Part 4
Before we continue with the story, we're finally at the part where the game really shines.
From here on out, we can begin to customize our mobile suits!
First, let's take a look at upgrading.
Each mobile suit has three areas that we can upgrade eight times. upgrading our durability will increase our HP, upgrading Attack will increase our Melee and Range stats, and upgrading Mobility will increase our speed.
I go ahead and upgrade all our mobile suits to Mod level 9, which is just a fancy way of saying I upgraded the suit nine times. Don't worry about wasting money on upgrading, since you get 75% of whatever you spend on a mobile suits upgrades back when you sell it.
Now let's get to the real meat of customizing, exchanging mobile suits parts.
There are 5 parts on each mobile suit that we can change around, the right and left shoulder, the right and left arm, and the legs. We can also add four optional parts to increase the mobile suits capabilities.
Before we do anything to the GM though, let's take a look at Aeon's Zaku-II.
Those shoulder spikes on the Zaku-II will increase the melee stat of whatever suit it's on. Aeon will never be using her Melee attack, so they're just wasted on her suit. So let's take them off...
While I'm at it, I also put the Gouf spikes on the GM. It's armor and speed took a hit, but it was worth it for the Melee boost.
I throw the spare bit of GM shoulder armor on Fritz' Zaku-I.
Aeon's Zaku-II is now rockin' dual Zaku Shields.
Afterwords, I put on the optional parts I made at the mini-G system onto the mechs. an Acid Guard, Power Device-II, and HP part for Katz, and an Acid Guard, Sensor Plus-II, and HP parts for Fritz and Aeon.
We can also paint our mechs, which I usually like to do. But in order to get the full "Oh god, what have I done to this mobile suit!?" experience, I'm going to leave them unpainted.
We can also name our suits, but since I'm working off a backlog, I won't really bother with it.
Last is Switch MS, which allows us to put our pilots into different mechs. No reason to mess with this now.
A little note about weapons in this game; A Mobile suit can carry a maximum of seven weapons. One melee, One built into the torso (Head Vulcans and the like), two hand held (rifles, bazookas), two attached to the arms (Either built into the arm like the Gouf's finger guns, or attached like the Arm Machine Guns and shields), and one Shoulder mount (Small Cannon).
And here is how everyone is currently set. Next time we go fight pirates.