Part 39: Chapter Forty: Let It Bee Normal
What a fun vote we had, someone translated those pinyin into mumbo jumbo and interpreted them as whatever words thatAnyway, Vote #5 bee wins.
Part Forty: Let It Bee Normal
Music: Young Hero
Not sure where this music in the game is from, but now is a good time for it and if you don't know what Psychedelic mean, this is it.

Congratulation, you obtained the Dictionary of Martial Arts.

One of the prizes from the Young Hero Tournament, you can equip this to increase your kung fu knowledge.
The prizes were:
1) Secret Manuscript of Sun and Moon (Chi blast type Kung Fu)
2) Golden Silkworm Armor (Strongest armor in the game)
3) Universe Crushing Saber (Mid-range base attack power, but deals poison damage with each attack)
4) Equal-to-Heaven Staff (Strongest staff in terms of base attack power)
6) Ten-Full Replenishing Pills x 5 (Besting healing item in the game)

Congratulations for becoming the champion of this years Young Hero Tournament, I will add your name to our records so people in the future can sing your praises.
Now, you may return to your home and we hope you will do a lot of good deeds in the future to become a good role model for everyone.

Using his wits and strength, Jesus has emerged as the champion of the Young Hero Tournament.

Ye buddy! Why are you here?

Why wont I be here? Who else would record your gallant victory into my book?

You mean you will add me into the Wulin Compendium?

Just as you said.

I was just lucky.

No need to be so humble, you cant become the champion with just luck alone.


I have high hopes for you, keep up the good work.

Of course, thanks for your support.

Now I need to leave, good bye.


Big bro.

How is it? Did you win?
Yea, I did not fail your expectations and finally became the champion of the young hero tournament.

Hahaha, my wonderful student.

Hmph! Nothing to brag about.
Your relationship with Master Flawless increased
Your relationship with Bramble Thorn decreased

Now we equip the book on Jesus and see it add 30 points to our Kung Fu Knowledge (the only item in the game with such an effect) and increase the cap on our maximum Kung Fu knowledge from 100 to 130.
Kung Fu Knowledge increases damage and defence, so its good to have more.
Note: I will try to explain the damage formula if you want, but it will take a whole update, so lets just say that Jesus can now deal about 220 damage.

Events will be unlocked or closed after certain dates, and we should now have unlocked new events.


Lady Ruta, are you gathering herbs again?

Yeah, I just gathered all of it and was about to go home . Oh yeah! I have a new formula that costs 1000 Silvers, do you want to try it?

1) Yes, I will try one.
2) Maybe not.
Oh yes, this will save me from wasting turn practicing and training for my professional
Note: I wont reload if this fails.
Lose 1000 silvers

How do you feel? My whole bodys muscles feels so alive! Its like a warm heat moving all over the place, filling me with power!

Hehe, my medicine is not bad isnt it?

Amazing, please find me if you have more in the future.

No problem! Oh, it is late, I better go home, see you next time.

See ya!
Your flexibility increased
Your hardness increased
Your speed increased
Your energy restored
Theres five

Year Three Early January

Haha! Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

Morning master, you are early today!

Yeah! I am so happy today since Jesus boy won the Young Hero Tournament, just like a true student of Carefree Sect.

Congratulation, bro! To be able to get number one in The tournament is no easy feat since every participant is the elite of the elite!


So did you learn a lot in this event?

Oh yes! I never knew there was some many kind of sects and I also met a lot of people, so its an amazing trip for me!

Who were the participants?

Like Vacant Truth of Shaolin Temple, High Win of Kunlun, Lady Cho of Mount Hua

(Shes also there!?)
You should have go with Jesus, bro. You would have been a great wingman and you could have been shacking up with her this very moment.

Swordsman Just of Wudang, Simon

Looks likes all the top notch characters were there, your number one ranking was truly earned.

You are too courteous, bro.

(Hmph! Dont get cocky! If I participate, I can also get number one!)

Jesus Boy, you are the light of Carefree Valley, so let me play a song to celebrate.
Music: Epilogue

Amazing play, master!

I feel so excited!

(What noise is this, so annoying!)

Hurr hurr hurr this is this years pocket money, if you do more good, then I wont be stingy either.
Obtain 13510 Silvers
The amount he gave is based on our relationship with Master Flawless, which is now about 85 I take back what I said about developer trying to make us poor.

Translators note: The amount he gives at each New Year is based on: (a) our relationship with him; (b) our fame; (c) our morals; (d) our skill in music, chess, painting and calligraphy.

With our newly gained money, the next obvious thing to do is to spend it on body enchantment drugs.


Lady Ruta, are you gathering herbs again?

Yeah, I just gathered all of it and was about to go home .Oh yeah! I have a new formula that costs 1000 Silvers, do you want to try it?

1) Yes, I will try one.
2) Maybe not.
Lose 1000 silvers

How do you feel? My whole bodys muscles feels so alive! Its like a warm heat moving all over the place, filling me with power!
Well, you guys got lucky again.

Hehe, my medicine is not bad, is it?

Amazing, please find me if you have more in the future.

No problem! Oh, its late, I better go home, see you next time.

See ya!
Your chi power increased
Your energy restored

Since master is in such a splendid mood, I better pay him a visit!


Eh, what is it?

Nothing, just coming to greet you.

Hm. Working hard?

As you instructed, I have been working very hard every single day.

Good, then you wont mind I check to see how well you are?

Which topic are you testing?
At this point, master will randomly choose from painting, calligraphy, chess, music, or

Today I will test your kung fu.

Mas-Master!? His serious mode looks so dignified and deadly the fifth strongest kind of deadly

Holy Jesus!

Potential OMG We Gonna Die Avatar of the Day

Are you ready, boy?