Part 69: Chapter Sixty-Eight: Monkeys Feeling
Since they are so many visits that need to be done, I will just pack all these into a filler chapter.---------------------------------------------------------------
Part Sixty-Eight: Monkeys Feeling

Wukong is sick again. *poke*

Ji ji ji ji!
Translation: (Happy Noise).

Looks like I did it right. Wukong looks much happier, and since he is happy, I am happy as well.
Your mood improved.
Jesus still cant pinpoint the cause of his daily anxiety, depression, fatigue, irritability, shakiness, mood swings, and possibly nightmares.

Going to the store for some relaxation herbs has become a weekly chore.

After buying/selling something from the store, a surprise visit from Rater Ye.

Yes? What is it Mr.Ye?

Im here to inform you of the new title people in Jiangwu have been calling you by. I have also recorded this title into your section of my book.

Really, what new title did they give me?

Due to your excellence eyes for identifying things, your buddies in Jiangwu gave you the title of Fiery-Eyes Golden-Gaze

Really? Wow, terrific!

I expect more out of you in the future, please continue to work harder.

Naturally, thanks for coming.

Hope you dont mind, but I have business to take care of.

Oh no, no. Please let me show you the exit.
Your reputation increased, it is now 297.

Now back to finding a way to help Wukong, hopefully Music Deity can teach Jesus some lullaby to ward off nightmares and we'll only have to learn about brain poking from Medicine God as a last resort.

Lady Music.

Jesus, you are here. Come listen to these four trifles.
This is the Tune of Sour
This is the Tune of Sweet
This is the Tune of Bitter
This is the Tune of Spicy

Did you memorize the songs?

1) Yes
2) Please play it again.

Then tell me which song this is. *Play Random Song*

1) This is the Tune of Sour
2) This is the Tune of Sweet
3) This is the Tune of Bitter
4) This is the Tune of Spicy
Now tunes #1, #3, and #4 sounded almost exactly the same along with #2 serving as distractions.

Hmm, you are getting better at grasping the rhythm, and you seem to be very calm today, which is best for learning this tune of Cherry Snow Blossom.

Awesome! Jesus learned a healing

Thank you, Lady Music.

Dont forget to practice at home.

Understood .
Your music skill increased, it is now 83

Maybe just one more song before we visit Wukong again.

Lady Music.

Jesus, you are here. Come listen to these four trifles.
This is the Tune of Dishearten
This is the Tune of Overjoy
This is the Tune of Separation
This is the Tune of Unity

Did you memorize the songs?

1) Yes
2) Please play it again.

Then tell me which song this is. *Play Random Song*

1) Tune of Dishearten
2) Tune of Overjoy
3) Tune of Separation
4) Tune of Unity
Now tunes #1 and #3 sounded almost exactly the same along with #2 and #4 serving as distractions while them being the same themselves.

Hmm, you are getting better at grasping the rhythm, and you seem to be very calm today, which is best for learning this tune of Bodhi Heart Cleanse.

It cant remove poison completely, but I heard it can shave off many poison points, so we will see.

Thank you, Lady Music.

Dont forget to practice at home.

Understood .
Your music skill increased, it is now 85

Now to play this music to Wukong.

I am here Wukong, how are you doing?

Gi Cha Gi Fu Dula Dula
Translation : I am not happy.

3) Chat
Why is Wukong not happy?

Gi gi! Gi gi huurr!
Translation : You are enemy!

1) Gicha gichacchagi gigicha (I like enemy)
2) Gigi Kuagi (You are stupid)
3) Gicha hehecha (I am friend)
4) Gigi gigicha (You are enemy)
Why would Wukong hate Jesus!? What did he do wrong!? For now lets convince Wukong that we are his friend.

Ji ji ji ji!
Translation: (Happy/High Noise).

Looks like I did it right. Wukong looks much happier, and since he is happy, I am happy as well.
Your mood improved.
We manage to convince Wukong, but we still have no idea why he is unhappy and what causes his illness.

The closest thing that can explain a monkey's psychology is the Journey to the West, so lets continue reading this book.

Hoping that a promotion and a rank amongst the gods would make him more manageable, the Jade Emperor invited Sun Wukong to Heaven, where the monkey believed he would receive an honorable place as one of the gods. Instead, he was made the Protector of the Horses to watch over the stables, which was the lowest job in heaven. When he discovered this, Sun Wukong rebelled and proclaimed himself the "Great Sage, Equal of Heaven",

and allied with some of the most powerful demons on earth.
Then he got revenge by setting the Cloud Horses free. The Heavens' initial attempt at subduing the Monkey King was unsuccessful, and they were forced to recognize his title; however, they tried again to put him off as the guardian of Heavenly Garden. When he found that he was excluded from a royal banquet that included every other important god and goddess, Sun Wukong's indignation again turned to open defiance.

