Part 27: Daddy's Got the Blues

Chocobo Returns

People: Sazh Katroy
Sazh is a skilled airship pilot who worked together with Lightning in order to save his only son, Dajh, from a cursed fate. His constant companion is the small chocobo chick that likes to take shelter in his hair.
He succeeded in getting his son back safely, only to be drawn into a time paradox and lose Dajh again. In order to be reunited with his son, he gambled his fortune in a mysterious casino at the end of time. With Chocolina's help, he managed to find Dajh once more.
Five hundred years have passed, and young Dajh has slept them away in a comatose state. Sazh searches desperately for the fragments of Dajh's soul to put in a special coffer he's been told can save his son, but it seems as though his old smile might be lost forever.

The Coffer of Souls
This mysterious box, a gift to Sazh from Lumina, seems infused with the power of Chaos.
Dajh's soul is fragmented and scattered across the world. If Lightning can collect all of the soul fragments and place them in the coffer, it should be possible to return Dajh's soul to his body. Then, perhaps, he will awake from the comatose state he has been in for so long.
Sazh has been searching for the soul fragments throughout Nova Chrysalia, but his failure to find even one has driven him to despair.