Part 31: Chapter Thirty-One: Need For Needling
Veyrall posted:
At Last! My plan is bearing it's fruit after long years of labor! With this final, quiet humiliation, the Eight Trigrams Sect will fall to in-fighting and destroy themselves, allowing ME to harvest the fruits of their secret labor!
Soon, the world shall weep and bow at my feet while I crush the last remnants of resistance with a slow, cruel hand!
And it all relies on me simply saving this one pathetic showman!
Anyway, the main reason I don't want to save him is because I will be translating herbs and and pressure points in poetic description. But, I will just skim through those stuff since no one really care about it and I don't want to spend 3 hours researching medical terminology as I mentioned several time.
Note: Has anyone noticed why I named him Chi yet?
Part Thirty-One: Need For Needling
Music: Gambling House

Jesus now has a goal, the goal being to save the life of old man Chi, but we will need help from god.

He wont intervene in this matter, but he will teach Jesus, and make him the greatest healer. Prophet Goon, Nyaa

Mister god, are you researching acupuncture?

Thats right, come here and learn some.


Meridians are the channels for vital blood and chi energy while acupuncture points are the maintenance ducts. Any blockages in the flow of chi and blood will lead to sickness, and the goal of acupuncture is to release the blocked passages and free the flow of chi and blood to remedy such sickness.
Each acupuncture point of the human body corresponds to a certain body part, and stimulating the appropriate point will relieve the pain on the corresponding body part.
The irony of poking needles to relieve pain.

For example,
-Stimulating the Shoulder Well Point will relieve shoulder pain and hand numbness.
-Stimulating the Center Stomach Point will relieve coughing, chest pain and tightness, and nerve pain on the side of the chest.
-Stimulating the Big Yellow Point will cure diarrhea and stomach growling.
-Stimulating the Middle Belly Point will relieve stomach arch.
-Stimulating the Curve Swamp Point will cure uncontrollable hand shake and finger joint pain.
-Stimulating the Mark Chamber Point will cure sneezes.

(...Master Flawless could use the last one.)

Do you understand what I said?


Very well, I will need to rest; you go ahead and do whatever you do.

Yes sir.
Your medical skill increased, it is now 42.


Mister God.

Oh you have arrived; I have something I need you to do.

What do you need?

This patient needs acupuncture at the Center Stomach Point.

Your medical skill increased, it is now 44.

Hmm, good good. Now this patient requires acupuncture at Jade Chamber Point.
What!? You didnt teach Jesus that yet!

Oh well. *Poke*
Your medical skill increased, it is now 46.

Hmm, good good. Now this patient requires acupuncture at Middle Belly Point.

I hope he didnt mean center stomach point. *Poke*
Your medical skill increased, it is now 48.

Phew~~finally done. Your performance today is excellent. I need some rest, so you can leave.

This is getting fun for some reason.

Mister God.

Ah, you have come. No patients today, so I will use this opportunity to teach you about herbs so you wont mess up when you make medicine in the future.

Instead of explaining about the herbs, I will just state that God has a very handsome face and you either agree with me or go to hell.

Alright, thats about it for today, you can leave.

Thanks for the lecture.
Your medical skill increased, it is now 55.


Oh you have arrived; I have something I need you to do.

What do you need?

This patient needs to acupuncture at Curve Swarm Point.

Curve Swarm Point coming up! *Poke*
Your medical skill increased, it is now 57.

Hmm, good good. Now this patient requires acupuncture at Big Bag Point.

Guess I will poke somewhere that looks like a big bag. *Poke*
Your medical skill increased, it is now 59.

Hmm, good good.

Its good that Master Flawless gave Jesus the chart of acupuncture points. *Poke*
Your medical skill increased, it is now 61.

Phew~~finally done. Your performance today is excellent. I need some rest, so you can leave.

Just a bit more!

Eh!! Mister God is out, how unfortunate oh, hello mister Flower.

Oh is you. Where is mister God?

Ah, he was out. Do you need something from him?

I been having diarrhea lately, and the belly is making these gu-gu noise, so I am hoping for him to have a look at it.

In that case if you dont mind, I did learn a few things about acupuncture from mister God, so please let me have a try!

Hurr hurr hurr, then please do.

Little needle vs thick layers of meat. *poke*

Ah, is working, is working, I I need to use the toilet!

.wow! You already back! That was quick!

Where wheres the toilet?

Ah?...over .there.


The bird watches the toilet being bombed from a very far away distance.

Ah~~~much better. Thank, kid!

You welcome.
Your medical skill increased, it is now 66.

Year Two Early October

Little Moon, Thorny, and Jesus Boy, you three listen up. Today is Honorable Kungs fiftieth birthday, you three will deliver this present to him for me.

Yes, master.

The bird follows the trio on their way to Luoyang.

Wow, its been a while since Ive been able to leave the valley to have fun. Today Im gonna party like crazy, isnt it right, second brother.

You better be more careful, we are there on duty, not to play around. Dont cause any embarrassment to the valleys name.

Yea, yea, second brother.

Bro, your second schoolbrother is right, you shouldnt play too much. Dont forget we are there to deliver the gift the Eagle shaped golden crown you are carrying, do not lose it.

Ouch, sorry! I didnt hit you too hard didnt I?

No problem!

Bro, maybe schooluncle is here also. Want him to add some spice to your drink?

I hope not!

Enough chatter, lets go to Kung's mansion. Third brother, take out the gift.

Eh! Where is it? Why is it gone?

How can it be gone? Search harder.

Its really is gone bro! What shall we do!?

Look at you, I told you to keep it carefully, and now is gone. You sure are unreliable.

Let it go, Thorn. I suspect the lady with black outfit might be the culprit.

Yeah, she did hit on me

Theres still time before Kungs party begins, about one time unit, so we should split up and look for it. We will meet at the Kungs entrance at noon time.

And the schoolbrothers ninja jumped to search through the roof.

Wow, amazing, they actually flew. Alright, I must find the Eagle Shaped Golden Crown before noon time. Maybe I should ask people about the lady.

We are back in Luoyang for Mission one! Everything still the same as before, the guards still complaining about their unheroic post along with other things.