After stealing Xi Wangmu's "peaches of immortality", Lao Tzu's "pills of longevity", and the Jade Emperor's royal wine, he escaped back to his kingdom in preparation for his rebellion.

Sun Wukong later single-handedly defeated the Army of Heaven's 100,000 celestial warriors - each fight an equivalent of a cosmic embodiment, including all 28 constellations, four heavenly kings, and Nezha, the son of Li Jiang Jun who proved himself worthy - and proved himself equal to the best of Heaven's generals, Erlang Shen.

Eventually, through the teamwork of Taoist and Buddhist forces, including the efforts from some of the greatest deities, Sun Wukong was captured. After several failed attempts at execution, Sun Wukong was locked into Lao Tzus eight-way trigram cauldron to be distilled into an elixir by the most sacred and the most severe samadhi fires.
After 49 days, the cauldron was opened and Sun Wukong jumped out, stronger than ever. He now had the ability to recognize evil in any form through "fiery-eyes golden-gaze", an eye condition that also gave him a weakness to smoke and proceeds to decimate Heaven's remaining forces.

With all of their options exhausted, the Jade Emperor and the authorities of Heaven appealed to the Buddha, who arrived from his temple in the West. The Buddha made a bet with Sun Wukong that he (Sun Wukong) could not escape from his (Buddha's) palm. Sun Wukong, knowing that he could cover 108,000 li in one leap, smugly agreed.
He took a great leap and then flew to the end of the world in seconds. Nothing was visible except for five pillars, and Wukong surmised that he had reached the ends of Heaven. To prove his trail, he marked the pillars with a phrase declaring himself "the great sage equal to heaven" (and in other versions, urinated on the pillar he signed on). Afterward, he leaped back and landed in the Buddha's palm. There, he was surprised to find that the five "pillars" he had found were in fact the five fingers of the Buddha's hand.
When Wukong tried to escape, the Buddha turned his hand into a mountain. Before Wukong could shrug it off, the Buddha sealed him there using a paper talisman on which was written the mantra Om Mani Padme Hum in gold letters, wherein Sun Wukong remained imprisoned for five centuries.
Your mastery of Journey to the West increased, it is now 15

Wow, sealed in a mountain for five centuries. Five centuries of no food, water, or alcohol. Jesus cant image what it would be like to not have alcohol for more than a week! Probably the withdrawal would give him crippling depression, tremors, wild mood swin


I am here Wukong, how are you doing?

Chi cha gugi gugi!
Translation: I am hungry!

2) Feed

Ji cha gu ha gu hurr.
Translation: I want alcohol.

3) Alcohol

Here Wukong, take a bottle from my lists, but just one bottle cause too much is bad for you.

Ji ji ji ji!
Translation: (Happy/High Noise).

Looks like I did it right. Wukong looks much happier, and since he is happy, I am happy as well.
Your mood improved.

Back to more addicting music.

Lady Music.

Jesus, you are here. Come listen to these four trifles.
This is the Tune of Plum
This is the Tune of Orchid
This is the Tune of Bamboo
This is the Tune of Chysanthemum

Did you memorize the songs?

1) Yes
2) Please play it again.

Then tell me which song this is. *Play Random Song*

1) Tune of Plum
2) Tune of Orchid
3) Tune of Bamboo
4) Tune of Chysanthemum
Now tunes #1 and #3 sounded almost exactly the same along with #2 and #4 serving as distractions while them being the same themselves.

Well done. We are done for today, please practice more at home.

Understood .
Your music skill increased, it is now 91
No musical power? Looks like the last one need skill 100 and passes the rest of her tunes.

For now, we will just catch up with the painting.


Hello, kid.

I am here to learn from you again.

Good, lets begin.

Jesus solves it in half the time. Oh, that is the guy we rescued from the bandit jail!

Hm, pretty good.

Heh, is all thanks to your teaching.

You are too courteous.

You are going to train again?

Thats right.

Then I wont interrupt you further, see you next time.
Your painting skill increased, it is now 41
You mood improved
Your relationship with Painter Qing improved.

Gahhhhh, another roadblock!

Another day to give Wukong another bottle of alcohol.

Ha! You look really happy today. Eh? Whats this? You are giving this to me?
At this point, every visit to Wukong will either be the same old guessing game or he'll give you a random gift. This time we got

You brew this Monkey Liquor? Sure, I will drink it and it will restore my energy greatly, thanks.
Your energy is fully restored
Your alcohol skill is still maxed.

With the exchange of alcohol, a great friendship is born.