Part 3: Claire Farron - Ace Investigator

The Evil Savior
The Sleeping City (Luxerion - Night)

Locations: Luxerion, City of Light
The holy city is home to the Order's great cathedral, the seat of its power. Most of the residents are devoted to Bhunivelze, the god of light, and each day many of the faithful stream into the city from other areas to pay homage to their god.
The city center used to span the area between North Station and Old Town, but the encroachment of the Chaos has split the city. Now the central functions of the city have migrated to the southern part of the city, between South Station and the commercial district.
The fortress to the north of Old Town has been abandoned by the authorities and is now known as the Warren. It is the preserve of outlaws and the heretics who defy the Order.

Legends and History: The Order of Salvation
The Order now governs much of human society from its seat of power in the grand cathedral in Luxerion.
Believe in the coming of the new world, entrust yourself and all you are to God on high this is the teaching that has won over the majority of humanity. It is a message of hope in a world with no future, a balm for those suffering under the burden of overlong lives.
In the past, the Order also led the suppression of "heretics" who did not accept its principles, but that is no longer official policy. This is part of the reason why so many people are perplexed by the one-sided violence being displayed by some heretic groups.

Legends and History: The Children of Etro
The Children of Etro is a religious group pledged to the goddess of death. Its members believe that the only salvation humanity can look forward to is the peace of death.
Etro's followers have turned their back on the teachings of the Order, and expect no salvation from almighty Bhunivelze. They do not hope to be reborn in the new world which Bhunivelze promises. Rather, they hope to be welcomed into Valhalla, the world of the dead.
Many heretics are moderates who keep to themselves, but there are also fanatics who are willing to commit murder in the name of their own brand of salvation.

Legends and History: The Shadow Hunter
This mysterious figure is worshiped by the Etro fanatics who prowl the streets of Luxerion. They view him as a dark hero who will rid them of Bhunivelze's servant by killing the savior and bringing about the future they hope for.
The Order sees the Shadow Hunter as the leader of the heretics, and is trying to learn his whereabouts, but his description varies wildly on who you speak to. Some think of him as a cold-blooded assassin, while others think he is a righteous knight who punishes those who have escaped justice under the law. Then there are others who doubt he is even still alive.

Mythology: Saving Souls
According to the teachings of the Order, when the world finally meets its end, the souls of the faithful will be reborn into a new world.
The people, however, have not lived all these centuries unscathed. Surrounded by death and destruction, some now harbor a heavy darkness in their hearts. These people will not be reborn in the new world; their only fate is to wander forever in the mire of the Chaos. Cut them free of the regrets and griefs that bind them and Lightning will save them for the new world. This is the main task of the savior.
By dealing with these unhappy individuals, the savior will build a relationship with them and lighten their hearts, granting them the right to be reincarnated in the next world. Doing so will help the savior as well, giving Lightning more Eradia and allowing her to grow stronger.