The Let's Play Archive

Legend of Zelda: The Adventure of Link

by seiferguy

Part 17: How I learned to stop worrying and love the Downstab. Part II

Alrighty guys.

Chapter 17: How I learned to stop worrying and love the Downstab. Part II

Remember how we were fighting Thunderbird? This is how it's done.

I'd highly suggest watching the video before continuing on!

Alright. Now that he's gone, let's move on.

I don't recall the background being dark in this place.

An old man holding the Triforce?
Sonny, if you want this Triforce, you gotta get the demons out of your closet!
What? I stopped masturbating years ago!

The old man disappears...

Dark Downstab appears!

This is how you beat Dark Downstab and achieve Victory. Like the last time, watch this video before moving on!


Well, you deserved this Sonny, let me hand over this Tri...

Holy shit! Where did the Triforce go?

The old man is dead! What's worse is the Triforce was stolen!

Sunsoft? I recall that place. There was only one good thing that came out of there...

... Blaster Master.

Downstab journeys till he comes to the land of Blaster Master...

Alright! I'm here, and I want my goddammed Triforce back!

I've been waiting for you...

Let's a go!

It's a him, Mario.

If you want your Triforce back, you'll have to pry it from my cold dead hands.
Ironic, isn't it? I figured it'd come down to this. You'll pay for this, Mario.

It all comes down to this, people!

Next update! Dr. Mario: How I learned to stop worrying and love the Downstab

 Expect the update either tomorrow or Tuesday. God knows how long it'll take and I have school and stuff