bunch of stands. Now no one would in the way of his sleep

Crap. Forgot about these guys.

Hohoho, look at this brilliant little hairpin!

Indeed, such exquisite quality

(Eh? These four grown men playing on a golden hairpin? So suspicious ) Hey! What so special to have four grown men playing a women hairpin!

Wh-what so strange about it! I cant be happy about it?

Not that you cant, but you all would looks like a bunch of perverts or

Or or what?

Four thieves!

You rotten kid! How dare you to offend us by calling us petit thief!? Do you know who we are? Inform him!

Listen well, young one! We are heavenly breaking Sky Thunder, the Heavenly Gentleman! Knocker of five ladies, yearner of six relations, Sun and Moon Sir Spearman Long! Shapeless hand, vanishing leg, the fastest boxer in the realm, Race Boxer! And arrives without shadow, leave without a trace, fast as sound, Speedy! We are the Four Gentlemen of the Five Virtues!

I am Lazy Valley, Jeez.

Ah? My fellow compatriot, this young pup is looking down on us! I suggest we give him a proper education.

Without noticing, Jeez was knocked out cold.

Alright, checking the mirror shows my fictional morality to be 100. Some characters only join you if your alignment is compatible to theirs.

Searching the cabinet get the important item that old man talk about, it seems to be a compass that show the coordinate of me and the closing boat. Human (388, 325), Boat (109, 100).
From now on the world is all open up for us to pursuit.

Ah! my head hurts!!

Boy, dont act tough and play hero, making someone to bring you here for healing is troublesome.

[Sigh] I lack skill, damn!!

Going back to the motel and it seems those four are gone. That means

Its noon, its time to sleep.

Gentlemanly Advice of the Day

Delicately play with your golden pin!